檢視 Template:Post-nominals/CAN 的原始碼
由於下列原因,您沒有權限進行 編輯此頁面 的動作:
{{#switch: {{{1}}} | ADC = [[Aide de Camp|ADC]] | ADC(P) = [[Personal Aide-de-Camp|ADC(P)]] | AE = [[Air Efficiency Award|AE]] | AFC = [[Air Force Cross (United Kingdom)|AFC]] | AFM = [[Air Force Medal|AFM]] | ALS = [[Alberta Land Surveyor|ALS]] | AM = [[National Assembly of Wales|AM]] | AOE = [[Alberta Order of Excellence|AOE]] | ARCT = [[Royal Conservatory of Music|ARCT]] | ARIDO = [[Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario|ARIDO]] | ARRC = [[Royal Red Cross|ARRC]] | AScT = [[Applied Science Technologist|AScT]] | BCLS = [[British Columbia Land Surveyor|BCLS]] | BEM = [[British Empire Medal|BEM]] | Bt = [[Baronet|Bt]] | Btss = [[Baronet|Btss]] | CA = [[Chartered Accountant|CA]] | CB = [[Order of the Bath|CB]] | CBE = [[Order of the British Empire|CBE]] | CBHF = [[Canadian Business Hall of Fame|CBHF]] | CC = [[Companion of the Order of Canada|CC]] | CD = [[Canadian Forces Decoration|CD]] | CET = [[Certified Engineering Technologist|CET]] | CGA = [[Certified General Accountant|CGA]] | CGC = [[Conspicuous Gallantry Cross|CGC]] | CGM = [[Conspicuous Gallantry Medal|CGM]] | CH = [[Order of the Companions of Honour|CH]] | CIE = [[Order of the Indian Empire|CIE]] | CLS = [[Canada Lands Surveyor|CLS]] | CM = [[加拿大勋章|CM]] | CMA = [[Certified Management Accountant|CMA]] | CMG = [[Order of St Michael and St George|CMG]] | CMM = [[Order of Military Merit (Canada)|CMM]] | COM = [[Order of Merit of the Police Forces|COM]] | CPM = [[Certified Payroll Manager|CPM]] | CPM = [[Colonial Police Medal|CPM]] | CPMHN(C) = [[Canadian Nurses Association|CPMHN(C)]] | CQ = [[National Order of Quebec|CQ]] | CSI = [[Order of the Star of India|CSI]] | CTech = [[Certified Technician|CTech]] | CV = [[Cross of Valour|CV]] | CVO = [[Royal Victorian Order|CVO]] | DBE = [[Order of the British Empire|DBE]] | DCB = [[Order of the Bath|DCB]] | DCM = [[Distinguished Conduct Medal|DCM]] | DCMG = [[Order of St Michael and St George|DCMG]] | DCVO = [[Royal Victorian Order|DCVO]] | DFC = [[Distinguished Flying Cross (United Kingdom)|DFC]] | DFC2 = [[Distinguished Flying Cross (United Kingdom)|DFC]] (bar) | DFM = [[Distinguished Flying Medal|DFM]] | DFM2 = [[Distinguished Flying Medal|DFM]] (bar) | DL = [[Deputy Lieutenant|DL]] | DSC = [[Distinguished Service Cross (United Kingdom)|DSC]] | DSC2 = [[Distinguished Service Cross (United Kingdom)|DSC]] (bar) | DSM = [[Distinguished Service Medal|DSM]] | DSM2 = [[Distinguished Service Medal|DSM]] (bar) | DSO = [[Distinguished Service Order|DSO]] | DSO2 = [[Distinguished Service Order|DSO]] (bar) | ED = [[Efficiency Decoration|ED]] | ERD = [[Emergency Reserve Decoration|ERD]] | FCAE = [[Canadian Academy of Engineering|FCAE]] | FCASI = [[Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute|FCASI]] | FCIC = [[Chemical Institute of Canada|FCIC]] | FCIM = [[Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum|FCIM]] | FCSI = [[Canadian Securities Institute|FCSI]] | FRAIC = [[Royal Architectural Institute of Canada|FRAIC]] | FRCA = [[Royal