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{{Infobox person | 姓名 = 童金南 | 图像 = [[File:童金南.jpg|缩略图 |center|[https://baike.so.com/gallery/list?ghid=first&pic_idx=1&eid=1265930&sid=1338701 原图链接] [https://baike.so.com/doc/1265930-1338701.html 来自360图片]]] | 图像说明 = 中国地质大学教授、博士生导师 | 出生日期 = 1962年5月 | 逝世日期 = | 国籍 = 中国 | 职业 = 教育科研工作者 }} '''童金南''' ,1962年5月生,[[博士]]、[[教授]]、[[博士生导师]]<ref>[https://bgeg.cug.edu.cn/info/1025/1228.htm 中国地质大学(武汉)导师教师师资介绍简介-童金南 ],中国地质大学, 2021-03-18</ref>。国家杰出青年基金获得者<ref>[http://www.21hubei.net/view/12-25725.html 童金南:国家杰出青年基金获得者 ],世纪名人网</ref>,国家自然科学基金委创新群体负责人。[[国务院政府特殊津贴]]<ref>[https://xswyh.cug.edu.cn/info/1008/1221.htm 童金南 教授 ],中国地质大学, 2018-12-22</ref>、全国先进科技工作者、全国“五一”劳动奖章获得者<ref>[https://www.cug.edu.cn/info/10506/89835.htm [新华网]在传承中绽放光芒——记中国地质大学(武汉)地质学教师团队 ],中国地质大学</ref>,[[湖北省]]教学名师。 == 人物经历 == 1978年9月-1982年7月原[[武汉]]地质学院地层古生物学专业本科学习获学士学位。 1982年9月-1985年7月[[中国地质大学]](武汉)古生物学和地层学专业研究生学习获[[硕士]]学位。 1987年9月-1991年12月中国地质大学(武汉)古生物学和地层学专业在职博士研究生学习获理学博士学位。 1985年7月至今中国地质大学(武汉)任教(1996年12月在原地质矿产部破格晋升为教授1999年12月评为博士生导师)。 1994年10月-12月1997年11月-1998年1月1998年11月-1999年2月分别在美国Smithsonian研究所、澳大利亚Deakin大学和美国Arizona大学进行科学访问和合作研究。 现任生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室主任中国地质大学武汉学术委员会主任中国古生物学会副理事长 全国地层委员会副秘书长。国际地层委员会三叠系分会选举委员2008-2016任副主席。 教学方面承担着本学科主干课程“古生物学”的建设和教学任务主编出版了“普通高等教育‘十五’和‘十一五’国家级规划教材”《古生物学》和《古生物地史学概论》负责建成“古生物学”国家精品课程和国家精品资源共享课程获湖北省教学成果一等奖指导本科生获“挑战杯”全国大学生课外科技作品竞赛特等奖被评为“湖北省教学名师”并负责”湖北名师工作室“建设。 科研方面重点研究重大地质突变期生命―环境事件和过程尤其主攻二叠纪―三叠纪之交突变期生物―环境事件对二叠纪―三叠纪之交的生物地质过程、三叠纪初的地层学、生物演变和生态系重建等方面的科学研究有重要贡献。发表论文200多篇SCI收录100余篇组织主编英文文集5部其中SCI期刊文集3部出版专著5部国外2部获国家自然科学二等奖2项、教育部自然科学一等奖1项、湖北省自然科学一等奖2项、国土资源部科技一等奖1项。2003年获国家杰出青年科学基金资助负责的“重大地质突变期生物与环境协同演化”研究集体分别于2005年和2006年获教育部创新团队计划和国家创新研究群体科学基金资助。 2001年获湖北省青年科技奖2004年获得国务院政府特殊津贴2009年获尹赞勋地层古生物学奖2012年被评为全国先进科技工作者2014年获全国五一劳动奖章。 == 科研出版物 == === 专著 === 张克信、童金南、侯光久、吴顺宝、朱云海、林启祥等2005中华人民共和国区域地质调查报告煤山镇幅、长兴县幅1:50 000。中国地质大学出版社 Tong Jinnan, Erwin, D.H., 2001,Triassic Gastropods of South Qingling Mountains,China.Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, No.92. Smithsonian InstitutionPress, Washington, D. C. Yin Hongfu, J. M. Dickins, G.R. Shi, TongJinnan, 2000, Permian-Triassic Evolution ofTethys and Western Circum-Pacific.Elsevier, Amsterdam 童金南1997黔中黔南中三叠世环境地层学。中国地质大学出版社 殷鸿福、丁梅华、张克信童金南等1995扬子及其周缘东吴印支期生态地层学。科学出版社 === 论文集 === Chen, Z. Q., Twitchett, R. J., Tong,J., 2009. Permian-Triassic mass extinction and subsequent recovery: Anupdate. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol.56, No.6. Tong Jinnan, Shi Xiaoying, 2008.Coevolution of life and environment in great turning periods of Earth history.Science inChina(Series D), Vol.51, No.11. Algeo, T., Lehrmann, D.,Orchard, M., Tong Jinnan. 2007(eds.). The Permian–Triassic boundary crisis and Early Triassicbiotic recovery. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 252, no.1-2. Yin Hongfu, Tong Jinnan,Campi, M. J. (eds.), 2002, Special Issue of the International Symposium on theGlobal Stratotype of the Permian-Triassic Boundary and the Paleozoic-MesozoicEvents. Journal of China University of Geosciences, vol.13, no.2 Yin Hongfu, Tong Jinnan (eds), 1999, Proceedings ofthe International Conference on Pangea and the Paleozoic-Mesozoic Transition. ChinaUniversityof Geosciences Press === 录相带 === 殷鸿福、童金南1996煤山剖面作为全球二叠三叠系界线层型剖面和点。武汉大学音像出版社Yin Hongfu, Tong Jinnan, 1996, Meishan Section¾¾as Global StratotypeSection and Point of the Permian and Triassic Boundary. 武汉大学音像出版社 [[File:童金南 23.png|缩略图|童金南 ]] === 科研论文 === 2017 Chu Daoliang, Tong Jinnan*, Bottjer, D.J., SongHaijun, Song Huyue, Benton, M.J., Tian Li, Guo Wei, 2017. Microbial mats in theterrestrial Lower Triassic of North China and implications for thePermian-Triassic mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology. 474: 214-231. SCI Ye Qin, Tong Jinan*, An Zhihui, HuJun, Tian Li, Guan Kaiping, Xiao Shuihai*, 2017. A systematic description ofnew macrofossil material from the upper Ediacaran Miaohe Member in South China. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, in press (56pp.). Song Haijun, Jiang Ganqing, Poulton, S. W., Wignall, P. B., Tong Jinnan, Song Huyue, An Zhihui, Chu Daoliang, Tian Li, SheZhenbing, Wang Chengshan, 2017. The onset of widespread marine red beds and theevolution of ferruginous oceans. Nature Communications, 8:399. