檢視 复合材料的表征 的原始碼
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{| class="wikitable" align="right" |- |<center><img src=https://www0.kfzimg.com/G06/M00/40/76/p4YBAFqbegGARx6OAACyQ3RUNFo145_s.jpg width="260"></center> <small>[https://book.kongfz.com/329361/6876888026 来自 孔夫子网 的图片]</small> |} 《'''复合材料的表征'''》,[美] 布伦德尔,埃文斯,石田初夫 编,出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社。 [[书籍]]对于人类原有很重大的意义,但,书籍不仅对那些不会读书的人是毫无用处,就是对那些机械地读完了书还不会从死的文字中引申活的思想<ref>[https://www.docin.com/p-581834483.html 思想指导人生],豆丁网,2013-01-15</ref>的人也是无用的。 —— [[乌申斯基]]<ref>[http://www.offcn.com/jiaoshi/2021/0919/479055.html 乌申斯基的教育思想],中公教育,2021-09-19</ref> ==内容简介== 《复合材料的表征/材料表征原版系列丛书》涵盖了专门应用于[[复合材料]]的先进表面分析技术,围绕复合物及聚合物基复合物的[[光谱]]表征,这本书包括对复合材料研究非常有用的技术,以及一些有前景的新技术如STM/AFM、特殊拉曼光谱。每章会介绍一门特定的技术,提供基本的背景信息、技术理论、应用实例,包括未来最先进的应用。 ==目录== Preface to the Reissue of the Materials Characterization Series x Preface to Series xi Preface to the Reissue of Characterization of Composite Materials xii Preface xiii Acronyms xiv Contributors xv X—RAY PHOTOELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY (XPS) AND ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (ESCA) 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Fundamental Principles: XPS and ESCA 2 1.3 Applications of XPSIESCA to Composites 9 Fibers 10, Polymer Matrix Materials 13, Composites 14, Failure Modes 19 1.4 Summary 23 RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY 2.1 Introduction 26 2.2 Normal Raman Scattering 27 2.3 Surface—Enhanced Raman Scattering 28 2.4 Polymer—Metal Composites 29 Adsorption of Polymer to Metal 29, Adhesive—Adherent Interactions 33 2.5 Polymer—Polymer Composites 38 Polymer—Polymer Interdiffusion 38, Surface Segregation in Polymer Blends 39 2.6 Fiber—Polymer Composites 39 Stress Transfer at Interfaces 39, Surface Structure of Carbon Materials 41 2.7 Summary 41 NMR IMAGING OF COMPOSITES 3.1 Introduction 44 Basis of NMR Imaging 45, Relaxation Parameters in NMR Imaging 46, Pulse Sequences for Generating Contrast in Imaging 47, Resolution in NMR Imaging 48, Utility of NMRI 49, Image Processing 49 3.2 Advanced Imaging Techniques 50 Chemical Shift Imaging 50 3.3 NMRI of Solids 52 Design Limitations of High Performance Fiber—Reinforced Composites 52, Interracial Bond Quality and Defect Characteristics of Composites 53, NMR Imaging as a Composite Inspection Technique: Detection of Internal Voids 54, Detection of Nonuniform Dispersion of Filler 55, Aging of Composites 56, MRI as an Environmental Monitoring Technique 58, Adsorption of Liquids in Polymers 58, 1H ImagingofSolids 58, 13C ImagingofSolids 60 3.4 Conclusions 61 NMR STUDIES OF ISOTOPE—ENRICHED SPECIES AT INTERFACES INVERSE GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY DIELECTRIC SPECTROSCOPY IMAGING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MATERIALS BY THE NEW SCANNING PROBE TECHNIQUES (STM/AFM) ELASTIC AND VISCOELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF COMPOSITES INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY FOR COMPOSITES ==参考文献== [[Category:040 類書總論;百科全書總論]]