檢視 模块:Vgname 的原始碼
由於下列原因,您沒有權限進行 編輯此頁面 的動作:
require('Module:No globals') local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local lc = require('Module:WikitextLC') local foreignRegionList = mw.loadData('Module:Vgname/languages') local chineseRegion = { ['cn'] = {simp = '中国大陆', trad = '中國大陸'}, ['cnhk'] = {simp = '中国大陆和香港', trad = '中國大陸和香港'}, ['cntw'] = {simp = '中国大陆和台湾', trad = '中國大陸和台灣'}, ['hk'] = {simp = '香港', trad = '香港'}, ['tw'] = {simp = '台湾', trad = '台灣'}, ['twhk'] = {simp = '港台', trad = '港台'}, } local translationTypeList = { {'aka', '#又译作'}, {'official', '官方#译为'}, {'old', '#旧译'}, } local translationPortionList = { {'main:', '主标题'}, {'sub:', '副标题'}, {'', ''} } local p = {} local function separateFootnotesFromText(str) local pattern = '\127\'"`UNIQ%-%-[Rr][Ee][Ff]%-%x+%-QINU`"\'\127' -- [[en:WP:UNIQ]] str = str or '' local s, _ = str:find(pattern) if s then return str:sub(1, s-1), str:sub(s) end return str, '' end local function bold(args, str, openBracket, closeBracket, isConvert) local text, footnotes = separateFootnotesFromText(str) if yesno(isConvert) == true then text = lc.converted(text, {'zh-hans', 'zh-hant'}) end if yesno(args.bold) ~= false then text = '<b>' .. text .. '</b>' end return openBracket .. text .. closeBracket .. footnotes end local function boldWithIdeographicComma(args, str, openBracket, closeBracket, isConvert) local tab, _tab = mw.text.split(str, '、'), {} for _, value in ipairs(tab) do local str = bold(args, value, openBracket, closeBracket, isConvert) table.insert(_tab, str) end return table.concat(_tab, '、') end local function styleForeignLanguageAndAddLabel(args, indexOfTheForeignRegion, str) local text, footnotes = separateFootnotesFromText(str) local theLanguage = foreignRegionList[indexOfTheForeignRegion] local langcode = theLanguage.langcode local style local label if yesno(args.italic) == false then style = 'normal' elseif theLanguage.italic then style = 'italic' else style = 'normal' end if yesno(args.label) == false then label = nil elseif yesno(args.diff) == true then label = theLanguage.diff elseif yesno(args.diff) == false then label = theLanguage.same elseif args.na or args.eu or args.au then label = theLanguage.diff else label = theLanguage.same end label = label and (label .. ':') or '' return string.format('%s<span lang="%s" style="font-style:%s;">-{%s}-</span>%s', label, langcode, style, text, footnotes ) end local function buildVariety(args, _args, tab, usedRegionList, mode) local textModeConfig = { simp = { 'hans', 'cn', 'sg', 'my'; inEnglish = '常用英文', translationAs = '译作', openBracket = '“', closeBracket = '”' }, trad = { 'hant', 'hk', 'tw'; inEnglish = '常用英文', translationAs = '譯作', openBracket = '「', closeBracket = '」' }, } for _, variety in ipairs(textModeConfig[mode]) do local subTab = {} for _, region in ipairs(usedRegionList) do local para, text = region:sub(1, 2), region:sub(-2, -1) -- reuse text if para ~= variety and text ~= variety then if _args[para] == 'en' then text = chineseRegion[region][mode] .. textModeConfig[mode].inEnglish else text = chineseRegion[region][mode] .. textModeConfig[mode].translationAs .. bold( args, _args[para], textModeConfig[mode].openBracket, textModeConfig[mode].closeBracket, true ) end table.insert(subTab, text) end end tab['zh-' .. variety] = table.concat(subTab, ',') end return tab end local function buildAka(args, theTranslationTypeItem) local _chineseRegionList = {'cnhk', 'cntw', 'twhk', 'cn', 'hk', 'tw'} local translationTypeCode = theTranslationTypeItem[1] local paramentValueNoSpecialRegion = args[translationTypeCode] local tab = {} local fixParamentValue = function(regionCode) local paramentNameWithPrefix = translationTypeCode .. '-' .. regionCode if args[paramentNameWithPrefix] then return args[paramentNameWithPrefix] end if #regionCode == 2 then return nil end paramentNameWithPrefix = translationTypeCode .. '-' .. regionCode:sub(3, 4) .. regionCode:sub(1, 2) if args[paramentNameWithPrefix] then return args[paramentNameWithPrefix] end end for _, regionCode in ipairs(_chineseRegionList) do local paramentValue = fixParamentValue(regionCode) if paramentValue then local translationTypeText = theTranslationTypeItem[2] for _, portion in ipairs(translationPortionList) do local paramentValuePattern = '^' .. portion[1] .. '(.