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{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>''' 吴燕庆 '''<br><img src=" https://tse1-mm.cn.bing.net/th/id/OIP-C.OtUnhCi4GX8jmKawcleWpwAAAA?pid=ImgDet&rs=1 " width="180"></center><small>[https://cn.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=OtUnhCi4&id=C052D00B9262797E07F0E285AE579CA572AB4EE9&thid=OIP.OtUnhCi4GX8jmKawcleWpwAAAA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fxpic.x-mol.com%2ftutor%2f20190918%2fXMGNP036046.jpg%3fx-oss-process%3dimage%2fresize%2cm_lfit%2ch_200%2cw_200&exph=195&expw=200&q=%e5%90%b4%e7%87%95%e5%ba%86&simid=608012265383686963&FORM=IRPRST&ck=F07EE5178B0CB1CB27C68D9F04AB5862&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0 北京大学集成电路学院 ]</small> |} '''吴燕庆''',男,北京大学集成电路学院研究员。 ==人物履历== 教育科研经历 2009年 美国普度大学电子与计算机工程系博士,曾任IBM T.J Watson 研究中心研究员,华中科技大学教授。 ==研究方向== [[后摩尔器件]],[[低维材料]]及异质结,[[柔性射频器件]],神经形态器件 ==研究成果== 长期从事后摩尔微纳器件,包括低维材料及异质结、柔性射频器件、光电器件、量子隧穿器件,功率器件与神经形态器件。共发表论文100余篇,包括Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Proceedings of the IEEE,IEEE Electron Device Letters以及国际电子器件会议IEDM等。论文总他引次数超过5000余次,h因子32。曾获2007年国际半导体器件研讨会最佳学生报告奖,2012年IBM专利申请发明成果奖。2013年IBM Research Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Math奖。多次在国际会议上作邀请报告。 Selected Publications (*Corresponding Author) * 1. X. Li, Z. Yu, X. Xiong, T. Li, T. Gao, R. Wang, R. Huang, and Y.Q. Wu*, “High-Speed Black Phosphorus Field-Effect Transistors Approaching Ballistic Limit”, Science Advances. (In press) * 2. T. Li , X. Li , M. Tian , Q. Hu , X. Wang , S. Li and Y.Q. Wu*, “Negative transconductance and negative differential resistance in asymmetric narrow bandgap 2D-3D heterostructure”, Nanoscale, 11, 4701-4706, 2019 * 3. M. Tian, B. Hu, H. Yang, C. Tang, M. Wang, Q. Gao, X. Xiong, Z. Zhang, T. Li, X. Li, C. Gu, Y.Q. Wu*, “Wafer Scale Mapping and Statistical Analysis of Radio Frequency Characteristics in Highly Uniform CVD Graphene Transistors”, Advanced Electronic Materials,2019, 1800711 * 4. M. Wang, X. Li, X. Xiong, J. Song, C. Gu, D. Zhan, Q. Hu, S. Li and Y.Q. Wu*, “High-Performance Flexible ZnO Thin-Film Transistors by Atomic Layer Deposition”, IEEE Electron Device Letters 40, 3, 419-422, 2019 * 5. M. Tian, X. Li, Q. Gao, X. Xiong, Zhenfeng Zhang, Y.Q. Wu*, “Improvement of Conversion Loss of Resistive Mixers Using Bernal-stacked Bilayer Graphene”, IEEE Electron Device Letters 40, 325 – 328, 2019 * 6. S. Li, Q. Hu, X. Wang, T. Li, Xuefei Li, Y.Q. Wu*, “Improved Interface Properties and Dielectric Breakdown in Recessed AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs Using HfSiOx as Gate Dielectric”, IEEE Electron Device Letters 40, 295 – 298, 2019 * 7. L. Liang, W. Li, S. Li, X. Li and Y.Q. Wu*, “Interface properties study on SiC MOS with high-k hafnium silicate gate dielectric”, AIP Advances 8, 125314, 2018 * 8. Q. Gao, Z. Zhang, X. Xu, J. Song, X. Li and Y.Q. Wu*, “Scalable high performance radio frequency electronics based on large domain bilayer MoS2”, Nature Communications 9, 4778, 2018 * 9. Z. Zhang, X. Xu, J. Song, Q. Gao, S. Li, Q. Hu, X. Li, and Y.Q. Wu*, “High-performance transistors based on monolayer CVD MoS2 grown on molten glass”, Applied Physics Letters 113, 202103, 2018 * 10. X. Li, X. Xiong, T. Li, T. Gao, Y.Q. Wu*, “Optimized Transport of Black Phosphorus Top Gate Transistors using Alucone Dielectrics”, IEEE Electron Device Letters 39, 12, 1952 – 1955, 2018 * 11. Q. Hu, S. Li, T. Li, X. Wang, X. Li and Y.Q. Wu*, “Channel