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00502-x. Song Huyue, Song Haijun, Algeo, T. J., Tong Jinnan, Romaniello, S. J., Zhu Yuanyuan, Chu Daoliang, Gong Yiming,Anbar, A. D., 2017. Uranium and carbon isotopes document global-oceanredox-productivity relationships linked to cooling during theFrasnian-Famennian mass extinction. Geology, doi: 10.1130/G39393.1. Chu Daoliang, Tong Jinnan, Benton, M. J., Yu Jianxin, Huang Yunfei, in press. Mixed continental-marine biotas following thePermian-Triassic mass extinction in South and North China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2016 Liang Lei, Tong Jinnan*, Song Haijun, Song Ting,Tian Li, Song Huyue, Qiu Haiou, 2016. Lower-Middle Triassic conodontbiostratigraphy of the Mingtang section, NanpanjiangBasin, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 459:381-393. SCI Chu Daoliang, Yu Jianxin*, Tong Jinnan*, Benton,M.J., Song Haijun, Huang Yunfei, Song Ting, Tian Li, 2016. Biostratigraphiccorrelation and mass extinction during the Permian-Triassic transition interrestrial-marine siliciclastic settings of South China:Global and Planetary Change, 146: 67-88. SCI Song Haijun*, Tong Jinnan*,Wignall, P.B., Luo Mao, Tian Li, Song Huyue, Huang Yunfei, Chu Daoliang, 2016. Early Triassic disaster andopportunistic foraminifers in South China. Geological Magazine, 153: 298-315. SCI Saito, R., Kaiho, K., Oba,M., Tong Jinnan, Chen Zhongqiang, Takahashi, S., Chen Jing, Tian Li,Biswas, R.K., 2016. Secular changes in environmental stresses and eukaryotesduring the Early Triassic to the early Middle Triassic. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 451: 35-45. SCI 仇鑫程, 童金南*, 田力, 楚道亮, 宋婷, 李东东, 2016. 贵州威宁金钟二叠系-三叠系界线剖面生物地层及其对比. 地球科学, 41: 1709-1722. EI 官开萍, 田力, 安志辉, 叶琴, 胡军, 童金南*, 2016. 湖北神农架西部南华纪地层序列及其区域对比. 地学前缘, 23: 236-245. EI 2015 童金南殷鸿福, 2015. 三叠纪年代地层与中国建阶. 地球科学, 40(2): 189-197. EI 童金南2015. 华东地区早—中三叠世海相地层划分和对比. 地球学报36(5): 546-558. 黄云飞, 童金南*, 向烨, 肖传桃, 宋海军, 田力, 宋婷, 楚道亮, 2015. 二叠纪―三叠纪之交双壳类的灭绝与复苏过程. 地球科学, 40(2): 334-345. EI 叶琴, 童金南*, 安志辉, 田力, 赵小明, 朱士兴, 2015. 湖北宜昌樟村坪埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱组磷酸盐化微体化石组合. 古生物学报, 54(1): 43-65. Ye Qin, Tong Jinnan*, Xiao Shuhai*, Zhu Shixing, An Zhihui, Tian Li, HuJun, 2015. The survival of benthic macroscopic phototrophs on a Neoproterozoicsnowball Earth. Geology, 43(6): 507-510. SCI Chu Daoliang, Tong Jinnan*, Song Haijun*, Benton, M.J., Bottjer,D.J., Song Huyue, Tian Li, 2015. Early Triassic wrinkle structures on land:Stressed environments and oases for life. Scientific Reports, 5: 10109. SCI [[File:童金南 24.jpg|缩略图|童金南 ]] Chu Daoliang, Tong Jinnan*, Song Haijun,Benton, M.J., Song Huyue, Yu Jianxin, Qiu Xincheng, Huang Yunfei, Tian Li,2015. Lilliput effect in freshwater ostracods during the Permian-Triassicextinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 435: 38-52. SCI Chen Jing*, Tong Jinnan*, Song Haijun, Luo Mao, Huang Yunfei, Xiang Ye, 2015.Recovery pattern of brachiopods after the Permian-Triassic crisis in South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, 433: 91-105. SCI Zhao Xiaoming, Tong Jinnan, Yao Huazhou, Niu Zhijun, Luo Mao, HuangYunfei, Song Haijun, 2015. Early Triassic trace fossils from the Three Gorgesarea of South China: Implications for therecovery of benthic ecosystems following the Permian-Triassic extinction.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 429: 100-116. SCI Tian Li, Tong Jinnan*, Bottjer,David, Chu Daoliang, Liang Lei, Song Huyue, Song Haijun, 2015. Rapid Carbonate Depositional ChangesFollowing the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction: Sedimentary Evidence from South China. Journal of Earth Science, 26(2): 166-180. SCIE Tian Li, Bottjer, D.J., Tong Jinnan*, LiFei, Yang Tinglu, Song Haijun, Song Huyue, and Liang Lei, 2015. Distributionand size variation of ooids in the aftermath of the Permian-Triassic massextinction. Palaios, 20: 714-727. SCI Song Haijun*, Wignall, P.B., Tong Jinnan*,Song Huyue, Chen, J., Chu Daoliang, Tian Li, Luo Mao, Zong Keqing, Chen Yanlong, LaiXulong, Zhang Kexin, Wang Hongmei, 2015. Integrated Sr isotope variations andglobal environmental changes through the Late Permian to early Late Triassic.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 424: 140-147. SCI Song Haijun*, Yang Lirong, Tong Jinnan*,Chen Jing, Tian Li, Song Huyue, Chu Daoliang, 2015. Recovery dynamicsof foraminifers and algae following the Permian-Triassic extinction in Qingyan,South China. Geobios, 48(1): 71–83. SCI An Zhihui, Jiang Ganqing, Tong Jinnan*, Tian Li, Ye Qin, SongHuyue, Song Haijun, 2015. Stratigraphic position of the Ediacaran Miaohe biotaand its constrains on the age of the upper Doushantuo d13C anomaly in the Yangtze Gorgesarea, South China. Precambrian Research,271: 243-253. SCI Dineen, A.A.,Fraiser, M.L., Tong Jinnan, 2015. Low functional evenness in apost-extinction Anisian (Middle Triassic) paleocommunity: A case study of theLeidapo Member (Qingyan Formation), south China, Global and Planetary Change,133, 79–86. SCI Saito, R., Kaiho, K., Oba, M., Fujibayashi,M., Tong Jinnan, and Tian Li, 2015.Predominance of archaea-derived hydrocarbons in an Early Triassic microbialite.Organic Geochemistry, 85: 66-75. SCI 2014 Tian Li, Tong Jinnan*, Algeo, T.J.