檢視 豆角烧茄子 的原始碼
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[[File:豆角茄子.jpg|thumb|right|豆角茄子 [http://5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.com/images/20171117/95352abb7b2341158a9c9834b9304cb8.jpeg 原图链接] [https://www.sohu.com/a/204895579_708566 搜狐网] ]] '''豆角烧茄子'''是一道家常炒菜,主要原料是豆角、茄子、干辣椒、葱末、蒜粒、姜末、盐、味精。茄子和豆角两者搭配富有营养,且口感香辣爽口。 ==基本信息== {| class="wikitable" style="color:black;" |- |中文名 |豆角烧茄子 |外文名 |Beans eggplant |- |主要食材 |豆角,茄子 |分类 |熟食 |- |口味 |辣 |配料 |[[干辣椒]],葱末,姜末,盐,味精 |- |制作工艺 |烧 | | |} ==做法== 材料:[[豆角]]、[[茄子]]、[[干辣椒]]、[[葱末]]、蒜粒、[[姜末]]、盐、味精。材料非常简单,先将豆角洗净、剥去老筋后也切成6公分长得条备用,茄子本也该切成条的,但切习惯了切成滚刀块了。 ==制作== # 茄子因下锅很吸油同时快出锅的时候又会将油都放出了,所以会很油腻。对策就是将切好的茄子放入盐水中腌个10分钟左右,这样不仅将水都会被腌出来,而且还能去除茄子内的毒素,你会注意到用盐水漂过的水变成了红糖色。 # # 锅中的水烧开,把切好的豆角放入,过水几分钟吧,捞起放冷水中淋一下备下。 # # 锅内放油,六成热后放入干辣椒炸出香味,后放入葱姜蒜末煸几下。 # # 将豆角放入煸至变色,然后加盐再煸1分钟左右。(由于豆角比较不容易入味,所以盐可以早放一些以保证成品的口味) # # 最后放入茄子煸至变色柔软、熟透(这时候依个人口味再加入少许盐)散少许水加味精出锅装盘即可。 # ==注意事项== 豆角一定要煸熟,否则有食物中毒的危险。这里告诉大家一个窍门:豆角色泽翠绿时是生的;一旦变成黄绿色而且发软就说明已经熟了。<ref>[https://www.chihuogu.com/jxcp/2219.html 豆角烧茄子] </ref> ==营养价值== 茄子含多种[[维生素]]、[[脂肪]]、[[蛋白质]]、[[糖]]及[[矿物质]]等,是一种物美价廉的佳蔬。特别是茄子富含维生素P,100克紫茄中的含量高达720毫克以上,不仅在蔬菜中出类拔萃,就是一般水果也望尘莫及。维生素P能增强人体细胞间的粘着力,改善微细血管脆性,防止小血管出血。 豆角的营养素相当丰富,含有蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、粗纤维、钙、铁、维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C、烟酸、泛酸、细胞凝集素等多种成分。 ==英文解说== Materials: beans, eggplant, chili, diced green onion, garlic, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate. Material is very simple, first beans washed, stripped of the old cut into 6 cm after tendon section looks spare, this is also the eggplant cut into, but used to cut into pieces hob cut out. Practices: 1, the eggplant is due to the pot when the oil pan at the same time they will soon have released the oil, so will be very greasy. Strategy is to cut eggplant in salt water flooded into the 10-minutes, so not only will be flooded out of the water, but also to remove the eggplant of toxins, you will notice hydroplaning off salt water into the brown sugar color. 2, the pot of water to a boil, add beans to cut, over the water a few minutes, put in cold water poured picked up for next click. 3, the pan put oil, Liucheng hot chili after the blow out into the scent, then stir into the late Cong Jiangsuan few. 4, stir into the beans to change color, then add salt and then stir about 1 minute. (Comparison is not easy as tasty bean, it put some salts can be early to guarantee refined taste) 5, speeding to last into eggplant color soft, ripe (these times depending on personal taste then add a little salt) hash out a little water MSG pot transfer to a plate. Note: 1, stir beans must be cooked, otherwise the risk of food poisoning. Here to tell you a trick: the color green beans when raw; once they become soft yellow-green and to note already here. ==参考文献== {{Reflist}} [[Category:426 家庭手藝]]
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