Engineering of Normally-Off AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs by Atomic Layer Etching and High-κ Dielectric”, IEEE Electron Device Letters 39, 9, 1377 – 1380, 2018 * 12. T. Li, M. Tian, S. Li, M. Huang, X. Xiong, Q. Hu, S. Li, X. Li, Y.Q. Wu*, “Black Phosphorus Radio Frequency Electronics at Cryogenic Temperatures”, Advanced Electronic Materials 4, 1800138, 2018 * 13. Y.Q. Wu*, “Multifunctional devices from asymmetry”, Nature Electronics 1, 331–332, 2018 (News & Views) * 14. M. Tian, X. Li, T. Li, Q. Gao, X. Xiong, Q. Hu, M. Wang, X. Wang, and Y.Q. Wu*, “High Performance CVD Bernal-Stacked Bilayer Graphene Transistors for Amplifying and Mixing Signals at High Frequencies”, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 10 (24), 20219–20224, 2018 * 15. T. Gao, X. Li, X. Xiong, M. Huang, T. Li, and Y.Q. Wu*, “Optimized Transport Properties in Lithium Doped Black Phosphorus Transistors”, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 39, 5, 769 – 772, 2018 * 16. X. Xiong, X. Li, M. Huang, T. Li, T. Gao and Y.Q. Wu*, “High Performance Black Phosphorus Electronic and Photonic Devices with HfLaO Dielectric”, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 39, 1, 127 – 130, 2018 * 17. X. Li, T. Li, Z. Zhang, X. Xiong, S. Li and Y.Q. Wu*, “Tunable Low-Frequency Noise in Dual-Gate MoS2 Transistors”, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 39, 131-134, 2018 * 18. X. Li, R. Grassi, S. Li, T. Li, X. Xiong, T. Low*, and Y.Q. Wu*, “Anomalous temperature dependence in metal-black phosphorus contact”, Nano Lett., 18 (1), 26–31, 2018 * 19. X. Li, X. Xiong, T. Li, S. Li, Z. Zhang and Y.Q. Wu*, “Effect of Dielectric Interface on the Performance of MoS2 Transistors”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (51), 44602–44608, 2017 * 20. M. Huang, S. Li, Z. Zhang, X. Xiong, X. Li and Y.Q. Wu*, “Multifunctional high-performance van der Waals heterostructures”, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Nanotechnology 12, 1148–1154, 2017 * 21. Q. Gao, X. Li, M. Tian, X. Xiong, Z. Zhang and Y.Q. Wu*, "Short-Channel Graphene Mixer With High Linearity," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1168-1171, Aug. 2017 * 22. T.Y. Li, Z. Zhang, X.F. Li, M.Q. Huang, S.C Li, S.M. Li, and Y.Q. Wu*, “High field transport of high performance black phosphorus transistors”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 163507,2017 * 23. X. Li, Y. Du, M. Si, L. Yang, S. Li, T. Li, X. Xiong, P. Ye and Y.Q. Wu*, “Mechanisms of current fluctuation in ambipolar black phosphorus field-effect transistors”, Nanoscale, 8, 3572–3578, 2016 * 24. M. Huang, M. Wang, C. Chen, Z. Ma, X. Li, J. Han, and Y.Q. Wu*,“Broadband Black-Phosphorus Photodetectors with High Responsivity” Advanced Materials, Volume 28, Issue 18, Pages 3481–3485, May 11, 2016 * 25. S. Li, W. Luo, J. Gu, X. Cheng, P. D. Ye, and Y.Q. Wu*, “Large, tunable magnetoresistance in non-magnetic III-V nanowires” Nano Lett., 2015, 15 (12), pp 8026–8031 . November 13, 2015 * 26. X. Li, X. Lu, T. Li, W. Yang, J. Fang, G. Zhang, and Y.Q. Wu*, “Noise in Graphene Superlattices Grown on Hexagonal Boron Nitride”, ACS Nano., 2015, 9 (11), pp 11382–11388, October 4, 2015 * 27. S. Zhu, J. Fang, K. Yao, and Y.Q. Wu*, “Nearly Perfect Spin Filter Based on a Wire of Half-Metallic (η5−C5H5)Ti(η8−C8H8)Ti Units”, Phys. Rev. Applied, 4, 014019 ,7 July 2015 * 28. X. Li, L. Yang, M. Si, S. Li, M. Huang, P. Ye, Y.Q. Wu*, “Performance Potential and Limit of MoS2 Transistors” ,Advanced Materials, Volume 27, Issue 9, pages 1547–1552, March 4, 2015 * 29. Wu, Y.Q*.,Farmer, D.B. et al., “Graphene Electronics: Materials, Devices, and Circuits”, Proceedings of the IEEE (Invited), Vol. 101, No. 7, Pages 1620 – 1637, July 2013 * 30. Wu, Y.Q., Jenkins, K. A. et al., “State-of-the-art graphene high frequency electronics”, Nano Lett., 12 (6), pp 3062–3067, 2012 * 31. Wu, Y.Q.,* Perebeinos, V.