*, Song Haijun, Song Huyue, Chu Daoliang, Shi Lei, Bottjer, D.J., 2014. Reconstruction ofEarly Triassic ocean redox conditions based on framboidal pyrite from the NanpanjiangBasin,South China. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 412: 68-79. SCI Huang Yunfei, Tong Jinnan*, Fraiser, M.L.*, ChenZ.-Q., 2014. Extinction patterns among bivalves in South China during the Permian-Triassic crisis. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 399: 78-88. SCI Song Huyue*, Tong Jinnan*, Algeo, T.J.*, Song Haijun, Qiu Haiou, Zhu Yuanyuan,Tian Li, Bates, S., Lyons,T.W., Luo, G., and Kump, L.R., 2014. Early Triassic seawater sulfate drawdown.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 12: 95-113. SCI Song Haijun, Wignall, P.B., Chu Daoliang, Tong Jinnan,Sun Yadong, Song Huyue, He Weihong, Tian Li, 2014. Anoxia/high temperaturedouble whammy during the Permian-Triassic marine crisis and its aftermath.Scientific Reports, 4: 3142. SCI Tian Li, Tong Jinnan*, Sun Dongying, Xiong Yanlin, Wang Chenggang, SongHaijun, Song Huyue, Huang Yunfei, 2014.The microfacies and sedimentaryresponses to the mass extinction during the Permian-Triassic transition atYangou Section, Jiangxi Province, South China. Science China Earth Sciences, 57:2195-2207.田力, 童金南*, 孙冬英, 熊炎林, 王成刚, 宋海军, 宋虎跃, 黄云飞, 2014. 江西乐平沿沟二叠纪-三叠纪过渡期沉积微相演变及其对灭绝事件的响应. 中国科学地球科学, 44(10): 2247-2261.SCI Song Huyue, Tong Jinnan*, Tian Li, Song Haijun, QiuHaiou, Zhu Yuanyuan, Algeo, T., 2014. Paleo-redox conditions across thePermian-Triassic boundary in shallow carbonate platform of the NanpanjiangBasin,South China. Science China Earth Sciences, 57:1030-1038宋虎跃, 童金南*, 田力, 宋海军, 邱海鸥, 朱园园, Algeo, T.J., 2014. 南盘江地区二叠纪-三叠纪之交浅水台地古氧相研究. 中国科学地球科学, 44,: 1273-1282. SCI Benton, M.J., Zhang, Q., Hu, S., Chen, Z.-Q., Wen, W., Liu, J., Huang, J., Zhou,C., Xie, T., Tong Jinnan, Choo, B.,2014. Reprint of "Exceptional vertebrate biotas from the Triassic ofChina, and the expansion of marine ecosystems after the Permo-Triassic massextinction". Earth-Science Reviews, 137:85-128. SCI [[File:童金南 25.png|缩略图|童金南 ]] Saito, R., Oba, M., Kaiho, K.,Schaeffer, P., Adam, P., Takahashi, S., Watanabe Nara, F., Chen, Z.-Q., Tong Jinnan, Tsuchiya, N., 2014.Extreme euxinia just prior to the Middle Triassic biotic recovery from thelatest Permian mass extinction. Organic Geochemistry, 73: 113-122. SCI 童金南, 黄云飞, 梁蕾, 2014. 早三叠世生物-环境-年代地层. 地学前缘, 21: 144-156. 安志辉, 童金南*, 叶琴, 田力, 宋虎跃, 赵小明, 2014. 峡东青林口地区新元古代地层序列及沉积演变. 地球科学, 39: 796-806. 黄云飞, 童金南*, 2014. 古—中生代之交双壳类演变研究进展. 地球科学进展, 29: 922-933. 田力, 童金南*, 宋海军, 梁蕾, 杨利蓉, 宋虎跃, 王成刚, 赵小明, 孙冬英, 2014. 江西乐平沿沟二叠纪末有孔虫的演变及对鲕状灰岩的古环境指示意义. 地球科学, 39: 1473-1486. 2013 Song Huyue, Tong Jinnan*, Algeo, T. J.*, Horacek, M., QiuHaiou, Song Haijun, Tian Li, Chen Zhongqiang, 2013. Large vertical d13CDIC gradients in Early Triassicseas of the South China craton: Implicationsfor oceanographic changes related to Siberian Traps volcanism. Global andPlanetary Change, 105: 7-20. SCI Song Haijun, Wignall, P.B., Tong Jinnan, Yin Hongfu, 2013. Twopulses of extinction during the Permian-Triassic crisis. Nature Geoscience,6(1): 52-56. SCI Algeo, T.J., Henderson, C.M., Tong, J., Feng, Q., Yin, H., Tyson, R.V., 2013. Plankton andproductivity during the Permian-Triassic boundary crisis: An analysis oforganic carbon fluxes. Global and Planetary Change, 105: 52-67. SCI Zhao, L., Chen, Z.-Q., Algeo,T.J., Chen, J., Chen, Y., Tong, J.,Gao, S., Zhou, L., Hu, Z., Liu, Y., 2013. Rare-earth element patterns inconodont albid crowns: Evidence for massive inputs of volcanic ash during thelatest Permian biocrisis? Global and Planetary Change, 105: 135-151. SCI Benton, M.J., Zhang, Q., Hu, S., Chen, Z.-Q., Wen, W., Liu, J., Huang, J., Zhou,C., Xie, T., Tong Jinnan, Choo, B.,2013. Exceptional vertebrate biotas from the Triassic of China, and theexpansion of marine ecosystems after the Permo-Triassic mass extinction.Earth-Science Reviews, 12: 199-243. SCI Saito, R., Kaiho, K., Oba, M.,Takahashi, S., Chen, Z.-Q., Tong Jinnan,2013. A terrestrial vegetation turnover in the middle of the Early Triassic. Global and PlanetaryChange, 105: 152-159. SCI 童金南, 徐冉, 袁晏明, 2013. 北京周口店地区岩石地层及沉积序列和沉积环境恢复: 地球科学与环境学报, 35: 15-23. 左景勋, 童金南, 赵来时, 常德峰, 赵荣军, 2013. 早三叠世下扬子古海洋地球化学环境的修复过程: 地球科学, 38: 441-453. 