+)$' if paramentValue:find(paramentValuePattern) then paramentValue = paramentValue:gsub(paramentValuePattern, '%1') translationTypeText = translationTypeText:gsub('^(.*)#(.*)$', '%1' .. portion[2] .. '%2') break end end translationTypeText = chineseRegion[regionCode].simp .. translationTypeText .. boldWithIdeographicComma( args, paramentValue, '「', '」', true ) table.insert(tab, translationTypeText) end end if paramentValueNoSpecialRegion then local translationTypeText = theTranslationTypeItem[2] for _, portion in ipairs(translationPortionList) do local paramentValuePattern = '^' .. portion[1] .. '(.+)$' if paramentValueNoSpecialRegion:find(paramentValuePattern) then paramentValueNoSpecialRegion = paramentValueNoSpecialRegion:gsub(paramentValuePattern, '%1') translationTypeText = translationTypeText:gsub('^(.*)#(.*)$', '%1' .. portion[2] .. '%2') break end end local text = translationTypeText .. boldWithIdeographicComma( args, paramentValueNoSpecialRegion, '「', '」', true ) table.insert(tab, 1, text) end if #tab == 0 then return nil end return table.concat(tab, ',') end local function head(args) local str = args[1] or mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title = 'PAGENAME'} local openBracket, closeBracket if yesno(args.bracket) == false then openBracket, closeBracket = '', '' elseif args.bracket == 'q' then openBracket, closeBracket = '「', '」' else openBracket, closeBracket = '《', '》' end return bold(args, str, openBracket, closeBracket, false) end local function foreign(args) local tab = {} local englishRegionList = {'na', 'eu', 'au'} for _, value in ipairs(englishRegionList) do local str = args[value] if str then local text = styleForeignLanguageAndAddLabel(args, value, str) table.insert(tab, text) end end if #tab == 0 and args.en then local text = styleForeignLanguageAndAddLabel(args, 'en', args.en) table.insert(tab, text) end for key, value in ipairs(foreignRegionList) do local str = args[value.langcode] if str then local text = styleForeignLanguageAndAddLabel(args, key, str) table.insert(tab, 1, text) end end if #tab == 0 then return '' end return table.concat(tab, ',') end local function variety(args) if args.cn == nil or args.tw == nil then return '' end local tab, usedRegionList = {}, {} local _args = {} for _, value in ipairs{'cn', 'hk', 'tw'} do _args[value] = args[value] end if _args.hk == nil or _args.hk == 'tw' or _args.hk == _args.tw then usedRegionList = {'cn', 'twhk'} elseif _args.hk == 'cn' or _args.hk == _args.cn then usedRegionList = {'cnhk', 'tw'} elseif _args.tw == 'cn' or _args.tw == _args.cn then usedRegionList = {'cntw', 'hk'} elseif _args.cn == 'tw' then _args.cn = _args.tw usedRegionList = {'cntw', 'hk'} else usedRegionList = {'cn', 'hk', 'tw'} end tab = buildVariety(args, _args, tab, usedRegionList, 'simp') tab = buildVariety(args, _args, tab, usedRegionList, 'trad') tab['zh-mo'] = tab['zh-hk'] return lc.selective(tab) end local function aka(args) local tab = {} for _, value in ipairs(translationTypeList) do local text = buildAka(args, value) if text then table.insert(tab, text) end end return table.concat(tab, ',') end function p.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return p._main(args) end function p._main(args) local tab, _tab = {}, {} tab = { foreign(args), variety(args), aka(args), args[2] or '' } for _, value in ipairs(tab) do if value ~= '' then table.insert(_tab, value) end end if #_tab > 0 then return string.format('%s<span style="font-weight:normal;">(%s)</span>', head(args), table.concat(_tab, ',') ) end return head(args) end return p