* et al., “Quantum behavior of graphene transistors near the scaling limit” , Nano Lett., 12 (3), pp 1417–1423 2012 * 32. Wu, Y.Q.,* Farmer, D.B.* et al., “Three-Terminal Graphene Negative Differential Resistance Devices”, ACS Nano, 6 (3), pp 2610–2616 2012 * 33. Wu, Y.Q., Lin, Y.-M. et al., “High-frequency, scaled graphene transistors on diamond-like carbon” , Nature 472 (7341) 74-78 April 7 2011 * 34. Wu, Y.Q., Farmer, D.B. et al., “Record High RF Performance for Epitaxial Graphene Transistors (Late News),”, 2011 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2011), Washington DC , December 5-7, 2011 * 35. Wu, Y.Q., Lin, Y.-M. et al., “RF Performance of Short Channel Graphene Field-Effect Transistor (Late News),”, 2010 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2010), San Francisco , December 6-8, 2010 * 36. Wu, Y.Q., and Ye, P.D. “Scaling of InGaAs MOSFETs into deep-submicron”, ECS Transactions, vol. 28,no.5, pp 185-201, April 2010 * 37. Wu, Y.Q., Wang, R.S. et al., “First Experimental Demonstration of 100 nm Inversion-mode InGaAs FinFET through Damage-free Sidewall Etching”, 2009 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2009): Page 331-334, December 7-9, 2009 * 38. Wu, Y.Q., Xu, M. et al., “High-Performance Deep-Submicron Inversion-Mode InGaAs MOSFETs with Maximum Gm Exceeding 1.1 mS/µm:New HBr Pretreatment and Channel Engineering”, 2009 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2009): Page 323-326, December 7-9, 2009 * 39. Wu, Y.Q., Wang, W.K. et al., “0.8-V Supply Voltage Deep-Submicron Inversion-Mode In0.75Ga0.25As MOSFET” , IEEE Electron Device Letters 30 (7): 700-702 July 2009 * 40. Wu, Y.Q., Xu, M. et al., “Atomic-Layer-Deposited Al2O3/GaAs Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field-Effect Transistor on Si substrates using Aspect Ratio Trapping technique”, Applied Physics Letters 93 (24), No. 242106 December. 17, 2008 * 41. Wu, Y.Q., Ye, P.D. et al., “Top-gated graphene field-effect-transistors formed by decomposition of SiC”, Applied Physics Letters 92 (9), No. 092102 March 3, 2008 * 42. Wu, Y.Q., Xuan, Y. et al., “Enhancement-mode InP n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect- transistors with atomic- layer-deposited Al2O3 dielectrics”, Applied Physics Letters 91 (2), No. 022108 July 11 2007 * 43. Wu, Y.Q., Shen, T. et al., “Photo-assisted capacitance-voltage characterization of high-quality atomic-layer deposited Al2O3/GaN MOS structures” Applied Physics Letters 90 (14), No. 143504 April 2 2007 * 44. Wu, Y.Q., Lin, H.C. et al., “Current transport and maximum dielectric strength of atomic-layer-deposited ultrathin Al2O3 on GaAs”, Applied Physics Letters 90 (7), No. 072105 FEB 2007 * 45. Wu, Y.Q., Ye, P.D. et al., “GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor with atomic layer deposited Al2O3 as gate dielectric”, Materials Science and Engineering B 135 (3): 282-284 DEC 15 2006<ref>[https://www.ime.pku.edu.cn/index.htm 北京大学集成电路学院]</ref> ==参考资料== {{reflist}} [[Category:学者]]
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