Canadian Academy of Arts|FRCA]] | FRCCO = [[Royal Canadian College of Organists|FRCCO]] | FRCD = [[Royal College of Dentists of Canada|FRCD]] | FRCGS = [[Royal Canadian Geographical Society|FRCGS]] | FRCPC = [[Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada|FRCPC]] | FRCSC = [[Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada|FRCSC]] | FRHSC = [[Royal Heraldry Society of Canada|FRHSC]] | FRS = [[Royal Society|FRS]] | FRSC = [[Royal Society of Canada|FRSC]] | FRSC(hon) = [[Royal Society of Canada|FRSC(''hon'')]] | FRSE = [[Royal Society of Edinburgh|FRSE]] | GBE = [[Order of the British Empire|GBE]] | GC = [[George Cross|GC]] | GCB = [[Order of the Bath|GCB]] | GCIE = [[Order of the Indian Empire|GCIE]] | GCMG = [[Order of St Michael and St George|GCMG]] | GCSI = [[Order of the Star of India|GCSI]] | GCVO = [[Royal Victorian Order|GCVO]] | GM = [[George Medal|GM]] | GOQ = [[National Order of Quebec|GOQ]] | IDSM = [[Indian Distinguished Service Medal|IDSM]] | IOM = [[Indian Order of Merit|IOM]] | ISO = [[Imperial Service Order|ISO]] | ISP = [[Information Systems Professional|ISP]] | JP = [[Justice of the Peace|JP]] | KBE = [[Order of the British Empire|KBE]] | KC = [[King's Counsel|KC]] | KCB = [[Order of the Bath|KCB]] | KCIE = [[Order of the Indian Empire|KCIE]] | KCMG = [[Order of St Michael and St George|KCMG]] | KCSI = [[Order of the Star of India|KCSI]] | KCVO = [[Royal Victorian Order|KCVO]] | KG = [[Order of the Garter|KG]] | KP = [[Order of Saint Patrick|KP]] | KT = [[Order of the Thistle|KT]] | LG = [[Order of the Garter|LG]] | LT = [[Order of the Thistle|LT]] | LVO = [[Royal Victorian Order|LVO]] | MAIBC = [[Architectural Institute of British Columbia|MAIBC]] | MB = [[Medal of Bravery|MB]] | MBE = [[Order of the British Empire|MBE]] | MC = [[Military Cross|MC]] | MCIP = [[Canadian Institute of Planners|MCIP]] | MEP = [[European Parliament|MEP]] | MHA = [[Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly|MHA]] | MLA = [[Member of the Legislative Assembly|MLA]] | MLAAB = [[Legislative Assembly of Alberta|MLA]] | MLABC = [[Legislative Assembly of British Columbia|MLA]] | MLAMB = [[Legislative Assembly of Manitoba|MLA]] | MLANB = [[Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick|MLA]] | MLANS = [[Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia|MLA]] | MLANT = [[Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories|MLA]] | MLANU = [[Legislative Assembly of Nunavut|MLA]] | MLAPE = [[Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island|MLA]] | MLAPEI = [[Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island|MLA]] | MLASK = [[Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan|MLA]] | MLAYT = [[Yukon Legislative Assembly|MLA]] | MLS = [[Manitoba Land Surveyor|MLS]] | MM = [[Military Medal|MM]] | MMM = [[Order of Military Merit (Canada)|MMM]] | MMV = [[Medal of Military Valour|MMV]] | MNA = [[National Assembly of Quebec|MNA]] | MOM = [[Order of Merit of the Police Forces|MOM]] | MP = [[House of Commons of Canada|MP]] | MPP = [[Legislative Assembly of