楚道亮, 童金南*, 喻建新, 宋海军, 田力, 2013. 黔西地区卡以头组叶肢介动物群: 古生物学报, 52: 265-280. 杨丽蓉,宋海军,童金南, 楚道亮, 田力, 2013. 湖南慈利康家坪剖面二叠纪末蜓类有孔虫的灭绝过程. 微体古生物学报, 30: 353-366. Saito, R., Oba, M., Kaiho,K., Maruo, C., Fujibayashi, M., Chen Jing, Chen, Z.-Q., and Tong Jinnan, 2013. Ether lipids fromthe Lower and Middle Triassic at Qingyan, GuizhouProvince, Southern China. Organic Geochemistry, 58: 27-42. SCI 2012 uSong Haijun, Wignall, P.B.*,Tong Jinnan*, Bond, D.P.G., SongHuyue, Lai Xulong, Zhang Kexin, Wang Hongmei, and Chen Yanlong, 2012.Geochemical evidence from bio-apatite for multiple oceanic anoxic events duringPermian-Triassic transition and the link with end-Permian extinction andrecovery. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 353-354: 12-21. SCI uSong Haijun, Tong Jinnan*, Xiong Yanlin,Sun Dongying, Tain Li, Song Huyue, 2012. The large increase of d13Ccarb-depthgradient and the end-Permian mass extinction. Science China Earth Sciences,55(7): 1101-1109. 宋海军, 童金南,熊炎林,孙冬英,田力,宋虎跃,2012. d13Ccarb-深度梯度的剧增与二叠纪末生物大灭绝. 中国科学地球科学, 42(8): 1182-1191.SCI uKaiho, K., Oba, M., Fukuda,Y., Ito, K., Ariyoshi, S., Gorjan, P., Riu, Y., Takahashi, S., Chen, Z.-Q., Tong Jinnan, Yamakita, S., 2012.Changes in depth-transect redox conditions spanning the end-Permian massextinction and their impact on the marine extinction: Evidence from biomarkersand sulfur isotopes. Global and Planetary Change, 94-95: 20-32. SCI uSun Dongying, Tong Jinnan*, Xiong Yanlin, Tian Li,Yin Hongfu, 2012. Conodont biostratigraphy and evolution acrossPermian-Triassic boundary at Yangou Section, Leping,Jiangxi Province, South China. Journal of Earth Science, 23:311-325. SCI 2011 uSong Haijun, Paul B.Wignall*, Chen Zhongqiang, Tong Jinnan*,David P.G. Bond, Lai Xulong, Zhao Xiaoming, Jiang Haishui, Yan Chunbo, NiuZhijun, Chen Jing, Yang Hao, Wang Yongbiao, 2011. Recovery tempo and pattern ofmarine ecosystems after the end-Permian mass extinction. Geology, 39(8):739-742. SCI uHuang Chunju, Tong Jinnan, Linda Hinnov, Chen Zhongqiang,2011. Did the great dying of life take 700 k.y.? Evidence from globalastronomical correlation of the Permian-Triassic boundary interval. Geology,39(8): 779-782.SCI [[File:童金南 26.jpg|缩略图|童金南 ]] uTong Jinnan, Zhao Laishi, 2011.Lower Triassic and Induan-Olenekian boundary in Chaohu,Anhui Province, South China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 85(2): 399-407. SCI uLiangDan, Tong Jinnan*, Zhao Laishi,2011. Early Triassic Smithian-SpathianBoundary at West Pingdingshan Section in Chaohu, Anhui Province. Science China:Earth Sciences, 54(3): 372-379 (梁丹, 童金南*赵来时,2011. 安徽巢湖平顶山西坡剖面早三叠世Smithian- Spathian界线地层研究. 中国科学地球科学, 41(2): 149-157). SCI uJi Wenting, Tong Jinnan*, Zhao Laishi, Zhou Shiqin,Chen Jing, 2011. Lower-Middle Triassic conodont biostratigraphy of the Qingyansection, GuizhouProvince,Southwest China. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 308: 213-223 (doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo. 2010.08.020).SCI uChen, Z.-Q., Tong Jinnan, Fraiser, M.L., 2011. Tracefossil evidence for restoration of marine ecosystems following the end-Permianmass extinction in the Lower Yangtze region, South China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 299: 449-474. SCI uSong Haijun, Tong Jinnan*, Chen, Z.Q., 2011.Evolutionary dynamics of the Permian-Triassic foraminifer size: Evidence forLilliput effect in the end-Permian mass extinction and its aftermath.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 308: 98-110 (doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.10.036). SCI uYang Hao, Chen, Z.Q., WangYongbiao, Tong Jinnan, Song Haijun,Chen Jing, 2011. Composition and structure of microbialite ecosystems followingthe end-Permian mass extinction in South China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 308: 111-128 (doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.05.029).SCI uChen Jing, Chen, Z.-Q., Tong Jinnan, 2011. Environmentaldeterminants and ecologic selectivity of benthic faunas from nearshore tobathyal zones in the end-Permian mass extinction: Brachiopod evidence from South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, 308: 84-97doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.02.019. SCI uWuMengyin, Zhao Yuanlong, Tong Jinnan,Yang Ruidong, 2011. New macroalgal fossils of the KailiBiota in Guizhou Province. Sci China Earth Sci, 50(1): 93-100伍孟银, 赵元龙, 童金南杨瑞东, 2010. 贵州凯里生物群中的宏观藻类新材料. 中国科学地球科学, 40(11): 1510-1517. SCI 2010 u陈晶、童金南牛志军、周士钦、宋海军、易飞2010. 贵州青岩地区早―中三叠世生物地层。地球科学35(1):51-61. EI uChen Jing, Chen, Z.