檢視 模块:PageLinks 的原始碼
由於下列原因,您沒有權限進行 編輯此頁面 的動作:
local ToolbarBuilder = require('Module:Toolbar') local p = {} -- Page object local trackingCategories = {} -- Table for storing the tracking categories. local demo -- Define a custom error message for this module. local function err(msg, section) local help if section then help = ' ([[Template:Page-multi#' .. section .. '|帮助]])' else help = '' end local cat if demo == 'yes' then cat = '' else cat = '[[Category:有错误的PageLinks嵌入]]' end return '<span class="error">[[Template:Page-multi|Page-multi]]出错:' .. msg .. help .. '.</span>' .. cat end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- To add more link types, write a function that produces an individual link, and put -- -- it at the bottom of the list below. Then, add a link code for your function to the -- -- "linktypes" table. Try and make the code three letters or less. -- -- If you want more helper strings, you can define them in the generatePageDataStrings -- -- function below. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LINK FUNCTIONS START -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function makePageLink() return p.fullText and '[[:' .. p.fullText .. '|' .. p.fullText .. ']]' or '' end local function makeTalkLink() return '[[' .. tostring(p.talkPageTitle) .. '|讨论]]' end local function makeWhatLinksHereLink() return '[[Special:WhatLinksHere/' .. p.fullText .. '|-{zh-hans:链接; zh-hant:連結;}-]]' end local function makeRelatedChangesLink() return '[[Special:RelatedChanges/' .. p.fullText .. '|相关]]' end local function makeEditLink() local url = p:fullUrl( 'action=edit' ); return '[' .. url .. ' 编辑]' end local function makeHistoryLink() local url = p:fullUrl( 'action=history' ); return '[' .. url .. ' 历史]' end local function makeWatchLink() local url = p:fullUrl( 'action=watch' ); return '[' .. url .. ' 监视]' end local function makeTargetLogsLink() local url = mw.uri.fullUrl( 'Special:Log', 'page=' .. mw.uri.encode(p.fullText) ) return '[' .. tostring(url) .. ' 日志]' end local function makeEditFilterLogLink() local url = mw.uri.fullUrl( 'Special:AbuseLog', 'wpSearchTitle=' .. mw.uri.encode(p.fullText) ) return '[' .. tostring(url) .. ' 编辑过滤器日志]' end local function StatsGrokSeURL(year, month, lang) local url = 'http://stats.grok.se/' .. lang .. '/' .. year .. string.format("%0.2d",month) .. '/' .. mw.uri.encode( p.fullText ) return url end local function monthsago(months) local rv = os.date("*t") if rv.month < months + 1 then rv.month = 12 + (rv.month - months) rv.year = rv.year - 1 else rv.month = rv.month - months end return rv end local function makeViewsLastMonthStatsGrokSeLink() local when = monthsago(1) return '[' .. StatsGrokSeURL(when.year, when.month, 'en') .. ' 统计]' end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LINK FUNCTIONS END -- -- To enable new link functions, add the code to the "linktypes" table directly below. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local linktypes = { {'t' , makeTalkLink}, {'wlh' , makeWhatLinksHereLink}, {'rc' , makeRelatedChangesLink}, {'edit', makeEditLink}, {'h' , makeHistoryLink}, {'w' , makeWatchLink}, {'tl' , makeTargetLogsLink}, {'efl' , makeEditFilterLogLink}, {'vlm-sgs' , makeViewsLastMonthStatsGrokSeLink}, } local function getLink(linktype) local linkNumber for i, value in ipairs(linktypes) do if value[1] == linktype then linkNumber = i break end end if not linkNumber then return err('“' .. linktype .. '”不是有效的链接代码', '非有效链接代码') end local result = linktypes[linkNumber][2]() if type(result) ~= 'string' then return err( '代码“' .. linktype .. '”的函数没有返回字符串值', '函数未返回字符串值' ) end return result end local function makeToolbar(args) local targs = {} local numArgsExist = false for k, v in pairs(args) do if type(k) == 'number' and p then numArgsExist = true targs[k] = getLink(v) end end targs.style = args.small and 'font-size: 90%;' targs.separator = args.separator or 'dot' if numArgsExist == false then return nil -- Don't return a toolbar if no numeric arguments exist. -- this bit looks odd else return ToolbarBuilder.main(targs) end end local function generatePageDataStrings(args) -- If the page name is absent or blank, return an error and a tracking category. if args.page == '' or not args.page then return err('没有探测到页面') end local noError noError, p = pcall(mw.title.new, args.page) if not noError then return err('pcall mw.title 失败') end if args.exists and (not p or p['id'] == 0) then return err('未找到页面') end end local function generateTrackingCategories() if demo == 'yes' then return '' else return table.concat(trackingCategories) end end -- This function generates a table of all available link types, with their previews. -- It is used in the module documentation. local function getLinkTable(args) demo = args.demo -- Set the demo variable. -- Generate the page data strings and return any errors. local dataStringError = generatePageDataStrings(args) if dataStringError then return dataStringError end -- Build a table of all of the links. local result = '<table class="wikitable plainlinks sortable">' .. '\n<tr><th>代码</th><th>预览</th></tr>' for i, value in ipairs(linktypes) do local code = value[1] result = result .. "\n<tr><td>'''" .. code .. "'''</td><td>" .. getLink(code) .. '</td></tr>' end result = result .. '\n</table>' return result end local function getSingleLink(args) demo = args.demo -- Set the demo variable. -- Generate the page data strings and return any errors. local dataStringError = generatePageDataStrings(args) if dataStringError then return dataStringError end local linktype = args[1] if not linktype then return err('没有指定链接类型') end local result = getLink(linktype) result = result .. generateTrackingCategories() return result end local function getLinksToolbar(args) demo = args.demo -- Set the demo variable. -- Generate the page data strings and return any errors. local dataStringError = generatePageDataStrings(args) if dataStringError then return dataStringError end -- Build the template output. local result = makeToolbar(args) -- Get the toolbar contents. result = (result or '') .. generateTrackingCategories() return result end local function getLinks(args) local result = getLinksToolbar(args) if result then if args.sup then result = '<sup>' .. result .. '</sup>' end result = ' ' .. result else result = '' -- If there are no links specified, don't return the toolbar at all. end if args.nopage then result = '<span>' .. result .. '</span>' else if p then result = '<span>' .. makePageLink() .. result .. '</span>' else result = '<span>[[' .. args.page .. ']]' .. result .. '</span>' end end return result end local function getExampleLinks(args) -- This function enables example output without having to specify any -- parameters to #invoke. args.demo = 'yes' args.page = 'Example' return getLinks(args) end local function makeWrapper(func) return function (frame) -- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking template. -- Otherwise, for testing purposes, assume args are being passed directly in. local origArgs if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then origArgs = frame:getParent().args for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do origArgs = frame.args break end else origArgs = frame end -- Strip whitespace, and treat blank arguments as nil. -- 'page', and 'separator' have different behaviour depending on -- whether they are blank or nil, so keep them as they are. local args = {} for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do v = mw.text.trim(v) if v ~= '' or k == 'page' or k == 'separator' then args[k] = v end end return func(args) end end return { main = makeWrapper(getLinks), single = makeWrapper(getSingleLink), toolbar = makeWrapper(getLinksToolbar), linktable = makeWrapper(getLinkTable), example = makeWrapper(getExampleLinks) }