檢視 国际民航组织机场代码 的原始碼
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[[File:国际民航组织机场代码.jpg|280px|缩略图|右|<big>国际民航组织机场代码</big>[https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/V0tSfs9ILal2U3LqiaZuY2OO5iaxStoKQiagkXXiaT1EpbrLu9iacd4gvkkwYW7Z7poFOz6VM4NcWUp2dkMQWibApLgg/640?wx_fmt=png&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1 原图链接][https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?src=11×tamp=1586158008&ver=2261&signature=6AeJoWwj2oCCX2VN-IOVvGzxXhf*ZDZPVv3cN5p6DByObrJu8OF0QPUg6LjpWoSQK9kgK29wSipq9qZhIoFx-MHzEf8ozb*G1c-8DCvwj7FzElj4yCb5mfkDxLT4wSke&new=1 来自 新翼航空 的图片]]] '''国际民航组织机场代码'''(International Civil Aviation Organization Airport Code,缩写:ICAO code),是[[国际民航组织]]为世界上所有[[机场]]所订定的识别代码,由4个英文字母组成。ICAO机场代码通常用于[[空中交通管理]]及飞行策划等。 国际民间航空组织机场代码与一般公众及旅行社所使用的IATA机场代码并不相同。 ==代码结构== 國際民間航空組織機場代碼有區域性的結構,並不會重複。通常首字母代表所屬大洲,第二個字母則代表[[國家]],剩餘的兩個字母則用於分辨[[城市]]。部份幅員廣大的國家,則以首字母代表國家,其餘三個字母用於分辨城市<ref>[https://www.guokr.com/question/628827/ 机场代码为什么要设置三字和四字两种?],果壳</ref>。 {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! 字首代碼 !! 國家及地區 |- | || |- !|| ''A - 西南[[太平洋]]地区'' |- |[[國際民航組織機場代碼_(A)#AG|AG]] || [[所罗门群岛]] |- |[[國際民航組織機場代碼_(A)#AN|AN]] || [[瑙魯]] |- |[[國際民航組織機場代碼_(A)#AY|AY]] || [[巴布亚新几内亚]] |- !|| ''B - 冰岛、格陵兰及科索沃'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: B#BG - Greenland|BG]] || [[格陵蘭]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: B#BI - Iceland|BI]] || [[冰島]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: B#BK - Kosovo|BK]] || [[科索沃]] |- !|| ''C - 加拿大'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: C|C]] || [[加拿大]] |- !|| ''D - [[西非]]及[[馬格里布]]之東部'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: D#DA - Algeria|DA]] || [[阿尔及利亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: D#DB - Benin|DB]] || [[贝宁]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: D#DF - Burkina Faso|DF]] || [[布基纳法索]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: D#DG - Ghana|DG]] || [[加纳]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: D#DI - Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)|DI]] || [[科特迪瓦]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: D#DN - Nigeria|DN]] || [[尼日利亞]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: D#DR - Niger|DR]] || [[尼日尔]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: D#DT - Tunisia|DT]] || [[突尼斯]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: D#DX - Togo|DX]] || [[多哥]] |- !|| ''E - [[北歐]]'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EB - Belgium|EB]] || [[比利時]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#ED - Germany|ED]] || [[德國]](民用) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EE - Estonia|EE]] || [[爱沙尼亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EF - Finland|EF]] || [[芬蘭]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EG - United Kingdom|EG]] || [[英國]](含[[英國皇家屬地]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EH - Netherlands|EH]] || [[荷蘭]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EI - Republic of Ireland|EI]] || [[愛爾蘭]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EK - Denmark|EK]] || [[丹麥]]及[[法羅群島]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EL - Luxembourg|EL]] || [[盧森堡]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EN - Norway|EN]] || [[挪威]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EP - Poland|EP]] || [[波蘭]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#ES - Sweden|ES]] || [[瑞典]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#ET - Germany (continued)|ET]] || [[德国]](军用) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EV - Latvia|EV]] || [[拉脱维亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: E#EY - Lithuania|EY]] || [[立陶宛]] |- !|| ''F - [[中非]]、[[南部非洲]]、[[印度洋]]地區'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FA - South Africa|FA]] || [[南非]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FB - Botswana|FB]] || [[博茨瓦纳]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FC - Congo|FC]] || [[刚果共和国]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FD - Eswatini|FD]] || [[斯威士兰]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FE - Central African Republic|FE]] || [[中非共和国]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FG - Equatorial Guinea|FG]] || [[赤道几内亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FH - Ascension Island|FH]] || [[阿森松岛]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FI - Mauritius|FI]] || [[毛里求斯]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FJ - British Indian Ocean Territory|FJ]] || [[英属印度洋领地]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FK - Cameroon|FK]] || [[喀麦隆]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FL - Zambia|FL]] || [[赞比亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FM - Comoros Islands, Mayotte, Réunion, and Madagascar|FM]] || [[科摩罗]]、[[马达加斯加]]、[[马约特]]、[[留尼汪]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FN - Angola|FN]] || [[安哥拉]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FO - Gabon|FO]] || [[加蓬]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FP - Sao Tome and Principe|FP]] || [[圣多美和普林西比]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FQ - Mozambique|FQ]] || [[莫桑比克]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FS - Seychelles|FS]] || [[塞舌尔]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FT - Chad|FT]] || [[乍得]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FV - Zimbabwe|FV]] || [[津巴布韋]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FW - Malawi|FW]] || [[马拉维]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FX - Lesotho|FX]] || [[莱索托]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FY - Namibia|FY]] || [[纳米比亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: F#FZ - Democratic Republic of the Congo|FZ]] || [[刚果民主共和国]] |- !|| ''G - [[西非]]及[[馬格里布]]地區之西部'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GA - Mali|GA]] || [[马里]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GB - The Gambia|GB]] || [[冈比亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GC - Canary Islands (Spain)|GC]] || [[西班牙]]([[加那利群岛]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GE - Ceuta and Melilla (Spain)|GE]] || [[西班牙]]([[休达]]和[[梅利利亚]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GF - Sierra Leone|GF]] || [[塞拉利昂]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GG - Guinea-Bissau|GG]] || [[几内亚比绍]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GL - Liberia|GL]] || [[利比里亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GM - Morocco|GM]] || [[摩洛哥]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GO - Senegal|GO]] || [[塞内加尔]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GQ - Mauritania|GQ]] || [[毛里塔尼亞]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GS - Western Sahara|GS]] || [[西撒哈拉]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GU - Guinea|GU]] || [[几内亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: G#GV - Cape Verde|GV]] || [[佛得角]] |- !|| ''H - [[東非]]及[[東北非洲]]'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HA - Ethiopia|HA]] || [[埃塞俄比亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HB - Burundi|HB]] || [[布隆迪]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HC - Somalia|HC]] || [[索马里]](含[[索馬里蘭]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HD - Djibouti|HD]] || [[吉布提]] ''(也可為HF)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HE - Egypt|HE]] || [[埃及]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HF - Djibouti|HF]] || [[吉布提]] ''(也可為HD)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HH - Eritrea|HH]] || [[厄立特里亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HK - Kenya|HK]] || [[肯尼亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HL - Libya|HL]] || [[利比亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HR - Rwanda|HR]] || [[卢旺达]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HS - Sudan|HS]] || [[苏丹共和国|苏丹]]和[[南蘇丹]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HT - Tanzania|HT]] || [[坦桑尼亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: H#HU - Uganda|HU]] || [[乌干达]] |- !|| ''K - 美国本土'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: K#K - United States of America|K]] || [[美国本土]] |- !|| ''L - 南欧、以色列、土耳其地区'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LA - Albania|LA]] || [[阿尔巴尼亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LB - Bulgaria|LB]] || [[保加利亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LC - Cyprus|LC]] || [[塞浦路斯]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LD - Croatia|LD]] || [[克罗地亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LE - Spain|LE]] || [[西班牙]](本土及[[巴利阿里群島]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LF - France|LF]] || [[法国]](含[[圣皮埃尔和密克隆]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LG - Greece|LG]] || [[希腊]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LH - Hungary|LH]] || [[匈牙利]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LI - Italy|LI]] || [[意大利]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LJ - Slovenia|LJ]] || [[斯洛文尼亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LK - Czech Republic|LK]] || [[捷克共和国]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LL - Israel|LL]] || [[以色列]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LM - Malta|LM]] || [[马耳他]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LN - Monaco|LN]] || [[摩纳哥]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LO - Austria|LO]] || [[奥地利]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LP - Portugal|LP]] || [[葡萄牙]](含[[亚速尔群岛]]及[[馬德拉]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LQ - Bosnia and Herzegovina|LQ]] || [[波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LR - Romania|LR]] || [[罗马尼亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LS - Switzerland|LS]] || [[瑞士]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LT - Turkey|LT]] || [[土耳其]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LU - Moldova|LU]] || [[摩尔多瓦]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LV - Gaza Strip (Palestinian National Authority)|LV]] || [[巴勒斯坦領土]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LW - Macedonia|LW]] || [[北馬其頓]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LX - Gibraltar|LX]] || [[直布罗陀]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LY - Serbia and Montenegro|LY]] || [[塞尔维亚]]及[[黑山]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: L#LZ - Slovakia|LZ]] || [[斯洛伐克]] |- !|| ''M - [[中美洲]]、[[墨西哥]]、[[加勒比地區]]北部及西部'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MB - Turks and Caicos Islands|MB]] || [[特克斯和凯科斯群岛]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MD - Dominican Republic|MD]] || [[多米尼加]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MG - Guatemala|MG]] || [[危地马拉]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MH - Honduras|MH]] || [[洪都拉斯]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MK - Jamaica|MK]] || [[牙买加]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MM - Mexico|MM]] || [[墨西哥]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MN - Nicaragua|MN]] || [[尼加拉瓜]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MP - Panama|MP]] || [[巴拿马]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MR - Costa Rica|MR]] || [[哥斯达黎加]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MS - El Salvador|MS]] || [[萨尔瓦多]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MT - Haiti|MT]] || [[海地]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MU - Cuba|MU]] || [[古巴]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MW - Cayman Islands|MW]] || [[开曼群岛]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MY - Bahamas|MY]] || [[巴哈马]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: M#MZ - Belize|MZ]] || [[伯利兹]] |- !|| ''N - [[南太平洋]]地区'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: N#NC - Cook Islands|NC]] || [[库克群岛]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: N#NF - Fiji, Tonga|NF]] || [[斐济]]、[[汤加]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: N#NG - Kiribati (Gilbert Islands), Tuvalu|NG]] || [[基里巴斯]]([[吉尔伯特群岛]])、[[图瓦卢]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: N#NI - Niue|NI]] || [[纽埃岛]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: N#NL - Wallis and Futuna|NL]] || [[法國]]([[瓦利斯和富图纳]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: N#NS - Samoa, American Samoa|NS]] || [[萨摩亚]]([[美屬薩摩亞]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: N#NT - French Polynesia|NT]] || [[法國]]([[法属波利尼西亚]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: N#NV - Vanuatu|NV]] || [[瓦努阿图]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: N#NW - New Caledonia|NW]] || [[法國]]([[新喀里多尼亚]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: N#NZ - New Zealand|NZ]] || [[新西兰]]、[[南極洲]] |- !|| ''O - [[西亞]]、阿富汗、巴基斯坦(以色列、土耳其及[[南高加索地區]]除外)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OA - Afghanistan|OA]] || [[阿富汗]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OB - Bahrain|OB]] || [[巴林]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OE - Saudi Arabia|OE]] || [[沙特阿拉伯]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OI - Iran|OI]] || [[伊朗]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OJ - Jordan|OJ]] || [[约旦]]和[[约旦河西岸]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OK - Kuwait|OK]] || [[科威特]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OL - Lebanon|OL]] || [[黎巴嫩]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OM - United Arab Emirates|OM]] || [[阿拉伯联合酋长国]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OO - Oman|OO]] || [[阿曼]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OP - Pakistan|OP]] || [[巴基斯坦]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OR - Iraq|OR]] || [[伊拉克]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OS - Syria|OS]] || [[叙利亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OT - Qatar|OT]] || [[卡塔尔]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: O#OY - Yemen|OY]] || [[也门]] |- !