-Q., Tong Jinnan, 2010. Palaeoecology andtaphonomy of two brachiopod shell beds from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Guizhou, Southwest China:Recovery of benthic communities from the end-Permian mass extinction. Globaland Planetary Change, 73(1-2): 149-160. SCI uChen, Z. Q., Tong Jinnan, Liao, Zuoting, Chen Jing, 2010.Structural changes of marine communities over the Permian-Triassic transition:Ecologically assessing the end-Permian mass extinction and its aftermath.Global and Planetary Change, 73(1-2): 123-140. SCI u熊鑫琪, 黄云飞童金南,2010. 贵州遵义地区早-中三叠世双壳类生物地层研究. 地质科技情报, 29(6): 7-14. u张杰童金南,2010. 下扬子地区下三叠统蠕虫状灰岩及其成因. 古地理学报, 12(5): 535-548. u赵小明, 牛志军, 童金南姚华舟, 2010. 早三叠世生物复苏期的特殊沉积——“错时相”沉积. 沉积学报, 28(2): 314-323. u赵小明, 童金南,姚华舟田洋, 2010. 三峡地区印支运动的沉积响应. 古地理学报, 12(2): 177-184. uZhao Xiaoming, Tong Jinnan, 2010. Two episodic changesof trace fossils through the Permian-Triassic transition in the Meishan cores, ZhejiangProvince. Science China Earth Sciences,53(12): 1885-1893 (赵小明, 童金南,2010. 浙江煤山钻孔二叠-三叠系界线剖面遗迹化石的两幕式变化. 中国科学地球科学, 40(9): 1241-1249). SCI uLuo Genming, Kump, L.R.,Wang Yongbiao, Tong Jinnan, Arthur,M.A., Yang Hao, Huang Junhua, Yin Hongfu, Xie Shucheng, 2010. Isotopic evidencefor an anomalously low oceanic sulfate concentration following end-Permian massextinction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 300(1-2): 101-111. SCI u伍孟银童金南傅晓平赵元龙2010.贵州凯里生物群中的陡山沱藻(DoushantuophytonChen et Xiao).高校地质学报16(3):317–326. uTong Jinnan, Chen, Z.Q., HuangYunfei, 2010. Reconstruction of ecosystem and biotic recovery following theend-Permian mass extinction in South China.Journal of Earth Science, 21(Special Issue): 167-169. SCIE会议论文 uZhao Xiaoming, Tong Jinnan, Yao Huazhou, Niu Zhijun, Tian Yang, 2010.Microprobe analysis on Triassic vermicular limestone in Wufeng, Hubei,China. Journal of Earth Science,21(Special Issue): 186-189. SCIE会议论文 uSong Huyue, Tong Jinnan, Song Haijun, Qiu Haiou,Zhu Yuanyuan, 2010. Excursion of sulfur isotope compositions in the LowerTriassic of south Guizhou,China. Journalof Earth Science, 21(Special Issue): 158-160. SCIE会议论文 uSong Haijun, Tong Jinnan, 2010. Size variation offoraminifers during the Permian-Triassic transition at Meishan Section, SouthChina. Journal of Earth Science,21(Special Issue): 154-157. SCIE会议论文 uHuang Chunju, Tong Jinnan, Hinnov, L., Chen, Z.Q.,2010. Timing of Permo-Triassic mass extinctions: Global correlation byhigh-resolution astronomical tuning. Journal of Earth Science, 21(SpecialIssue): 135-136. SCIE会议论文 [[File:童金南 27.jpg|缩略图|童金南 ]] uHansen, H., J., Toft, P., Tong Jinnan, 2010. Shocked quartzgrains in rhyolitic bentonites. Journal of Earth Science, 21(Special Issue):133-134. SCIE会议论文 uChen, Z.Q., Chen Jing, Tong Jinnan, Fraiser, M.L., 2010.Marine ecosystem changes from the latest Permian to Middle Triassic in Qingyanarea, Guizhou, Southwest China. Journal of Earth Science, 21(Special Issue): 125-129. SCIE会议论文 uChen Jing, Tong Jinnan, Chen, Z.Q., 2010.Brachiopod assemblages from the early Middle Triassic of Qingyan, Guizhou,Southwest China. Journal of Earth Science, 21(Special Issue): 121-124. SCIE会议论文 2009 uSong Haijun, Tong Jinnan*, Chen, Z. Q.,Yang Hao,Wang Yongbiao, 2009. End-Permian mass extinction of foraminifers in theNanpanjiang basin, South China. Journal ofPaleontology, 83(5): 718-738. SCI uSong, H., Tong, J.,Chen, Z. Q., 2009. Two episodes offoraminiferal extinction near the Permian-Triassic boundary at the Meishansection, South China. Australian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 56(6): 765-773. SCI uChen, Z. Q., Tong, J.,Zhang, K., Yang, H., Liao, Z., Song, H., Chen, J., 2009. Environmental andbiotic turnover across Permian-Triassic boundary from shallow carbonateplatform in western Zhejiang, South China. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(6):775-797. SCI uWang Qinxian, Tong Jinnan*,Song Haijun, Yang Hao, 2009. Ecological evolution across the Permian/Triassicboundary at the Kangjiaping Section in Cili County,Hunan Province,China. Science in China (Series D),52(6): 797-806 (王钦贤, 童金南*, 宋海军, 杨浩2009. 湖南慈利康家坪剖面二叠纪-三叠纪之交的生态系演变。中国科学D辑39(9): 1239-1247). SCI uChen Zhangqiang, Twitchett, R. J., Tong Jinnan, 2009. Permian-Triassic mass extinction and subsequentrecovery: an update. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(6): 741-744. SCI u童金南殷鸿福2009. 早三叠世生物与环境研究进展。古生物学报48(3): 497-508. u殷鸿福谢树成童金南史晓颖2009. 谈地球生物学的重要意义。古生物学报43(3): 293-301. u陈晶童金南徐世球2009. 从大灭绝走向复苏和繁荣——来自三叠纪海洋动物的信息。见沙金庚主编纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年世纪飞跃——辉煌的中国古生物学。科学出版社北京。133-137. u李慧童金南*任江波张杰2009. 湖北兴山峡口早三叠世双壳类生物地层及古群落分析。地球科学34(5): 733-742. EI u张克信赖旭龙童金南江海水2009. 全球界线层型华南浙江长兴煤山剖面牙形石序列研究进展。