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[[File:燕浩.jpg|200px|缩略图|[http://jxxy.hfut.edu.cn/2018/1023/c8975a271605/page.htm 燕浩]]] '''燕浩''',合肥工业大学,合肥工业大学副教授,33岁,工学博士,毕业于武汉大学流体机械及工程专业。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项(51806053)、安徽省高校协同创新项目1项(GXXT-2019-004)、安徽省重点研发项目2项(1804a09020012、201904a05020070)、博士专项科研资助基金(JZ2015HGBZ0469)1项。参与承担过国家工信部、科技部、中石化、省市科技攻关项目近10项,期间获得安徽省科技进步奖一等奖1项、中国商业联合会科技进步奖三等奖1项;发表学术论文20余篇,其中第一和通讯作者SCI检索论文15余篇;主编教程2部,参与编制《流体力学》1部;授权发明专利10余项,参与制定行业标准7项。 ==研究方向 == 水力机械水力特性研究及内部流场优化、耦合仿生翼型水力特性及其降噪研究、化工泵远近程故障诊断等。 ==开设课程 == [[《流体力学》]]、[[《工程流体力学》]] ==科研项目== [1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,“叶片表面耦合仿生的喷泵空化抑制机理研究”51806053,2019/01-2021/12,27.14万元,已结题,主持 [2] 安徽省教育厅,“基于智能监测的脱硫脱硝循环泵关键技术研究及示范”GXXT-2019-004,2019 /11 -2022 /10,125万,已结题,主持 [3] 安徽省重点研发与开发计划项目,“海洋船舶燃油系统用新型高效螺杆泵关键技术研发”1804a09020012,2018/01-2020/12,18万元,已结题,校内主持 [4] 安徽省重点研发与开发计划项目,“高智能高温高效液力透平余能回收装置关键技术研究”,201904a05020070,2019/01-2021/12,16万元,在研,校内主持 [5] 安徽江南泵阀集团有限公司,“流体机械(泵)在线监测系统研发”横向课题,2019010461, 2019/09-2020/07,25万,已结题,主持 [6] 安徽星球盛唐泵业有限公司,“氟塑料泵自动化实验测试系统研发”横向课题,2020010342, 2020/09-2021/08,25万,已结题,主持 [7] 学术新人提升计划B项目,仿生鱼腮系统主动射流的水力机械空化控制机理研究, JZ2021HGTB0090,2021/03-2022/12,20万,在研,主持 [8] 校企合作,城轨车辆粘接结构件拆卸工艺效率提升研究,2021/05-2022/10,20万,在研,主持 [9] 校企合作,一体化污水处理设备模块化设计及基础数据模型搭建技术研究,2021/10-2022/05,50万,在研,主持 [10] 专利成果转化,一种仿生翼型叶片,20万,2021/10,主持 教材 [1] 燕浩,苏晓珍,张晨,等. 画法几何及机械制图[M],武汉大学出版社,湖北:武汉,2018. [2] 燕浩,苏晓珍,张晨,等. 画法几何及机械制图习题集[M],武汉大学出版社,湖北:武汉,2018. [3] 曾亿山,郭永存,张立祥,高文智,燕浩,夏永胜.流体力学[M],合肥工业大学出版社,安徽:合肥,2021. ==学术成果== === 学术论文 === <!--[if !supportLists]-->[1] <!--[endif]-->Hao Yan, Xiaozhen Su, Haozhou Zhang,Jianwei Hang,Ling Zhou,Zhifeng Liu,Zhujiang Wang.Design approach and hydrodynamic characteristics of a novel bionic airfoil [J]. Ocean Engineering, 216 (2020) 108076.(SCI源刊 TOP期刊) <!--[if !supportLists]-->[2] <!--[endif]-->Hao Yan#, Haozhou Zhang, Yishan Zeng, Ling Zhou*, et al. Lift-drag characteristics and unsteady cavitating flow of bionic hydrofoil [J]. Ocean Engineering, 225 (2021)108821.(SCI源刊 TOP期刊) <!--[if !supportLists]-->[3] <!--[endif]-->Yan Hao, Su Xiaozhen#, Shi Haixia, et al. Analysis and optimisation of unsteady flow in a doublesuction centrifugal pump for a cooling-water supply system in a nuclear reactor[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2020,29(6):1606-1616.(SCI源刊) <!--[if !supportLists]-->[4] <!--[endif]-->Hao Yan, Chao Yu#, Liping Chai, et al. Design and investigation of the hydraulic performance of bionic hydrofoil based on the geometric features of sturgeons[J]. Dyna,2019,Vol. 94(3) :278-285. (SCI源刊) <!--[if !supportLists]-->[5] <!--[endif]-->Yan, Hao; Wang, Yiran#; Shi, Haixia, et al.Solid-Liquid Flow Of Axial Flow Pump In Loop Reactor And Operating Control With Single Invert[J]. International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 2019,18(3):464-475.