馮沖,男, 北京理工大學教授。
1) Topic-related Chinese message sentiment analysis, Neurocomputing, Vol. 210 (C), pp 237-246(SCI期刊,大類2區), 2016.10, Liao, Chun; Feng, Chong * ; Yang, Sen; Huang, Heyan
2) An Empirical Study of Investigating Mobile Applications Development Challenges, IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 6, pp 17711-17728(SCI期刊,小類2區), 2018.03, Ahmad, Arshad; Li, Kan; Feng, Chong*; Asim, Syed Mohammad; Yousif, Abdallah; Ge, Shi
3) A Hybrid Method of Domain Lexicon Construction for Opinion Targets Extraction Using Syntax and Semantics, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, v 31, n 3, p 595-603(SCI期刊,CCF B類), 2016.05, Liao, Chun; Feng, Chong * ; Yang, Sen; Huang, He-Yan
4) A survey on mining stack overflow: question and answering (QA) community, Data Technologies And Applications, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp 190-247(SCI期刊), 2018.02, Ahmad, Arshad; Feng, Chong*; Ge, Shi; Abdallah Yousif
5) Self-Adaptive Topic Model: A Solution to the Problem of "Rich Topics Get Richer", China Communications, 11(12), pp 35-43(SCI期刊), 2014.12, Fang Ying, Huang Heyan, Jian Ping, Xin Xin, Feng Chong *
6) Leveraging Conceptualization for Short-Text Embedding, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(SCI期刊,大類2區、CCF A類), 2017.12在線發表, Huang, Heyan; Wang, Yashen; Feng, Chong *; Liu, Zhirun; Zhou, Qiang
7) Sentiment key sentence identification based on lexical semantics and syntactic dependency, 電子學報/Acta Electronica Sinica, v 44, n 10, p 2471-2476(EI期刊,一級學報), 2016.10, Feng, Chong * ; Liao, Chun; Liu, Zhi-Run; Huang, He-Yan
8) An entity linking method for microblog based on semantic categorization by word embeddings, 自動化學報/Acta Automatica Sinica, v 42, n 6, p 915-922(EI期刊,一級學報), 2016.06, Feng, Chong * ; Shi, Ge; Guo, Yu-Hang; Gong, Jing; Huang, He-Yan
9) A hybrid sentence splitting method by comma insertion for machine translation with CRF, CCL 2015, 14th China National Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 9427, p 141-152, 2015.01, Yang, Shuli; Feng, Chong*; Huang, Heyan
10) A hybrid method of domain lexicon construction for opinion targets extraction using syntax and semantics, SMP 2014, 3th National Conference, Communications in Computer and Information Science, v 489, p 108-116, 2014.01, Liao, Chun; Feng, Chong* ; Yang, Sen; Huang, Heyan
11) Query intent detection based on clustering of phrase embedding, SMP 2016, 5th National Conference, Communications in Computer and Information Science, v 669, p 110-122, 2016.10, Gu, Jiahui; Feng, Chong*; Gao, Xiong; Wang, Yashen; Huang, Heyan
12) A hybrid method of sentiment key sentence identification using lexical semantics and syntactic dependencies, APWeb 2014, Workshops, SNA, NIS, and IoTS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 8710 LNCS, p 11-22, 2014.01, Feng, Chong* ; Liao, Chun; Liu, Zhirun; Huang, Heyan
13) Entity Set Expansion on Social Media: A Study for Newly-Presented Entity Classes, SMP 2017, Communications in Computer and Information Science, v 774, p 116-128, 2017.08, Zhao, He; Feng, Chong*; Luo, Zhunchen; Pei, Yuxia
14) Collective entity linking on relational graph model with mentions, CCL 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 10565 LNAI, p 159-171, 2017.10, Gong, Jing; Feng, Chong*; Liu, Yong; Shi, Ge; Huang, Heyan
15) Chinese evaluation phrase extraction based on cascaded model, WAIM 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 8485 LNCS, p 192-203, 15th International Conference, Proceedings, 2014.10, Wang, Yashen; Feng, Chong*; Liu, Quanchao; Huang, Heyan
16) Emotional tendency identification for micro-blog topics based on multiple characteristics, PACLIC 2012, Proceedings of the 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, p 280-288, 2012.08, Liu, Quanchao; Feng, Chong; Huang, Heyan
17) Pretreatment for speech machine translation, ICCCI 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 6422 LNAI, n PART 2, p 113-121, 2010.03, Zhang, Xiaofei; Feng, Chong; Huang, Heyan
18) ASR normalization for machine translation, IHMSC 2010, Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, v 2, p 91-94, 2010.01, Huang, Heyan; Feng, Chong; Wang, Jiande; Zhang, Xiaofei
19) CSE: Conceptual sentence embeddings based on attention model, ACL 2016, 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, - Long Papers, v 1, p 505-515(CCF A類), 2016.05, Wang, Yashen; Huang, Heyan; Feng, Chong; Zhou, Qiang; Gu, Jiahui; Gao, Xiong
20) Co-extracting opinion targets and opinion-bearing words in Chinese micro-blog texts, 電子學報/Acta Electronica Sinica, v 44, n 7, p 1662-1670, 2016.07, Liu, Quan-Chao; Huang, He-Yan * ; Feng, Chong
21) Conceptual sentence embeddings, WAIM 2016, 17th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 9658, p 390-401, 2016.05, Wang, Yashen; Huang, Heyan; Feng, Chong; Zhou, Qiang; Gu, Jiahui
22) A co-ranking framework to select optimal seed set for influence maximization in heterogeneous network, APWeb 2015, 17th Asia-PacificWeb Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v 9313, p 141-153, Proceedings, 2015.08, Wang, Yashen; Huang, Heyan; Feng, Chong; Yang, Xianxiang
23) Community detection based on minimum-cut graph partitioning, WAIM 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proceedings, v 9098 LNCS, p 57-69, 2015.01, Wang, Yashen; Huang, Heyan; Feng, Chong; Liu, Zhirun
多語網絡情報處理與內容安全關鍵技術與應用, 中華人民共和國工信部, 省部級, 三等, 2015.12
多策略智能輔助翻譯系統及工程管理平台, 北京市科委, 省部級, 三等, 2014.12
漢英雙向標準機器翻譯系統研製, 國家質檢總局, 省部級, 二等, 2007.06
公開來源多語***處理系統(國防科技成果鑑定), 國防科工局, 2015.11
基於語義本體的***知識管理系統(國防科技成果鑑定), 國防科工局, 2012.12
文化部對外文化聯絡局特聘專家 [1]