古生物学报43(3): 474-486。 u赵来时吴元保胡兆初周炼刘勇胜史玉芳张素新童金南袁鹏2009.牙形石微量元素对生物绝灭事件的响应以二叠―三叠系全球层型剖面第一幕绝灭事件为例。地球科学34(6): 725-732. EI uZhiming Sun, Mark W. Hounslow, JunlingPei, Laishi Zhao, Jinnan Tong, James G. Ogg, 2009.Magnetostratigraphy of the Lower Triassic beds from Chaohu (China) and itsimplications for the Induan-Olenekian stage boundary. Earth and PlanetaryScience and Letters, 279: 350-361. SCI 2008 uTong Jinnan, Shi Xiaoying, 2008.Preface—Understanding the coevolution of life and environment in great turningperiods of Earth history. Science inChina(Series D), 51:1513-1515. SCI uZhao Xiaoming, Tong Jinnan*,Yao Huazhou,Zhang Kexin, Chen, Z. Q., 2008. Anachronistic facies in the Lower Triassic ofSouth China and their implications to the ecosystems during the recovery time.Science in China (Series D), 51: 1646-1657 (赵小明, 童金南, 姚华舟, 张克信Chen, Z., 2008. 华南早三叠世错时相沉积及其对复苏期生态系的启示. 中国科学D辑, 38(12): 1564-1574). SCI uGuo Gang, Tong Jinnan*, ZhangShihong, Zhang Jie, Bai Lingyan, 2008. Cyclostratigraphy of the Induan (EarlyTriassic) in West Pingdingshan Section, Chaohu, AnhuiProvince.Science in China (Series D), 51: 22-29 (郭刚童金南*, 张世红张杰白凌燕2007. 安徽巢湖早三叠世印度期旋回地层研究。中国科学D辑37:1571-1578).SCI uShi, G.R., Chen, Z.Q., TongJinnan, 2008. New latest Carboniferous brachiopods from the Hexi CorridorTerrane, North China: faunal migrations andpalaeogeographical implications. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 120(1):277-304. uZhao Laishi, Tong Jinnan,Zhang Suxin, Sun Zhimin, 2008. An Update of Conodonts in the Induan-OlenekianBoundary Strata at West Pingdingshan Section, Chaohu, AnhuiProvince.Journal of ChinaUniversity of Geosciences, 19(3):207-216. SCIE uZhao Laishi, Tong Jinnan,Sun Zhiming, Orchard, M. J., 2008. A detailed Lower Triassic conodont biostratigraphyand its implications for the GSSP candidate of the Induan-Olenekian boundary inChaohu, AnhuiProvince. Progress in Natural Science, 18: 79-90. SCI [[File:童金南 28.jpg|缩略图|童金南 ]] uLuo Genming, Lai Xulong, G. R. Shi, Jiang Haishui, Yin Hongfu, XieShucheng, Tong Jinnan, Zhang Kexin,He Weihong, P. B. Wignall, 2008. Size variation of conodont elements of theHindeodus-Isarcicella clade during the Permian-Triassic transition in South China and its implication for mass extinction.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 264(1-2): 176-187. SCI 2007 uTongJinnan, Zhang Suxin, Zuo Jingxun andXiong Xinqi, 2007. Events during Early Triassicrecovery from the end-Permian extinction. Global and Planetary Change, 55(1-3):66-80. SCI uTong Jinnan, Zuo Jingxun, Chen, Z.Q., 2007. Early Triassic carbon isotopeexcursions from South China: proxies fordevastation and restoration of marine ecosystems following the end-Permian massextinction. Geological Journal, 42: 371-389. SCI uLi Shuangying, Tong Jinnan, LiuKongyan, Wang Fanjian, Huo Yangyang. 2007. The Lower Triassic cyclicdeposition in Chaohu, Anhui Province,China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 252: 188-199. SCI uChen, Z.Q., Tong Jinnan,Kaiho, K., Kawahata, H. 2007. Onset of biotic and environmentalrecovery from the end-Permian mass extinction within 1–2 million years: Acase study of the Lower Triassic of the Meishan section, South ChinaPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 252: 176-187. SCI uZhang Kexin, Tong Jinnan,Shi, G.R., Lai Xulong, Yu Jianxin, He Weihong, Peng Yuanqiao, Jin Yali. 2007. Early Triassic conodont–palynological biostratigraphy of the Meishan DSection in Changxing, ZhejiangProvince, South China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 252: 4-23. SCI uZhao Laishi, Orchard, M. J., TongJinnan, Sun Zhiming, Zuo Jingxun, Zhang Suxin, Yun Ailing. 2007. Lower Triassic conodont sequence in Chaohu,Anhui Province,Chinaand its global correlation.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 252: 24-38. SCI uSong Haijun, Tong Jinnan*, Zhang Kexin, Wang Xinxian, Chen, Z. Q. 2007.Foraminiferal survivors from the Permian-Triassic mass extinction in theMeishan Section, South China. Palaeoworld, 16:105-119. EI uAlgeo, T., Lehrmann, D., Orchard, M.,Tong Jinnan. 2007. ThePermian-Triassic boundary crisis and Early Triassic biotic recovery.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 252: 1-3. SCI uYin Hongfu, Feng Qinglai, Lai Xulong,Baud, A., Tong Jinnan, 2007. Theprotracted Permo-Triassic crisis and multi-episode extinction around thePermian-Triassic boundary. Global and Planetary Change, 55: 1-20. SCI uSong Haijun, Tong Jinnan*, Zhang Kexin, Wang Qinxian, 2007. Survivingforaminifers from the P/Tr mass extinction at the Meishan Section, SouthChina—Evidencefro multi-episode extinction pattern. Journal of China University ofGeosciences, 18(Special Issue): 423-425. SCIE会议论文 uGuo Gang, Tong Jinnan*, Zhang Shihong, Zhang Jie, Bai Lingyan,2007. A study on the Lower Triassic cyclostratigraphy in the West PingdingshanSection, Chaohu, AnhuiProvince. Journal ofChina University of Geosciences, 18(Special Issue): 426-427. SCIE会议论文 u赵来时, 童金南, 孙知明, 常德峰, 张克信, 张素新, Mike J .Orchard, 2007. 