|| ''P - [[北太平洋]]東部'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PA - Alaska|PA]] || [[美國]]([[阿拉斯加]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PB - Baker Island|PB]] || 美國([[贝克岛]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PC - Kiribati (Canton Airfield, Phoenix Islands)|PC]] || [[基里巴斯]]([[菲尼克斯群岛]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PF - Fort Yukon, Alaska|PF]] || 美國(阿拉斯加[[育空堡]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PG - Guam, Northern Marianas|PG]] || 美國([[关岛]]、[[北马里亚纳群岛]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PH - Hawaii|PH]] || 美國([[夏威夷]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PJ - Johnston Atoll|PJ]] || 美國([[约翰斯顿岛]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PK - Marshall Islands|PK]] || [[马绍尔群岛]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PL - Kiribati (Line Islands)|PL]] || [[基里巴斯]]([[利恩群岛]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PM - Midway Atoll|PM]] || 美國([[中途岛]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PO - Oliktok Long Range Radar Station, Alaska|PO]] || 美國([[阿拉斯加]]雷达站) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PP - Point Lay, Alaska|PP]] || 美國([[波因特莱]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PT - Federated States of Micronesia, Palau|PT]] || [[密克罗尼西亚联邦]]、[[帕劳]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: P#PW - Wake Island|PW]] || 美國([[威克岛]]) |- !|| ''R - [[北太平洋]]西部'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: R#RC - Taiwan|RC]] || [[中華民國]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: R#RJ - Japan (most of country)|RJ]] || [[日本]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: R#RK - South Korea|RK]] || [[韓國]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: R#RO - Japan (Okinawa Prefecture and Yoron)|RO]] || [[琉球]]([[沖繩]]及[[与论町]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: R#RP - Philippines|RP]] || [[菲律賓]] |- !|| ''S - [[南美洲]]'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SA - Argentina|SA]] || [[阿根廷]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SB - Brazil|SB]] || [[巴西]] ''(亦可SD、SI、SJ、SN、SS和SW)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SC - Chile|SC]] || [[智利]](含[[復活節島]])(亦可SH) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SD - Brazil (continued)|SD]] || [[巴西]] ''(亦可SB、SI、SJ、SN、SS和SW)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SE - Ecuador|SE]] || [[厄瓜多尔]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SF - Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)|SF]] || [[英國]]([[福克兰群岛]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SG - Paraguay|SG]] || [[巴拉圭]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SH - Chile|SH]] || [[智利]](亦可SC) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SI - Brazil (continued)|SI]] || [[巴西]] ''(亦可SB、SD、SJ、SN、SS和SW)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SJ - Brazil (continued)|SJ]] || [[巴西]] ''(亦可SB、SD、SI、SN、SS和SW)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SK - Colombia|SK]] || [[哥伦比亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SL - Bolivia|SL]] || [[玻利维亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SM - Suriname|SM]] || [[苏里南]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SN - Brazil (continued)|SN]] || [[巴西]] ''(也可為SB、SD、SI、SJ、SS和SW)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SO - French Guiana|SO]] || [[法属圭亚那]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SP - Peru|SP]] || [[秘鲁]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SS - Brazil (continued)|SS]] || [[巴西]] ''(也可為SB、SD、SI、SJ、SN 和SW)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SU - Uruguay|SU]] || [[乌拉圭]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SV - Venezuela|SV]] || [[委内瑞拉]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SW - Brazil (continued)|SW]] || [[巴西]] ''(也可為SB、SD、SI、SJ、SN 和SS)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: S#SY - Guyana|SY]] || [[圭亚那]] |- !|| ''T - [[加勒比地區]]東部及南部'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TA - Antigua and Barbuda|TA]] || [[安提瓜和巴布达]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TB - Barbados|TB]] || [[巴巴多斯]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TD - Dominica|TD]] || [[多米尼加]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TF - Guadeloupe|TF]] || [[法國]]([[瓜德罗普]]、[[馬提尼克]]、[[聖巴泰勒米島]]<ref>[http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_79103bb90102xrh5.html 【圣巴泰勒米】加勒比海最富海岛],新浪博客,2017-03-03</ref>、[[聖馬丁島]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TG - Grenada|TG]] || [[格林纳达]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TI - U.S. Virgin Islands|TI]] || [[美國]]([[美属维尔京群岛]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TJ - Puerto Rico|TJ]] || 美國([[波多黎各]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TK - Saint Kitts and Nevis|TK]] || [[圣基茨和尼维斯]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TL - Saint Lucia|TL]] || [[圣卢西亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TN - Netherlands Antilles and Aruba|TN]] || [[荷属安的列斯]]、[[阿鲁巴]]、[[庫拉索]]、[[荷屬聖馬丁]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TQ - Anguilla|TQ]] || [[英國]]([[安圭拉]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TR - Montserrat|TR]] || 英國([[蒙特塞拉特]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TT - Trinidad and Tobago|TT]] || [[特立尼达和多巴哥]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TU - British Virgin Islands|TU]] || 英國([[英属维尔京群岛]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TV - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|TV]] || [[圣文森特和格林纳丁斯]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: T#TX - Bermuda|TX]] || 英國([[百慕大]]) |- !|| ''U - 前[[苏联]][[加盟共和国]]([[波罗的海国家]]及[[摩尔多瓦]]除外)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: U#U - Russia|U]] || [[俄罗斯]] ''(不含UA、UB、UD、UG、UK、UM和UT)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: U#UA - Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan|UA]] || [[哈萨克斯坦]]、[[吉尔吉斯斯坦]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: U#UB - Azerbaijan|UB]] || [[阿塞拜疆]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: U#UG - Armenia|UD]] || [[亚美尼亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: U#UG - Georgia|UG]] || [[格鲁吉亚]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: U#UK - Ukraine|UK]] || [[乌克兰]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: U#UM - Belarus|UM]] || [[白俄罗斯]]、[[俄羅斯]]([[加里寧格勒州]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: U#UT - Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan|UT]] || [[塔吉克斯坦]]、[[土库曼斯坦]]、[[乌兹别克斯坦]] |- !|| ''V - [[南亚]](巴基斯坦除外)、[[东南亚]]大陆部分、香港、澳門'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VA - India|VA]] || [[印度]] ''(也可為VE、VI和VO)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VC - Sri Lanka|VC]] || [[斯里兰卡]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VD - Cambodia|VD]] || [[柬埔寨]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VE - India|VE]] || [[印度]] ''(也可為VA、VI和VO)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VG - Bangladesh|VG]] || [[孟加拉国]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VH - Hong Kong|VH]] || [[香港]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VI - India|VI]] || [[印度]] ''(也可為VA、VE和VO)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VL - Laos|VL]] || [[老挝]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VM - Macao|VM]] || [[澳門]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VN - Nepal|VN]] || [[尼泊尔]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VO - India|VO]] || [[印度]] ''(也可為VA、VE和VI)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VQ - Bhutan|VQ]] || [[不丹]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VR - Maldives|VR]] || [[马尔代夫]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VT - Thailand|VT]] || [[泰國]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VV - Vietnam|VV]] || [[越南]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: V#VY - Myanmar|VY]] || [[缅甸]] |- !|| ''W - [[东南亚]]島嶼地區'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: W#WA - Indonesia|WA]] || [[印度尼西亚]] ''(也可為WI、WQ和WR)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: W#WB - Malaysia and Brunei|WB]] || [[马来西亚]]([[東馬]])、[[文莱]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: W#WI - Indonesia|WI]] || [[印度尼西亚]] ''(也可為WA、WQ和WR)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: W#WM - Malaysia|WM]] || [[马来西亚]] ([[馬來半島]]) |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: W#WP - Timor-Leste|WP]] || [[东帝汶]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: W#WQ - Indonesia|WQ]] || [[印度尼西亚]] ''(也可為WA、WI和WR)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: W#WR - Indonesia|WR]] || [[印度尼西亚]] ''(也可為WA、WI和WQ)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: W#WS - Singapore|WS]] || [[新加坡]] |- !|| ''Y - 澳大利亞'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: Y#Y - Australia|Y]] || [[澳大利亚|-{zh-hans:澳大利亚; zh-hant:澳洲;}-]](含[[諾福克島]]、[[聖誕島]]、[[科科斯(基林)群島]]) |- !|| ''Z - [[東亞]](香港、澳門、日本、韓國及台灣除外)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: Z#Z (except ZK & ZM) - 中華人民共和國|Z]] || [[中華人民共和國]] ''(不含ZK和ZM)'' |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: Z#ZK - North Korea|ZK]] || [[朝鲜|-{zh-hans:朝鲜; zh-hant:北韓;}-]] |- |[[List of airports by ICAO code: Z#ZM - Mongolia|ZM]] || [[蒙古]] |} ==视频== ===<center> 国际民航组织机场代码 相关视频</center>=== <center>西安进入十大国际航空枢纽 民航局:推进西安北京双枢纽战略</center> <center>{{#iDisplay:o30024dyrzi|560|390|qq}}</center> ==参考文献== [[Category:499 企業志;公司行號志]]