(SCI源刊) <!--[if !supportLists]-->[6] <!--[endif]-->Yan H.#, Li Q., Zhang Y., Shi H.X.,Valentina Vnenkovskaia. Optimization of cavitating flow characteristics on RBSS of waterjet pumps [J]. International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 2018,17(2):271-283. (SCI源刊,第一作者,通讯作者) <!--[if !supportLists]-->[7] <!--[endif]-->Hao YAN#, Qiang LI, Liang CHEN, Yu ZHANG, Jaini RAGHU.Influence of the Openness of Inlet One-way Valve on the Flow Characteristics in Series-Parallel Centrifugal Pumps[J]. Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 2018, 25(6):1-13. (SCI源刊,第一作者,通讯作者) <!--[if !supportLists]-->[8] <!--[endif]-->Li Q, Yan H.#, Shi H. X., et al.Simulation of Non-Overload Characteristics of Serial-Parallel Centrifugal Pumps[J]. International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 2016,15(4), pp 688-698. (SCI源刊,通讯作者) <!--[if !supportLists]-->[9] <!--[endif]-->Wang Fei, Yan Hao#, Zeng Yishan , et al. Design of a novel flat-cloth airway in powder tank based on Taguchi optimization[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 1989-1996 (vols 203-210), 2021. (SCI源刊,学生第一,通讯作者). <!--[if !supportLists]-->[10] <!--[endif]-->Fei Wang, Hao Yan#, Yishan Zeng, et al. Design optimization of a fluidized bed with a novel air chamber using the CFD-Taguchi method[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 0(0)1-14, 2021. (SCI源刊,学生第一,通讯作者). <!--[if !supportLists]-->[11] <!--[endif]-->Yan H., Zhang H.Z#., Wang J.H., Song T.Y. and Qi F.L. The Leading-Edge Structure Based on Geometric Bionics Affects the Transient Cavitating Flow and Vortex Evolution of Hydrofoils[J].Frontiers in Energy Research. 2022,9:821925. (SCI源刊). == 发明专利 == [1] Yan Hao, Li qiang, Su Xiaozhen, Zhang Yu, Chen Liang, Chai Liping, Shi Haixia. 2022, Method for designing an impeller with a small hub-tip ratio and Arim-driven pump obtained by the method, PCT, US,US 11,215,189 B2.(国际专利) [2] 燕浩; 张浩舟; 陈亮; 李强; 王秀礼; 石海峡; 夏巍,一种仿生翼型叶片,发明专利,ZL 2019104471355 [3] 燕浩;李强; 陈亮; 张羽; 陶泽源,一种微型风力发电叶片以及使用该发电叶片的发电机,发明专利,ZL 2018113150039 [4] 燕浩,柴立平,张羽,苏晓珍,李强,石海峡,一种小轮毂比叶轮的设计方法,2020/12/18,中国,ZL201811646954.4 [5]燕浩;苏晓珍;曾亿山;周岭;许伟;王飞;一种改进型气室及使用该改进型气室的粉罐车,2021/04/02,中国,ZL202010331680.0 [6] 燕浩;曾亿山;孟剑;张浩舟;苏晓珍;周岭;改进型粉罐车,2021/04/02,中国,ZL202010331707.6 [7] WANZHENG MA;ZHONGFANG LI;HAO YAN; XIN XIAO;XIAOLIANG LI; CHUNYU ZHANG; QIANG LI; YINHU QIAO. System and method for diagnosing state fault of desulfurization and denitration circulating pump, 国际发明专利, 20200193(国际专利) [8] 燕浩; 李强; 柴立平;石海峡;余超;张羽,一种具有小轮毂比叶轮的磁驱动喷水推进泵,发明专利,ZL 2018116469370 ==获奖情况== <!--[if !supportLists]-->[1] <!--[endif]-->何祥炎; 王秀礼; 燕浩, 等.大型高能效耐腐耐磨泵关键技术研究与应用,安徽省科技科技厅,科技进步奖,一等奖; <ref>[http://jxxy.hfut.edu.cn/8974/list.htm 合肥工业大学机械工程学院 ]</ref> ==参考资料== {{reflist}} [[Category:教授]]
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