安徽巢湖平顶山西坡剖面印度阶与奥伦尼克阶界线层高分辨率牙形石生物地层。地球科学32:291-302.EI u龙文国, 童金南, 朱耀河, 周进波, 李孙雄, 石春2007. 海南儋州―屯昌地区二叠纪地层的发现及其意义。华南地质与矿产(1):38-45. u张素新, 赵来时, 童金南, 杨浩2007. 湖北兴山大峡口浅海相二叠系—三叠系界线附近粘土岩研究。矿物岩石27(3):94-100. u赵来时童金南张素新孙知民黄孝刚2007. 安徽巢湖鬼门关下三叠统剖面牙形石生物地层序列及其地层意义。地球科学32增刊81-92. u张杰童金南李慧郭刚陈晶2007. 蠕虫状灰岩成因研究以苏皖地区为例。地球科学32增刊101-107. u张克信童金南Shi, G.R., 赖旭龙彭元桥2007. 浙江长兴煤山D剖面早三叠世层序地层与牙形石分带对比。地球科学32增刊51-61. u殷鸿福冯庆来童金南谢树成王永标杨逢清喻建新梁汉东赖旭龙张克信张素新2007. 二叠系―三叠系界线及事件研究进展——中国地质大学研究组的报告。地球科学32增刊9-23. u张素新赵来时童金南杨浩2007. 安徽巢湖平顶山西坡剖面早三叠世浅海相地层中的粘土岩研究。地球科学32增刊108-114. uTong Jinnan et al.,2007. Final report of the GSSP candidate for the I/O boundary at WestPingdingshan Section in Chaohu, Southeastern China.Albertiana, 36:10-32. [[File:童金南 29.jpg|缩略图|童金南 ]] 2006 uTong Jinnan, ZhouXiugao, Erwin, D. H. et al., 2006. Fossil fishes from the Lower Triassic of Majishan, Chaohu, Anhui Province, China. Journal of Paleontology, 80: 146-161.SCI uZuo Jingxun, Tong Jinnan,Qiu Haiou, Zhao Laishi, 2006. Carbon isotope composition of the Lower Triassicmarine carbonates, Lower Yangtze Region, SouthChina. Science in China (Series D), 49: 225-241 (左景勋童金南邱海鸥赵来时2006. 下扬子地区早三叠世碳酸盐岩碳同位素组成的演化特征。中国科学D辑36(2): 109-122). SCI uChen, Z. Q., Shi, G. R., Yang Fengqing, Gao Yongqun, Tong Jinnan, Peng Yuanqiao,2006. An ecologically mixed brachiopod fauna from Changhsingian deep-water basin of South China: consequence of end-Permian globalwarming. Lethaia, 39:79-90. SCI uChen, Z.Q., Kaiho, K., George, A.D., Tong, J., 2006. Survival brachiopod faunas of the end-Permian massextinction from the southern Alps (Italy)and South China. Geological Magazine, 143:301-327. SCI u宋海军童金南何卫红2006. 浙江煤山剖面二叠纪末的小有孔虫动物群。微体古生物学报23(2): 87-104. u胡艳霞徐东来童金南2006. 贵州紫云四大寨早三叠世地层初步研究。地层学杂志30(2): 177-182. uTong Jinnan, Wu Shunbao, Li Zhiming, Guo Gang, Zhang Jianjun, 2006. LowerTriassic bivalves from Chaohu, Anhui Province,China.Albertiana, 34: 42-51. uTong Jinnan, Zakharov, Y. D., Yu Jianxin, 2006. Some additional data to theLower Triassic of the West Pingdingshan Section in Chaohu, Anhui Province,China.Albertiana, 34:52-59. u童金南熊鑫琪2006. 华南中生代初海洋生态系的演化。戎嘉余主编生物的起源、辐射与多样性演变——华夏化石记录的启示。北京科学出版社567-582, 911-912. u谢树成龚一鸣童金南史晓颖赖旭龙Chen, Z. Q., 冯庆来王红梅杜远生王永标颜佳新张克信殷鸿福2006. 从古生物学到地球生物学的跨越。科学通报51(19):2327-2336. 2005 uTong Jinnan, Hansen, H. J., Zhao Laishi, Zuo Jingxun, 2005. High-resolutionInduan- Olenekian boundary sequence in Chaohu, Anhui Province. Science inChina(SeriesD), 48(3): 291-297. SCI uTong Jinnan, 2005, Studies on the Triassic in Chaohu, Anhui Province,China.Albertiana, 32:57-63. uTong Jinnan, Zhao Laishi, 2005. Triassic in Chaohu,Anhui Province ¾Guide to the Mid-Symposium Field Excursion of the International Symposium onthe Triassic Chronostratigraphy and Biotic Recovery (23-25 May 2005, ChaohuChina).Albertiana, 33(II): 129-138. u童金南赵来时左景勋Hansen, H. J., Zakharov,Y. D., 2005. 安徽巢湖地区下三叠统综合层序。地球科学30(1): 40-46. EI u童金南Hansen, H, J., 赵来时左景勋2005. 印度阶―奥伦尼克阶界线层型候选剖面——安徽巢湖平顶山西剖面地层序列。地层学杂志29(2): 205-214. u童金南殷鸿福2005. 国际三叠纪年代地层研究进展。地层学杂志29(2): 130-136. u童金南2005. 三叠系。汪啸风、陈孝红主编中国各地质时代地层划分与对比地质出版社。343-390. uWang Yongbiao, Tong Jinnan, Wang Jiasheng, Zhou Xiugao, 2005.Calcimicrobialite after end-Permian mass extinction in South China and its palaeoenvironmental significance. Chinese ScienceBulletin, 50(7): 665-671 (王永标童金南王家生周修高2005. 华南二叠纪末大绝灭后的钙质微生物岩及古环境意义。科学通报50(6): 552-558). SCI u童金南赵来时左景勋2005. 下三叠统殷坑阶和巢湖阶及其界线研究。地层学杂志29: 548-564. u赵来时童金南Orchard, M. J., 左景勋2005. 安徽巢湖地区下三叠统牙形石生物地层分带及其全球对比。地球科学30(5): 623-634. EI u童金南、王德珲2005. 三叠纪年代地层与生物复苏。地球科学进展20(12): 1321-1326. uYin Hongfu, Tong Jinnan, Zhang Kexin, 2005. A review on the Global StratotypeSection and Point of the Permian-Triassic boundary. Acta Geologica Sinica,79(6): 715-728. SCI uTong Jinnan, Orchard, M., 2005. International Symposium on TriassicChronostratigraphy and Biotic Recovery. 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Acandidate of the Induan-Olenekian boundary stratotype in the Tethyan region.Science inChina(Series D), 46(11): 1182-1200. SCI u赵来时童金南左景勋2003. 安徽巢湖平顶山下三叠统牙形石生物地层序列。地球科学28(4): 414-418. EI u左景勋童金南邱海鸥赵来时2003. 巢湖地区早三叠世碳氧同位素地层对比及其古生态环境意义。地质地球化学31(3): 26-33. u左景勋童金南赵来时2003. 中国南方早三叠世岩相古地理分异演化与板块运动的关系。