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{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>''' 夏德宏 '''<br><img src=" http://seee.ustb.edu.cn/attach/file/shiziduiwu/quantijiaoshi/2018-10-24/ed839a2890927d5863b34c37ddd0e5d2.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[http://seee.ustb.edu.cn/shiziduiwu/quantijiaoshi/2018-10-24/111.html 北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院] </small> |} '''夏德宏''',男,北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院教授。 ==人物简历== === 教育经历 === 1979.9~1983.7 北京科技大学(原北京钢铁学院)冶金系 冶金炉专业 工学学士 1983.9~1985.12 北京科技大学(原北京钢铁学院)冶金系 热能工程专业 工学硕士 1990.03~1992.09 作为联合国开发计划署(UNDP)选派的高级访问学者, 在The Catholic University of America从事煤炭清洁利用国际合作研究 === 工作经历 === 2016.04~至今 北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院 教授、副院长 2009.10~2016.04 北京科技大学机械工程学院 教授、副院长 2001.10~2009.10 北京科技大学热能工程系 教授、系副主任 1992.10~2001.10 北京科技大学热能工程系 副教授 1985.12~1992.10 北京科技大学热能工程系 讲师 ==研究方向== 1)工业节能与低碳技术 2)清洁能源开发与能源高效利用 3)[[非线性热科学理论]]与应用 4)废弃物全资源化利用 5)污染物形成机制与控制 ==社会兼职== [[北京热物理与能源工程学会]]常务理事。 国家水煤浆工程技术中心工业炉窑燃烧技术中心主任 ==科研项目== [1] 2017~2020,小颗粒页岩干馏技术研发(企业合作) [2] 2017~2019,蓄热式轧钢加热炉能效数据的测试与收集(中国标准化研究院) [3] 2015~2018,节能环保型轻烧氧化镁新技术研发(企业合作) [4] 2015~2018:立式石墨化炉配套余热回收系统设计(企业合作) [5] 2015~2018,褐煤全循环提质技术研究与关键设备开发(企业合作) [6] 2014~2017,直接还原中的焙烧与还原热工工艺设计、仿真与优化研究(中国钢研) [7] 2014~2017,中国油页岩全资源循环利用开发研究(企业合作) [8] 2014~2017,基于贫氧燃烧和高温热回收技术节能工业炉的开发(企业合作) [9] 2014~2017,油页岩干馏炉及其配套干馏工艺系统设计、软件包的开发(企业合作) ==获奖情况== [1] 2018年,获国务院政府特殊津贴 [2] 1993年,“工业炉窑水煤浆燃烧成套技术”获国家科学技术进步三等奖 [3] 2016年,获评北京市高等学校教学名师 [4] 2014年,获评宝钢优秀教师奖 [5] 2004年,“烧结机水煤浆点火新技术”获得中国冶金矿山科学技术奖 [6] 2002年,“烧结机用乳化及再辐射聚焦点火技术”获北京市科学技术三等奖 ==学术成果== === 论文 === [1] Jiang B, Xia D*, Yu B, Xiong R, Ao W, Zhang P, Cong L, An environment-friendly process for limestone calcination with CO2 looping and recovery. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 240: 188147. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 7.051) [2] Jiang B, Xia D*, Guo H, Xiao L, Qu H, Liu X, Efficient waste heat recovery system for high-temperature solid particles based on heat transfer enhancement. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 155: 166-174. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 4.022) [3] Jiang B, Xie Y, Xia D*, Liu X, A potential source for PM2.5: Analysis of fine particle generation mechanism in Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization System by modeling drying and breakage of slurry droplet. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 246: 249-256. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 6.152) [4] Jiang B, Xia D*, Zhai F, Zhang R, Liu X, Theoretical heat conduction equation based on micro particle vibration fundamental. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 140: 521-529. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 3.623) [5] Jiang B, Xie Y, Xia D*, Liu X, Effect of the molecular structure of volatile organic compounds on atmospheric nucleation: A modeling study based on gas kinetic theory and graph theory, Atmospheric Environment, 2019, 213: 215-222. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 4.459) [6] Yan S, Xia D*, Zhang X, Jiang B, A complete depolymerization of scrap tire with supercritical water participation: A molecular dynamic simulation study. Waste Management, 2019, 93:83-90. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 5.993) [7] Jiang B, Xia D*, Zhang X. A multicomponent kinetic model established for investigation on atmospheric new particle formation mechanism in H2SO4-HNO3-NH3-VOC system. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, (616-617): 1414-1422. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 5.727) [8] Wen Y, Xia D*. Particle size prediction of magnesium nanoparticle produced by inert gas condensation method. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2018, 20(1):4. [9] Jiang B, Wen Y, Li Z, Xia D*, Liu X.Theoretical Analysis on the Removal of Cyclic Volatile Organic Compounds by Non-Thermal Plasma. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2018, 229(2):35. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.774) [10] Jiang B, Xia D*. Role identification of NH3 in atmospheric secondary new particle formation in haze occurrence of China, Atmospheric Environment, 2017, (163): 107-117. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 4.459) [11] Wen Y, Xia D*, Xuan W. Modeling for particle size prediction and mechanism of silicon nitride nanoparticle synthesis by chemical vapor deposition. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2017, 51(7): 845-855. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.960) [12] Wen Y, Xia D*. Particle size prediction of magnesium nanoparticle produced by inert gas condensation method. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2018, 20:4. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 2.009) [13] Xia D*, Jiang B, Xie Y. Modeling and analysis of PM 2.5, generation for key factors identification in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 134:208-216. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 4.459) [14] Xia D*, Li Z, Xie Y, Zhang X. Kinetic Simulations of Volatile Organic Compounds Decomposition by Non-thermal Plasma Treatment. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2016, 227:463. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.774) [15] Xia D*, Zhang Q, Wu H, Xuan W. New Process of High-Quality Syngas Production through Sequential Oxidation−Reduction Cycles of Pulverized Coals. Energy & Fuel, 2016, 30, 864-870. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 2.983) [16] Wen Y, Xia D*. Influence of thermal process on particle size distribution of ultrafine magnesium powder prepared by inert gas condensation method. Powder Technology, 2015, 286:16-21. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 3.476) [17] Xia D*, Wen Y, Ren L, Hu X. Mechanisms of thermal process of zinc ultrafine powder preparation by inert gas condensation. Powder Technology, 2014, 257(5):175-180. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 3.476) [18] Xia D*, Wu H, Lei X. A sequential cycle of coal gas production with high heating value consisting of reduction and oxidation reactions. Fuel, 2014, 133(1):123-128. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 5.223) [19] Xia D*, Shen, L., Ren, L., Guo, S. A binary array method for calculating thermal conductivity of porous materials. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 117 (2):825-829. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.981) [20] Zhu F., Zhou Y., Feng Q., Xia D*. Moisture diffusivity in structure of random fractal fiber bed. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 2013, 377 (37):2324-2328. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.910) [21] Xia D*, Zhang G,Guo L. Numerical Simulation and Innovation on Magnesium Reduction Process, Journal of Thermal Science, 2006(3): 15. (SCI, 5-Year IF: 0.633) [22] Wu Y, Xia D*, Research on the Thermal Radiation Characteristics of Ionic Crystals, Heat Transfer—-Asian Research, 2006, 35(2). [23] Xia D*, Wu Y. Heat Radiative Characteristics of Ultra-attenuated Materials,Journal of University of Science & Technology Beijing, 2004, 11 (4). [24] Xia D*, Wu Y. A Mathematical Model for the Heat Radiation Characteristics of Materials, Journal of Thermal Science, 2004, 13(1). (SCI, 5-Year IF: 0.633) [25] Xia D*, Wu Y. Enhancement of Heat radioactive characteristics of Coatings by Ultra-attenuation,Journal of University of Science & Technology Beijing, 2004, 11(2). [26] Xia D*, Yu T. A Study on the Interaction Mechanism between Thermal Radiation and materials, 2005, 14(4). === 发明专利 === [1] 夏德宏,蒋滨繁,郭梁,赵栗,王杏坤,袁晓强,一种难浸金矿氧化热解耦预处理方法 [2] 蒋滨繁,敖雯青,夏德宏,张培昆,一种产物气循环煅烧石灰石与二氧化碳资源化回收工艺 [3] 蒋滨繁,郭浩,曲恒宇,刘向军,夏德宏,一种针对宽粒径散料的自然分级和均衡布料方法及装置 [4] 夏德宏,曲恒宇,刘向军,蒋滨繁,一种对高温含尘烟气的除尘换热一体化处理装置及方法 [5] 夏德宏,郭梁,一种废轮胎收油系统及收油方法 [6] 雷晓平,夏德宏,王旭佳,郭梁,赵栗,粉煤热解联合气化的系统及方法 [7] 夏德宏,张艳,胡枭,一种同心环式弹性金属蜂巢及热交换装置 [8] 雷晓平,夏德宏,徐元博,赵栗,一种高效块状油页岩提油的装置及方法 [9] 夏德宏,陈良泽,利用镁还原炉炉渣生产高效钙镁硫硅肥的新工艺 [10] 夏德宏,舒斌,李一帆,一种碳化钙常压还原煅烧菱镁矿的方法 [11] 夏德宏,邬婕,吴永红,一种聚焦辐射式烧结机节能点火炉 [12] 夏德宏,高庆昌,吴永红,一种内置中心换热装置导热油加热炉 [13] 夏德宏等,大型锻造加热炉水煤浆燃烧与应用技术 [14] 夏德宏等,高浓度水煤浆燃烧器 [15] 王世均,夏德宏,卓长生等,水煤浆贮罐<ref>[http://seee.ustb.edu.cn/ 北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院]</ref> ==参考资料== {{reflist}} [[Category:教授]]
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