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[[执子之手 与子偕老]] The best is yet to be, 佳期未至 The last of life, for which the first was made: 结局寓于起始 Our times are in His hand 神掌控我们的时代 Who saith "A whole I planned, 他说——我设定的人生之谜 Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!'' 青春只能回答一半 相信我 不要害怕” Not that, amassing flowers, 缱绻的花 Youth sighed "Which rose make ours, 哀叹着——玫瑰盛开 Which lily leave and then as best recall?" 百合谢幕 繁华终归于回忆 Not that, admiring stars, 艳羡的星 It yearned "Nor Jove, nor Mars; 呐喊着——木星 火星 Mine be some figured flame which blends, transcends them all!" 愿我的光焰如火 让它们黯然! Not for such hopes and fears 此般的奢望或恐惧 Annulling youth's brief years, 并不能消减爱情的信仰 Do I remonstrate: folly wide the mark! 我高呼——你们错了 Rather I prize the doubt 怀疑本身才是毒品 Low kinds exist without, 怀疑是无所不在的风 Finished and finite clods, untroubled by a spark. 怀疑是冰冷的岩土 Poor vaunt of life indeed, 推开天真和想象 Were man but formed to feed 生活迎面而来 On joy, to solely seek and find and feast: 寻觅美是欢愉的 Such feasting ended, then 但欢愉不是一切 As sure an end to men; 人是忧郁的 Irks care the crop-full bird? Frets doubt the maw-crammed beast? 不能像鸟兽般无忧 Rejoice we are allied 我们崇尚享乐 To That which doth provide 只麻醉 And not partake, effect and not receive! 不聆听 只操控不理解的欢乐 A spark disturbs our clod; 所以我们开始质疑 Nearer we hold of God 接着我们信神 Who gives, than of His tribes that take, I must believe. 对我们永久付出的神 我必须信 Then, welcome each rebuff 然后 用微笑 That turns earth's smoothness rough, 回应让世界混沌的冷漠 Each sting that bids nor sit nor stand but go! 每一份痛楚 请远走 Be our joys three-parts pain! 让幸福压过苦难! Strive, and hold cheap the strain; 尽情耕耘 藐视困顿 Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never grudge the throe! 不畏痛楚地聚集知识和勇气 For thence,—a paradox 人生是个悖论 Which comforts while it mocks,— 安慰和讽刺同行 Shall life succeed in that it seems to fail: 塞翁失马 祸福焉知 What I aspired to be, 曾经的心愿 And was not, comforts me: 不能实现也是件好事 A brute I might have been, but would not sink i' the scale. 我本可能是猛兽 但我不会堕落 What is he but a brute 他是兽 Whose flesh has soul to suit, 谁的灵和肉一样凶残? Whose spirit works lest arms and legs want play? 谁的道德捆绑住自己的恶的手脚? To man, propose this test— 把这实验 Thy body at its best, 投放给人 How far can that project thy soul on its lone way? 孤独的时候人将是恶的俘虏 Yet gifts should prove their use: 人理应运用天赋 I own the Past profuse 过去的日子是好的 Of power each side, perfection every turn: 才华簇拥 力臻完美 Eyes, ears took in their dole, 眼耳各司其职 Brain treasured up the whole; 灵魂是它们的主宰 Should not the heart beat once "How good to live and learn?" 心灵应该渴求生与遇 Not once beat "Praise be Thine! 但心灵不应贪求赞许 I see the whole design, 摆在眼前的世界 是神的设计 I, who saw power, see now love perfect too: 是神的力量 爱的完美 Perfect I call Thy plan: 作品般的完美 Thanks that I was a man! 感谢神赐予我人的生命 Maker, remake, complete,—I trust what Thou shalt do!" 创造 重建 完善——都是人的使命 For pleasant is this flesh; 感官可以给予的乐趣 Our soul, in its rose-mesh 并不是玫瑰网里沉睡着的灵魂最爱的 Pulled ever to the earth, still yearns for rest; 灵魂渴望安宁和休息 Would we some prize might hold 也许加上一道助力 To match those manifold 我们就能掌控心灵之恶 Possessions of the brute,—gain most, as we did best! ——我们应该尽力而为 Let us not always say, 别总是说 "Spite of this flesh to-day 虽然今天风华正茂 I strove, made head, gained ground upon the whole!" 