檢視 囊萼黄耆 的原始碼
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{| class="wikitable" align="right" |- | style="background: #008080" align= center| '''<big>囊萼黄耆</big> ''' |- |[[File:囊萼黄耆1.jpg|缩略图|居中|250px|[https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1598189700456&di=13a3f492f76199e89d4a81ad18c741da&imgtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fimgsrc.baidu.com%2Fbaike%2Fpic%2Fitem%2F6a63f6246b600c33126741ee104c510fd9f9a1fe.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.zhiwutong.com/latin/Leguminosae/Astragalus-cysticalyx-Ledeb.htm 来自植物通]]] |- | style="background: #008080" align= center| |- | align= light| 中文学名:囊萼黄耆 拉丁学名:Astragalus cysticalyx Ledeb. 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:双子叶植物纲 目:豆目 科:[[豆科]] 属:[[黄芪属]] 种:囊萼黄耆 |} '''囊萼黄耆'''(学名:'''Astragalus cysticalyx''' Ledeb.)为[[豆科]][[黄芪属]]的植物。分布于[[哈萨克斯坦]]以及中国大陆的[[新疆]]等地,生长于海拔1,300米的地区,见于干旱山坡。 <ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/%C4%D2%DD%E0%BB%C6%EA%C8 囊萼黄耆], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref> ==囊萼黄耆形态特征== 灌木,高达60厘米。老枝灰褐色,幼枝散生白色伏贴毛。 羽状复叶有9-11片小叶,长7-9厘米,无柄或具极短的柄;托叶长圆状披针形,长7-9毫米,渐尖,密被白色伏贴毛和黑色毛;小叶长圆状椭圆形,长13-25毫米,先端渐尖或钝圆,具短尖头,上面无毛或具散生白色伏贴毛,下面毛较密。 总状花序卵圆形,花序轴长4-6厘米,具多数花;总花梗上部腋生,较粗壮,较叶长1.5-2倍;苞片线形,长7-9毫米,被黑、白色开展的长毛; 花萼初期管状,长约12毫米,后膨大成球状卵形,被白、黑色伏贴毛,萼齿线状钻形,长为萼筒的1/2或1/3,被较多开展的黑色毛; 花冠黄色,旗瓣长19-20毫米,瓣片倒卵状长圆形,先端微凹,长为瓣柄的一半,龙骨瓣长15-16毫米,瓣片长圆形,长为瓣柄的1/2;子房被白色绵毛。 荚果长圆形,长约10毫米,密被开展的白毛。花期6-7月,果期7-8月。 <ref> 《中国植物志》 第42(1)卷 (1993) >> 328页 PDF >> 囊萼黄耆 Astragalus cysticalyx</ref> Astragalus cysticalyx Ledeb. Fl. Ross. 1: 643. 1842; Bunge in Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. VII. 15 (1): 234. 1869; Boriss. in Kom. Fl. USSR 12: 834. 1946; A. N. Vass. in Pavl. Φπ. Казахст. 5: 317. 1961; S. B. Ho in Bull. Bot. Res. 3 (4): 57. 1983.——A. physocalyx Kar. et Kir. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 14: 409. 1841. non Fisch. 1837. Astragalus physocalyx Karelin & Kirilov (1841), not Fischer (1837). Plants subshrubby, up to 60 cm tall, vegetative parts sparsely covered with ± medifixed, appressed, white hairs 0.5-1 mm. Stems branched, old parts ligneous; stems of current year 7-17 cm, sparsely hairy. Leaves 6-9 cm, subsessile; stipules 5-9 mm, adnate to petiole for 1-2 mm, sparsely covered with appressed, mostly white hairs; rachis sparsely appressed hairy; leaflets in 4 or 5 pairs, 13-35 × 4-8 mm, covered with scattered hairs abaxially, glabrous adaxially. Racemes ovoid, (3.5-)4-6 × ca. 3.5 cm, densely many flowered; peduncle 8-15(-22) cm, with scattered appressed hairs; bracts 5-9 mm, with spreading black hairs. Calyx at anthesis tubular, ca. 12 mm, later enlarged, spherical-ovoid, 13-14 mm, villous, rather densely covered with ± spreading, basifixed, white hairs 1-1.5 mm and toward teeth increasingly covered with distinctly shorter, ± appressed, subbasifixed to strongly asymmetrically bifurcate, black hairs; teeth 4-5 mm. Petals dingy yellow; standard narrowly obovate, 18-20 × 5-6 mm, apex slightly emarginate; wings 19-20 mm; keel 14-17 mm. Legumes included in persistent calyx, sessile, oblong, ca. 10 mm, densely villous with ± spreading white hairs. ==囊萼黄耆生长环境== 生长于海拔1300米的干旱山坡。<ref>[http://www.zhiwutong.com/latin/Leguminosae/Astragalus-cysticalyx-Ledeb.htm 囊萼黄耆Astragalus cysticalyx Ledeb. _植物通] 种中文名:囊萼黄耆种拉丁名:Astragalus cysticalyx Ledeb.科中文名:豆科科拉丁名:Leguminosae属中文名:黄耆属属拉丁名:Astragalus国内分布:产新疆北部(塔城一带)。 </ref> ==囊萼黄耆分布范围== 分布于[[新疆]]北部([[塔城]]一带)[[哈萨克斯坦]]境内的[[准噶尔]][[阿尔泰]]地区也有分布。 <ref>囊萼黄耆 .中国植物物种信息数据库[引用日期2013-01-19] </ref> ==囊萼黄耆相关的种== 与“囊萼黄耆 Astragalus cysticalyx Ledeb.”相关的种有: [[树黄耆]]Astragalus dendroides Kar. & Kir. [[白枝黄耆]]Astragalus leucocladus Bunge [[富蕴黄耆]]Astragalus majevskianus Krylov [[细果黄耆]]Astragalus tyttocarpus Gontsch. [[中亚黄耆]]Astragalus woldemari Juz. [[黑枝黄耆]](变种)Astragalus woldemari Juz. var. atrotrichocladus S. B. Ho 中亚黄耆(原变种)Astragalus woldemari Juz. var. woldemari == 参考来源 == {{reflist}} [[Category:370 植物學總論]]
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