檢視 绵穗柳 的原始碼
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{| class="wikitable" align="right" |- | style="background: #008080" align= center| '''<big>绵穗柳</big> ''' |- |[[File:绵穗柳2.jpg|缩略图|居中|250px|[http://2019img.cvh.ac.cn/imgcvh/l/HX/017868.jpg 原图链接] [http://2019.cvh.ac.cn/spm/HX/017868 来自植物智]]] |- | style="background: #008080" align= center| |- | align= light| 中文学名:绵穗柳 拉丁学名:Salix eriostachya Wall. ex Anderss. 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:双子叶植物纲 目:[[裘良目]] 科:[[杨柳科]] 属:[[柳属]] |} '''绵穗柳'''(mián suì liǔ,学名 '''Salix eriostachya''' Wallich ex Andersson)是[[双子叶植物纲]]、[[杨柳科]]的一种柳,分布在中国的[[四川省]]内。 <ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/%C3%E0%CB%EB%C1%F8 绵穗柳], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref> ==绵穗柳形态特征== 灌木;小枝黑色或者暗褐色,无毛或近无毛。 芽具柔毛。 卵形的Sticirca,约1毫米,无毛,具牙齿; 叶柄到1.3厘米,正面短柔毛; 叶片长圆形,倒卵形,或倒披针形, 4-11 * 1.5-3 厘米,背面带绿色,正面深绿色, 两面具短柔毛或具长柔毛,后脱落,基部楔形或宽楔形, 脉背面突起; 侧脉15-20在中脉两边各; 大约3.5×6 circaeduncle大约2.5厘米的网脉conspicucircaCatkins,有传单; 轴天鹅绒似; 倒卵形的苞片,2-3毫米,具短绒毛,边缘全缘或锐裂,先端圆形的或截形。 雄花 背面的腺体很小,正面约卵形,约0.5毫米; 雄蕊2,离生; 花丝具短绒毛下部; 花药黄 约的Frucirca柔荑花序9×1.5 厘米雌花: 腺体2,背面腺体有时无,卵形的正面的腺体brcirca,约0.5毫米; 子房白色长柔毛,secirca; 花柱长约2毫米,2深裂; 柱头线形,深裂。 蒴果narcirca卵球形,约毫米,具柔毛。 花期 6月,果期7-8。 [[File:绵穗柳1.jpg|缩略图|left|250px|[http://2019img.cvh.ac.cn/imgcvh/l/HX/017863.jpg 原图链接] [http://2019.cvh.ac.cn/spm/HX/017863 来自植物智]]] Shrubs. Branchlets black or dark brown, glabrous or subglabrous. Buds pilose. Stipules ovate, ca. 1 mm, glabrous, dentate; petiole to 1.3 cm, adaxially pubescent; leaf blade oblong, obovate, or oblanceolate, 4-11 × 1.5-3 cm, abaxially greenish, adaxially dark green, both surfaces pubescent or villous, glabrescent, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, margin entire or with remote, indistinct, glandular teeth, apex acute or shortly acuminate; veins raised abaxially; lateral veins 15-20 on each side of midvein; reticulate veins conspicuous. Catkins ca. 3.5 × 6 mm; peduncle ca. 2.5 cm, with leaflets; rachis velvety; bracts obovate, 2-3 mm, downy, margin entire or incised, apex rounded or truncate. Male flower: abaxial gland very small, adaxial gland ovate, ca. 0.5 mm; stamens 2, distinct; filaments downy proximally; anthers yellow. Fruiting catkin ca. 9 × 1.5 cm. Female flower: glands 2, abaxial gland sometimes absent, adaxial gland broadly ovate, ca. 0.5 mm; ovary white villous, sessile; style ca. 2 mm, 2-parted; stigma linear, parted. Capsule narrowly ovoid, ca. 6 mm, pilose. Fl. Jun, fr. Jul-Aug. Mountains; 3000-5000 m. Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [India, Nepal, Sikkim] A. K. Skvortsov indicates that these plants may in fact be Salix ernestii because S. eriostachya is of Himalayan distribution. 绵穗柳是双子叶植物纲、杨柳科的一种柳。 ==绵穗柳生长环境== 生长于海拔2700-5000米的草甸, 草坡, 高山草甸, 沟边, 灌丛中, 冷杉林下, 林缘, 林中, 山脊林缘, 水边。 ==绵穗柳分布范围== 分布在中国的[[四川省]],[[尼泊尔]]; [[锡金]][[大吉岭]]也有分布。 == 参考来源 == {{reflist}} [[Category:370 植物學總論]]
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