却一无所有 As the bird wings and sings, 听听鸟兽的欢鸣 Let us cry "All good things 让我们乐观地 Are ours, nor soul helps flesh more, now, than flesh helps soul!" 关注我们已有的 不要光听取心声 也享受感官的愉悦! Therefore I summon age 这里我要祈祷年华 To grant youth's heritage, 保留一些青春的痕迹 Life's struggle having so far reached its term: 人生已多风雨 Thence shall I pass, approved 我的经历告诉我 A man, for aye removed 就算拥有了最高尚的灵魂 From the developed brute; a god though in the germ 心灵之恶还是会在血液中残留 And I shall thereupon 因此我 Take rest, ere I be gone 在休憩之后 Once more on my adventure brave and new: 重上征程 Fearless and unperplexed, 无畏无惧 When I wage battle next, 和自己打了一仗 What weapons to select, what armour to indue. 自己决定 选什么武器 选什么爱 Youth ended, I shall try 青春落幕之时 My gain or loss thereby; 得失自知 Leave the fire ashes, what survives is gold: 浴火不灭的才是黄金 And I shall weigh the same, 此生的毁誉 Give life its praise or blame: 都是一种获得 Young, all lay in dispute; I shall know, being old. 青春是喧哗的 更成熟才能看清 For note, when evening shuts, 夜幕降临之时 A certain moment cuts 也切断一些时间 The deed off, calls the glory from the grey: 过去的荣耀 在灰暗中升起 A whisper from the west 西边传来的耳语 Shoots—"Add this to the rest, 轻声念出——又是一天 Take it and try its worth: here dies another day." 抓住明天——又一个今天过去了 So, still within this life, 仍在此生 Though lifted o'er its strife, 虽然纠缠于纷扰之中 Let me discern, compare, pronounce at last, 让我一次看清楚 This rage was right i' the main, 愤怒是否正确 That acquiescence vain: 面对着所谓的失败 The Future I may face now I have proved the Past." 认定了过去 才能面对未来 For more is not reserved 想要的还没有来 To man, with soul just nerved 现实使心灵变得敏感 To act to-morrow what he learns to-day: 但明天总会比今天更好 Here, work enough to watch 细心学习 The Master work, and catch 前人的作品 把握好 Hints of the proper craft, tricks of the tool's true play. 对的方法 人生的奥秘 As it was better, youth 年轻人 Should strive, through acts uncouth, 应该奋斗 虽然可能笨拙 Toward making, than repose on aught found made: 创造自己的世界 So, better, age, exempt 所以年华并不能让我们退缩 From strife, should know, than tempt 而是让我们前行 Further. Thou waitedst age: wait death nor be afraid! 虽然终有一死但并不害怕 Enough now, if the Right 如果现在 And Good and Infinite 正义和无限 Be named here, as thou callest thy hand thine own 都摆在眼前 双手也是我们自己所有 With knowledge absolute, 带着无畏的知识 Subject to no dispute 驱散愚昧的争执 From fools that crowded youth, nor let thee feel alone. 驱散青春的迷惘 Be there, for once and all, 这些智慧 Severed great minds from small, 哺育了哲人 Announced to each his station in the Past! 让他们活得非凡 Was I, the world arraigned, 就算全世界与我为敌 Were they, my soul disdained, 就算我和别人不同 Right? Let age speak the truth and give us peace at last! 也让我给世界安详的真相 Now, who shall arbitrate? 谁能给出答案 Ten men love what I hate, 我的观点与世人相悖 Shun what I follow, slight what I receive; 对我的观点嗤之以鼻 Ten, who in ears and eyes 我和世人并没有什么不同 Match me: we all surmise, 但我们都不能确定 They this thing, and I that: whom shall my soul believe? 