Ontario|MPP]] | MRAIC = [[Royal Architectural Institute of Canada|MRAIC]] | MSC = [[Meritorious Service Cross|MSC]] | MSM = [[Meritorious Service Medal (Canada)|MSM]] | MSP = [[Scottish Parliament|MSP]] | MSRC = [[Royal Society of Canada|MSRC]] | MSYP = [[Scottish Youth Parliament|MSYP]] | MVO = [[Royal Victorian Order|MVO]] | MYP = [[UK Youth Parliament|MYP]] | OAA = [[Ontario Association of Architects|OAA]] | OBC = [[Order of British Columbia|OBC]] | OBE = [[Order of the British Empire|OBE]] | OBHF = [[Canadian Business Hall of Fame|OBHF]] | OBI = [[Order of British India|OBI]] | OC = [[Officer of the Order of Canada|OC]] | OCT = [[Ontario Certified Teacher|OCT]] | OLS = [[Ontario Land Surveyor|OLS]] | OM = [[功績勳章|OM]] | OMC = [[Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship|OMC]] | OMM = [[Order of Military Merit (Canada)|OMM]] | OMt = [[Order of Merit|OM]] | ONB = [[Order of New Brunswick|ONB]] | ONL = [[Order of Newfoundland|ONL]] | ONS = [[Order of Nova Scotia|ONS]] | OOM = [[Order of Merit of the Police Forces|OOM]] | OOnt = [[Order of Ontario|OOnt]] | O.Ont = [[Order of Ontario|OOnt]] | O.Ont. = [[Order of Ontario|OOnt]] | OPEI = [[Order of Prince Edward Island|OPEI]] | O.PEI = [[Order of Prince Edward Island|OPEI]] | OQ = [[National Order of Quebec|OQ]] | PC = [[加拿大樞密院|PC]] | PCP = [[Payroll Compliance Practitioner|PCP]] | PEng = [[Professional Engineer|PEng]] | PGeo = [[Professional Geoscientist|PGeo]] | PGeol = [[Professional Geologist|PGeol]] | PGeoph = [[Professional Geophysicist|PGeoph]] | PLog = [[Professional Logistician|PLog]] | PMP = [[Project Management Professional|PMP]] | QC = [[Queen's Counsel|QC]] | QFSM = [[Queen's Fire Service Medal|QFSM]] | QGM = [[Queen's Gallantry Medal|QGM]] | QHC = [[Honorary Chaplain to The Queen|QHC]] | QHDS = [[Honorary Dental Surgeon to The Queen|QHDS]] | QHNS = [[Honorary Nursing Sister to The Queen|QHNS]] | QHP = [[Honorary Physician to The Queen|QHP]] | QHS = [[Honorary Surgeon to The Queen|QHS]] | QPM = [[Queen's Police Medal|QPM]] | QS = [[Queen's Serjeant|QS]] | RCA = [[Royal Canadian Academy of Arts|RCA]] | RD = [[Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve|RD]] | RMC = [[Royal Military College of Canada|RMC]] | RPBio = [[Registered Professional Biologist|RPBio]] | RPF = [[Registered Professional Forester|RPF]] | RPP = [[Registered Professional Planner|RPP]] | RRC = [[Royal Red Cross|RRC]] | RVM = [[Royal Victorian Medal|RVM]] | SC = {{le|英勇之星勋章|Star of Courage (Canada)|SC}} | SGM = [[Sea Gallantry Medal|SGM]] | SL = [[Searjant-at-law|SL]] | SLS = [[Saskatchewan Land Surveyor|SLS]] | SMV = [[Star of Military Valour|SMV]] | SOM = [[Saskatchewan Order of Merit|SOM]] | StrucEng = [[Structural Engineer|StrucEng]] | SVM = [[Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal|SVM]] | TD = [[Territorial Decoration|TD]] | UD = [[Ulster Defence Regiment Decoration|UD]] | UE = [[United Empire Loyalist|UE]] | VC = [[Victoria Cross|VC]] | VD = [[Volunteer Decoration|VD]] | VRD = [[Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve|VRD]] }}