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{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>'''齐志 '''<br><img src="https://yuanpei.pku.edu.cn/images/content/2020-09/20200902135336625621.png " width="180"></center><small>[https://yuanpei.pku.edu.cn/ypds/dsfc/499297.htm 北京大学元培学院] </small> |} '''齐志''',男,北京大学元培学院教授。 ==人物履历== ===教育经历=== 2013年 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 生物物理及计算生物学 博士 2006年 普渡大学 物理学 硕士 2002年 北京大学 物理学 硕士 1999年 北京科技大学 应用物理学 学士 ==研究方向== [[单分子生物物理学]] ==获奖情况== 2019年度 北京大学教学优秀奖 (本科生) 2011年 获伊利诺伊州立大学香槟分校的鲁伯斯研究生奖 2001年 北京大学“五四”奖学金 2000年 北京大学“五四”奖学金 ==学术成果== === 论文及专著 === * Justin B. Steinfeld, Ondrej Beláň, Youngho Kwon, Tsuyoshi Terakawa, Amr Al–Zain, Michael J. Smith, Qi, Z., Weixing Zhao, Rodney Rothstein, Lorraine S. Symington, Patrick Sung, Simon J. Boulton, Eric C. Greene, Rad51 and Dmc1 lineage–specific amino acids influence the fidelity of genetic recombination. Acepted by Gene & Development (2019). * Zhou, H., Song, Z., Zhong, S., Zuo, L., Qi, Z.#, Qu, L.-J.#, and Lai, L.# (2019). Mechanism of DNA-Induced Phase Separation for Transcriptional Repressor VRN1. Angewandte Chemie (International ed in English) 58, 4858-4862. * Li, S.Q., et al., Qi, Z., and Feng J.X., Li, Q. (2018). Rtt105 functions as a chaperone for Replication Protein A to preserve genome stability. EMBO J. 37(17). * Zhao, Y.L., Jiang, Y.Z., and Qi, Z.# (2017). Visualizing biological reaction intermediates with DNA curtains. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50, 153001-153016. * Lee, J.Y., Steinfeld, J.B., Qi, Z., Kwon, Y., Sung, P., and Greene, E.C. (2017). Sequence imperfections and base triplet recognition by the Rad51/RecA family of recombinases. J. Biol. Chem., M117. 787614. * Lee, J.Y., Qi, Z., and Greene, E.C. (2016). ATP hydrolysis Promotes Duplex DNA Release by the RecA Presynaptic Complex. J Biol Chem 291, 22218-22230. * Qi, Z., and Greene, E.C. (2016). Visualizing recombination intermediates with single-stranded DNA curtains. Methods 105, 62-74. * Lee, J.Y., Terakawa, T.*, Qi, Z.*, Steinfeld, J.B., Redding, S., Kwon, Y., Gaines, W.A., Zhao, W., Sung, P., and Greene, E.C. (2015). Base triplet stepping by the Rad51/RecA family of recombinases. Science 349, 977-981. * Qi, Z., Redding, S., Lee, J.Y., Gibb, B., Kwon, Y., Niu, H.Y., Gaines, W.A., Sung, P., and Greene, E.C. (2015). DNA Sequence Alignment by Microhomology Sampling during Homologous Recombination. Cell 160, 856-869. * Qi, Z., Pugh, R.A., Spies, M., and Chemla, Y.R. (2013). Sequence-dependent base pair stepping dynamics in XPD helicase unwinding. Elife 2. * Landry, M.P., McCall, P.M., Qi, Z., and Chemla, Y.R. (2009). Characterization of Photoactivated Singlet Oxygen Damage in Single-Molecule Optical Trap Experiments. Biophys J 97, 2128-2136. * Boettcher, J.M., Hartman, K.L., Ladror, D.T., Qi, Z., Woods, W.S., George, J.M., and Rienstra, C.M. (2008). Membrane-Induced Folding of the cAMP-Regulated Phosphoprotein Endosulfine-alpha. Biochemistry 47, 12357-12364. * Woods, W.S., Boettcher, J.M., Zhou, D.H., Kloepper, K.D., Hartman, K.L., Ladror, D.T., Qi, Z., Rienstra, C.M., and George, J.M. (2007). Conformation-specific binding of alpha-synuclein to novel protein partners detected by phage display and NMR spectroscopy. J Biol Chem 282, 34555-34567. * Boettcher, J.M., Hartman, K.L., Ladror, D.T., Qi, Z., Woods, W.S., George, J.M., and Rienstra, C.M. (2007). H-1, C-13, and N-15 resonance assignment of the cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein endosulfine-alpha in free and micelle-bound states. Biomolecular Nmr Assignments 1, 167-169. * Ning, Z.H., Hu, X., Yin, D.L., Qi, Z., Wang, F.R., Guo, J.D., and Li, C.Y. (2005). Extended power law of nonlinear transport properties of superconducting materials (Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd). * Yin, D.L., Qi, Z., Xu, H.Y., Wang, F.R., and Yin, L. (2003). Resistive transition equation of the mixed state of superconductors. Physical Review B 67. * Qi, Z., Xu, H.Y., Wang, W., Yin, D.L., Wang, F.R., and Li, C.Y. (2003). Nonlinear electrodynamic response of superconducting materials near transition. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 13, 3734-3737. * Yin, D.L., Yang, F., Qi, Z., and Han, R.S. (2002b). Electron-phonon coupling in anion metallic solids and superconducting MgB2. Chinese Physics Letters 19, 1176-1178. * Xu, H.Y., Yin, D.L., Qi, Z., Wang, F.R., and Li, C.Y. (2002). Hall effect in the mixed state of superconducting MgB2. Solid State Communications 124, 433-436. * Xu, H.Y., Qi, Z., Wang, W., Yin, D.L., Wang, F.R., and Li, C.Y. (2002a). Scaling behavior of anomalous Hall effect and longitudinal nonlinear response in high-T-c superconductors. Physical Review B 66. * Yin, D.L., Qi, Z., Wang, F.R., and Li, C.Y. (2002). High critical temperature and the resistive transition of MgB2. In Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vols 48a and B, B. Balachandran, D. Gubser, and K.T. Hartwig, eds. (Melville: Amer Inst Physics), pp. 787-794. * Wang, Y., Qi, Z., Wang, W., Li, C.Y., and Yin, D.L. (2001). Nonlinear current-voltage characteristics of HTS conductor and its application to the operation of SFCL. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 11, 1940-1943. ==承担项目== 2017~2020年 [[《应用DNA窗帘荧光成像技术研究异质二聚体蛋白Ku与核小体的相互作用》]],国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目号:31670762) ==社会兼职== 北京大学-清华大学生命联合中心研究员