对于真理只能听从自己的心声 Not on the vulgar mass 并不是芸芸众生 Called "work," must sentence pass, 所说的那种劳作 Things done, that took the eye and had the price; 付出均有其价值 O'er which, from level stand, 甚至超越世俗的评价 The low world laid its hand, 造物自有其准则 Found straightway to its mind, could value in a trice: 在瞬息之间作出判断 But all, the world's coarse thumb 造物之手 And finger failed to plumb, 绣满耕作的纹路 So passed in making up the main account; 穿梭在创作之中 All instincts immature, 天真愚昧 All purposes unsure, 暧昧懦弱 That weighed not as his work, yet swelled the man's amount: 是人性 却不是造物的本意 Thoughts hardly to be packed 与行动相比 Into a narrow act, 情感复杂得难以想象 Fancies that broke through language and escaped; 逃逸出言语之外的幻想 All I could never be, 藏着我的梦 All, men ignored in me, 和我的可能性 This, I was worth to God, whose wheel the pitcher shaped. 这是造物赐予我的天分 Ay, note that Potter's wheel, 造物应被喻为 That metaphor! and feel 温柔的匠人 Why time spins fast, why passive lies our clay,— 时光飞逝 轻狂不再 Thou, to whom fools propound, 而年华流转 When the wine makes its round, 谁都知道 "Since life fleets, all is change; the Past gone, seize to-day!" “年华瞬息万变 活在当下!” Fool! All that is, at all, 但那些都只是纷繁的往事 Lasts ever, past recall; 和绚烂的回忆 Earth changes, but thy soul and God stand sure: 世界变了 但神和灵不变 What entered into thee, 神注入的精神 That was, is, and shall be: 是永恒的 Time's wheel runs back or stops: Potter and clay endure. 任时间变换 He fixed thee mid this dance 神让我们找到自我 Of plastic circumstance, 并给我们信念 This Present, thou, forsooth, wouldst fain arrest: 今天真的能留住快乐 Machinery just meant 外在的力量 To give thy soul its bent, 只是无谓的风雨 Try thee and turn thee forth, sufficiently impressed. 让我们向前 让我们经历 What though the earlier grooves, 虽然过去的回忆 Which ran the laughing loves 编织了绚丽的爱 Around thy base, no longer pause and press? 围绕着你 永不停息 What though, about thy rim, 你的坚韧 Skull-things in order grim 有力的勇气 Grow out, in graver mood, obey the sterner stress? 为何还臣服于世俗压力之下? Look not thou down but up! 不应该崇拜你 To uses of a cup, 创作的神力 The festal board, lamp's flash and trumpet's peal, 神迹,灯光,钟鼓之乐 The new wine's foaming flow, 新酒的泡沫 The Master's lips a-glow! 圣人的微笑 Thou, heaven's consummate cup, what need'st thou with earth's wheel? 你——神的宠儿 不应受命运的约束 But I need, now as then, 但我仍和曾经一样需要你 Thee, God, who mouldest men; ——造物的神 And since, not even while the whirl was worst, 从巨轮旋转开始 Did I,—to the wheel of life 为命运纷繁的声色 With shapes and colours rife, 而晕眩着迷 Bound dizzily,—mistake my end, to slake Thy thirst: ——用我的牺牲 满足你的渴望 So, take and use Thy work: 因此珍视你的劳作 Amend what flaws may lurk, 改正最细小的瑕疵 What strain o' the stuff, what warpings past the aim! 清除迷惑你的障碍 My times be in Thy hand! 我的时代在你的手心 Perfect the cup as planned! 让你的世界更灿烂 Let age approve of youth, and death complete the same! 让岁月铭记青春年华 生死是生命之常<ref>[https://www.douban.com/group/topic/21235589/ 罗伯特 勃朗宁的诗《执子之手 与子偕老》], 豆瓣小组网, 2011-07-22</ref> ===名言名句=== 我们改变不了昨天 -- 此事显而易见, 在明天到来之前,亦不能把它提前, 因此,无论是对你还是对我, 都要把每个今天过得尽可能地甜。 原文:We cannot change Yesterday -- that is quite clear. Or begin on Tomorrow until it is here: So all that remains, both for you and for me, Is to make each Today just as sweet as can be. ——罗伯特·勃朗宁 ==參考來源== {{Reflist}}
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