檢視 南投黄肉楠 的原始碼
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{| class="wikitable" align="right" |- | style="background: #008080" align= center| '''<big>南投黄肉楠</big> ''' |- |[[File:南投黄肉楠1.jpg|缩略图|居中|250px|[https://www.cvh.ac.cn/cvhpic/spm-l/LBG/00072225.jpg 原图链接] [https://www.cvh.ac.cn/spms/detail.php?id=d9a7f10d 来自植物标本馆]]] |- | style="background: #008080" align= center| |- | align= light| 中文名:南投黄肉楠 拉丁学名:Actinodaphne nantoensis (Hayata) Hayata 界:植物界 门:被子植物门(Angiospermae) 纲:双子叶植物纲(Magnoliopsida) 亚 纲:木兰亚纲(Magnoliidae) 目:樟目(Laurales) 科:[[樟科]](Lauraceae) 属:[[黄肉楠属]](Actinodaphne) 种:南投黄肉楠 分布区域:中国[[台湾]] |} '''南投黄肉楠'''(nán tóu huáng ròu nán,拉丁学名:'''Actinodaphne nantoensis''' (Hay.) Hay. ),是[[双子叶植物纲]]、[[樟目]]、[[樟科]]、[[黄肉楠属]]乔木。小枝褐红色,无毛。顶芽圆锥形,芽鳞外面被丝状短柔毛。叶互生,披针形。产于中国[[台湾]]。生于低海拔或中海拔的常绿阔叶林中。 <ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/%C4%CF%CD%B6%BB%C6%C8%E2%E9%AA 南投黄肉楠], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref> ==南投黄肉楠形态特征== 南投黄肉楠墨线图 乔木。小枝褐红色,无毛。顶芽圆锥形,芽鳞外面被丝状短柔毛。 [[File:南投黄肉楠2.jpg|缩略图|left|200px|[https://www.cvh.ac.cn/cvhpic/spm-l/LBG/00078914.jpg 原图链接] [https://www.cvh.ac.cn/spms/detail.php?id=d9b81acd 来自植物标本馆]]] [[File:南投黄肉楠3.jpg|缩略图|left|200px|[http://img1.iplant.cn/imgf/l/1224961 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/%E5%8D%97%E6%8A%95%E9%BB%84%E8%82%89%E6%A5%A0?t=z 来自植物智]]] 叶互生,披针形,长 7.5-13厘米,宽1.5-3厘米,先端渐尖,基部尖锐或阔楔形,革质,上面绿色,无毛,具光泽,下面灰绿色,有短柔毛,羽状脉,中脉、侧脉在上面下陷,下面隆起,侧脉每边约12条,斜展,先端弧曲,网脉在下面明显;叶柄长5-20毫米,无毛。 伞形花序腋生,2-5个花序生于总梗上;总梗长3-20毫米,有短柔毛:苞片5,外面有白色丝状短柔毛,内面无毛;每一伞形花序有花3-4朵;花梗与花被筒均密被黄褐色长柔毛;<ref>[https://www.flowerant.com/edition-view-850-1.html 南投黄肉楠 植物百科 植物药用大学堂] 2018年8月23日 乔木。小枝褐红色,无毛。顶芽圆锥形,芽鳞外面被丝状短柔毛。 </ref> 花被裂片6,卵形或长圆形,长2.5毫米,宽1-1.2毫米,外面基部及中肋密被长柔毛,内面无毛。雄花:能育雄蕊9,花丝基部有长柔毛,第三轮基部的腺体无柄或近于无柄,腺体盾形;退化雌蕊无。<ref> [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Actinodaphne%20acuminata?t=foc 南投黄肉楠 Actinodaphne acuminata] 南投黄肉楠(nán tóu huáng ròu nán)PPBCCVHColDuocetCFHeFlorasEOLTPLIPNIBHLPOWOGBIFiDigBioBingBaiduActinodaphne acuminata (Blume) Meisner...</ref> 雌花:子房卵圆形,花柱细长,柱头2浅裂,均无毛。 果椭圆形;果托杯状。花期2-3月。 <ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/Actinodaphne%20acuminata?t=foc 《中国植物志》 第31卷 (1982) >> 259页 PDF >> 南投黄肉楠 Actinodaphne nantoensis] </ref> ==分类文献== Actinodaphne nantoensis (Hay.) Hay. Icon. Pl. Formos. 3: 165. 1913; 5:172. f. 60-a. 1915; Kanehira, Formos. Trees 415. 1917; rev. ed. 196. f. 143. 1936; H. L. Li, Woody Fl. Taiwan 200. 1963; 刘业经, 台湾木本植物志155. f.37. 1972.——Litsea nantoensis Hay. in Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, 30 (1): 251. 1911.——Actinodaphne morrisonefsis Hay. var. nantoensis (Hay.) Yamamoto in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agr. 4: 52. 1932.——Fiwa nantoensis (Hay.) Nakai in Journ. Jap. Bot. 14: 193. 1938. Iozoste acuminata Blume, Mus. Bot. 1: 364. 1851; Actinodaphne longifolia (Blume) Nakai; A. morrisonensis (Hayata) Hayata var. nantoensis (Hayata) Yamamoto; A. nantoensis (Hayata) Hayata; Fiwa longifolia (Blume) Nakai; F. nantoensis (Hayata) Nakai; Litsea acuminata (Blume) Kurata (1968), not (Teschner) Kostermans (1968); L. dolichocarpa Hayata; L. nantoensis Hayata; Machilus longifolia Blume; Tetradenia dolichocarpa (Hayata) Makino & Nemoto. Trees. Branchlets glabrous. Leaves alternate; petiole 5-20 mm, glabrous; leaf blade lanceolate, 7.5-13 × 1.5-3 cm, pubescent abaxially, glabrous adaxially, pinninerved, lateral veins 12 pairs, reticulate-veined, base acute or broadly cuneate, apex acuminate. Umbels axillary, 3- or 4-flowered; involucral bracts 5, imbricate. Pedicel densely villous. Perianth segments 6, ovate or oblong, ca. 2.5 × 1-1.2 mm. Male flowers: fertile stamens 9; filaments villous at base, of 3rd whorls each with 2 shield-shaped sessile or subsessile glands at base; rudimentary pistil lacking. Female flowers: staminodes 9; ovary ovoid, ovary, style, and stigma glabrous; style slender; stigma 2-lobed. Fruit ellipsoid, seated on cup-shaped perianth tube. Fl. Feb-Mar. Evergreen broad-leaved forests; low to medium elevations. Taiwan [Japan]. Liu (Woody Fl. Taiwan, 155. 1972) recorded this species from the forest of Congaing, Yong’an, Fujian Province, at 700 m, but the specimen has not been seen by the present authors.Liu (Woody Fl. Taiwan, 155. 1972) recorded this species from the forest of Congaing, Yong’an, Fujian Province, at 700 m, but the specimen has not been seen by the present authors. ==南投黄肉楠生长环境== 南投黄肉楠生长于低海拔或中海拔的常绿阔叶林中。 ==南投黄肉楠分布范围== 南投黄肉楠 主要分布于中国[[台湾]]。 [[刘业经]]在《[[台湾木本植物志]]》中提到福建永安仓平海拔700米处林中也产本种,但我们尚未见到标本。 ==南投黄肉楠主要价值== 南投黄肉楠的木材可供建筑及家具等用 。 == 参考来源 == {{reflist}} [[Category:370 植物學總論]]
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