地质科技情报22(2): 29-34. uZhao Laishi, Tong Jinnan, Orchard, M. J., 2003. Morphologicalvariation of conodonts Platyvillosus from Yinkeng Formation in Chaohu, Anhui Province,China. Journal of ChinaUniversityof Geosciences, 14(4): 306-313. 2002 uTong Jinnan, Yin Hongfu, 2002. TheLower Triassic of South China. Journal ofAsian Earth Sciences, 20: 803-815. SCI uTong Jinnan, Qiu Haiou, Zhao Laishi,Zuo Jingxun, 2002. Lower Triassic inorganic carbon isotope excursion in Chaohu, Anhui Province,China. Journalof ChinaUniversity of Geosciences, 13(2): 98-106. uTong Jinnan, Zhao Laishi, ZuoJingxun, 2002, Recent studies on the Lower Triassic of Chaohu, Anhui Province,China. Albertiana, 27: 20-25. uYin Hongfu, Tong Jinnan, Campi, M. J., 2002. Preface. Journal of ChinaUniversityof Geosciences, 13(2): 95-97. uZhao Laishi, Tong Jinnan,Zuo Jingxun, Ming Houli, 2002. Discussion on Induan-Olenekian boundary inChaohu, Anhui Province,China. Journal of ChinaUniversityof Geosciences, 13(2): 141-150. uLu Liqiang, Tong Jinnan,2002. Alkane Biomarkers in Permian-Triassic boundary strata at Meishan Section,Changxing, ZhejiangProvince. Journal of ChinaUniversityof Geosciences, 13(2): 177-181. u殷鸿福、童金南2002. 关于中国的海相三叠系建阶及下三叠统分阶界线。地球科学27(5): 490-497. EI u童金南、崔玮霞2002. 碳酸盐缓坡区的露头层序地层研究。地球科学27(5): 565-569. EI uTong Jinnan, Zhang Jianjun, ZhaoLaishi, 2002. Report on the field excursion to Chaohu, AnhuiProvince, South China. Albertiana, 27: 26-29. 2001 uTong Jinnan, Zhang Jianjun, ZhaoLaishi, 2001. Report on the Lower Triassic of Chaohu, Anhui Province,China.Albertiana, 25:23-27. uYin Hongfu, Zhang Kexin, TongJinnan, Yang Zunyi, Wu Shunbao, 2001. The Global Stratotype Section andPoint (GSSP) of the Permian-Triassic boundary. Episodes, 24(2): 102-114. SCI u童金南2001. 二叠系三叠系界线层型及重大事件。地球科学26(5): 446-448. uTong Jinnan, Yin Hongfu, ZhangJianjun, Zhao Laishi, 2001. Proposed new Lower Triassic stages in South China. Science inChina(Series D), 44(11): 961-967. SCI u刘志丽童金南2001. 中国南方中三叠世地层及沉积古地理分异。沉积学报19(3): 327-332. uTong Jinnan, Yin Hongfu, 2001. TheGlobal Stratotype of the Permian-Triassic Boundary and the Paleozoic-MesozoicEvents. Changxing,China, August 10-13, 2001.Episodes, 24(4): 274-275. SCI u殷鸿福、张克信、童金南、吴顺宝、杨遵仪。2001. 全球二叠系三叠系界线层型剖面和点。中国基础科学2001(10): 10-23. uPeng Yuanqiao, Tong Jinnan,G.R. Shi and Hans J. Hansen, 2001. The Permian-Triassic boundary set:characteristics and correlation. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 39(1): 55-71. SCI uPeng Yuanqiao, Tong Jinnan, Gao Yongqun, 2001. GriesbachianCyclostratigraphy at Majiashan Section, Anhui Province,China. 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Journal of ChinaUniversity ofGeosciences, 10(2): 161-169. u彭元桥、童金南1999. 扬子地台二叠三叠系界线综合地层学研究。地球科学24(1): 39-48. u童金南1999. 泛大陆及古、中生代之转折——当代地学热点。地球科学24(3): 250, 311. uPeng Yuanqiao, Tong Jinnan,Gao Yongqun, Zhang Jianjun, 1999. Lower Triassic Griesbachian cycle sedimentsin Chaohu, AnhuiProvince,China.In: Yin Hongfu and Tong Jinnan (eds), Proceedings of the International Conferenceon Pangea and the Paleozoic-Mesozoic Transition. ChinaUniversityof Geosciences Press. 29-34. uYin Hongfu, Tong Jinnan, 1999.The International Conference on Pangea and the Paleozoic-Mesozoic Transition.Episodes, 22(2): 127-128. 1998 uTong Jinnan, 1998. The MiddleTriassic environstratigraphy of central-south Guizhou,southwestChina.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 143: 293-305. SCI uTong Jinnan, Yin Hongfu, 1998. TheMarine Triassic Sequence Stratigraphy of Lower Yangtze.Science in China, Series D, 41(3):255-261 (童金南殷鸿福1997. 下扬子区海相三叠系层序地层研究中国科学D辑27(5): 407411). SCI uTong Jinnan, Yang Yin, 1998. Advancein the Study of the Lower Triassic Conodonts at Meishan Section, Changxing, ZhejiangProvince. Chinese Science Bulletin,43(16): 1350-1353 (童金南杨英1997. 浙江长兴煤山二叠三叠系界线剖面牙形石研究进展。科学通报42(23):2571-2573). SCI uYin Hongfu and Tong Jinnan,1998. Multidisciplinary high-resolution correlation of the Permian- Triassicboundary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 143: 199-212. SCI uTong Jinnan, Shi, Guang R., LinQixiang, 1998. Evolution of the Permian and Triassic reef ecosystems in South China. Proceeding s of the Royal Society of Victoria, 110(1/2):385-399. u龚一鸣殷鸿福童金南1998. 地史重大转折期的环境变化学术讨论会综述。地质科技情报17(4):101-106. 1997 uZhang Kexin, Tong Jinnan,Yin Hongfu, Wu Shunbao, 1997. Sequence stratigraphy of the Permian-Triassicboundary section of Changxing, Zhejiang,southernChina.Acta Geologica Sinica, 71(1): 90-103张克信童金南殷鸿福吴顺宝1996. 浙江长兴二叠系三叠系界线剖面层序地层研究地质学报70(3): 270-281. uYin Hongfu, Tong Jinnan,Zhang Kexin, Wu Shunbao, 1997. Application of ecostratigraphy to sequencestratigraphy. 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