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[[File:应1655.jpg|缩略图|[http://faculty.dlut.edu.cn/jiaming/zh_CN/index.htm 原图链接]]] '''贾明''',男,毕业于[[大连理工大学]],[[博士]],大连理工大学[[教授]]、[[博士生导师]]、硕士生导师。 <ref>[http://faculty.dlut.edu.cn/jiaming/zh_CN/index.htm 大连理工大学] </ref> ==工作经历== 2014.8-- 至今大连理工大学能源与动力学院 副院长 2006.9-- 2014.7大连理工大学能源与动力学院 教师 ==教育经历== 2001.9-- 2006.6大连理工大学 动力机械及工程 博士 1997.7-- 2001.7大连理工大学 热能与动力工程 学士 ==学术成果== ===发表论文=== H. Liu, Y. Yan, M. Jia, Y. Zhang, M. Xie, H. Yin. Analytical solution for wall film heating and evaporation, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017. S. Shen, Z. Che, T. Wang, M. Jia, K. Sun. Numerical Study on Flash Boiling Spray of Multi-Hole Injector. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 10(2), 2017 (SAE Paper 2017-01-0841). S. Yang, E. Pomraning, M. Jia. Simulation of gasoline engine combustion and emissions using chemical kinetics based turbulent pre-mixed combustion modeling approach. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 231(6):743¬–765, 2017. G. Xu, M. Jia, Y. Li, M. Xie, W. Su. Multi-objective optimization of the combustion of a heavy-duty diesel engine with low temperature combustion under a wide load range: (I) Computational method and optimization results. Energy, 126:707 –719, 2017. P. Yi, M. Jia, W. Long, L. Qiao, T. Yang, L. Feng. Evaporation of pure and blended droplets of diesel and alcohols (C2 –C9) under diesel engine conditions. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 71(3):311–326, 2017. W. Li, Y. Li, T. Wang, M. Jia, Z. Che, D. Liu. Investigation of the effect of the in-cylinder tumble motion on cycle- to-cycle variations in a direct injection spark ignition (DISI) engine using large eddy simulation (LES). Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 98:601–631, 2017. W. Yang, M. Jia, Z. Che, K. Sun, T. Wang. Transitions of deformation to bag breakup and bag to bag-stamen breakup for droplets subjected to a continuous gas flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 111:884–894, 2017. X. Xi, H. Liu, M. Jia, M. Xie, H. Yin. A new flash boiling model for single droplet. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 197:1129–1137, 2017. Y. Zhang, M. Jia, P. Yi, H. Liu, M. Xie. An Efficient liquid film vaporization model for multi-component fuels considering thermal and mass diffusions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 112:534–548, 2017. W. Wei, M. Xie, M. Jia. Large eddy simulation of fluid injection under transcritical and supercritical conditions. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 70(8):870–886, 2016. Y. Chang, M. Jia, J. Xiao, Y. Li, W. Fan, M. Xie. Construction of a skeletal mechanism for butanol isomers based on the decoupling methodology. Energy Conversion and Management, 128:250–260, 2016. Y. Chang, M. Jia, W. Fan, Y. Li, H. Liu, M. Xie. Decoupling methodology: an effective way for the development of reduced and skeletal mechanisms. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 32(9):2209-2215, 2016. Y. Li, M. Jia, Y. Chang, S. Kokjohn, R. Reitz. Thermodynamic energy and exergy analysis of three different engine combustion regimes. Applied Energy, 180: 849–858, 2016. H. Liu, Y. Yan, M. Jia, M. Xie, C. Lee. Three-dimensional numerical investigation on wall film formation and evaporation in port fuel injection engines. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 69(12):1405–1422, 2016. S Shen, M Jia, T Wang, Q Lü, K Sun. Measurement of the droplets sizes of a flash boiling spray using an improved extended glare point velocimetry and sizing. Experiments in Fluids, 57(4):1–16, 2016. P. Yi, W. Long, M. Jia, J. Tian, B. Li. Development of a quasi-dimensional vaporization model for multi-component fuels focusing on forced convection and high temperature conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 97:130 –145, 2016. W. Yang, M. Jia, K. Sun, T. Wang. Influence of density ratio on the secondary atomization of liquid droplets under highly unstable conditions. Fuel, 174:25–35, 2016. Y. Li, M. Jia, Y. Chang, M. Xie, R. Reitz. Towards a comprehensive understanding of the influence of fuel properties on the combustion characteristics of a RCCI (reactivity controlled compression ignition) engine. Energy, 99:69–82, 2016. G. Xiao, M. Jia, T. Wang. Large eddy simulation of n-heptane spray combustion in partially premixed combustion regime with linear eddy model. Energy, 97:20¬–35, 2016. M. Jia, E. Gingrich, H. Wang, Y. Li, J. Ghandhi, R. Reitz. Effect of combustion regime on in-cylinder heat transfer in internal combustion engines. International Journal of Engine Research, 17(3):331–346, 2016. S. Yang, T. Wang, M. Jia., S. Shen. An Experimental Study on Microscopic Characteristics of Flash Boiling Spray with Extended Glare Point Velocimetry and Sizing. Atomization and Sprays, 26(5):463–482, 2016. ===代表著作=== Qin, Wenjin,Zhou, Lei,Liu, Daming,Jia, Ming,Xie, Maozhao.Investigation of In-Cylinder Engine Flow Quadruple Decomposition Dynamical Behavior Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Dynamic Mode Decomposition Methods[J],JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2019,141(8) Qi, Wenliang,Yang, Zilong,Ming, Pingjian,Zhang, Wenping,Jia, Ming,Wang, Wenhui.Effect of hybrid breakup modelling on flame lift-off length and soot predictions[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART A-JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY,2018,232(8):1049-1062 Liu, Hong,Zhang, Weilong,Jia, Ming,Yan, Yan'an,He, Yang.An improved method for coupling the in-nozzle cavitation with Multi-fluid-quasi-VOF model for diesel spray[J],COMPUTERS & FLUIDS,2018,177:20-32 李亮,解茂昭,贾明,刘宏升.超临界射流模型的构建及验证[J],上海交通大学学报,2018,52(9):1058-1064 Yin, Cuicui,Wang, Tianyou,Che, Zhizhao,Jia, Ming,Sun, Kai.Oblique impact of droplets on microstructured superhydrophobic surfaces[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2018,123:693-704 Liu, Hong,Cai, Chang,Xi, Xi,Yan, Yan'an,Jia, Ming.A novel model for the bubble growth in the cavitation region of an injector nozzle[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2018,119:128-138 ===授权专利=== 三轮高效伸缩折叠式横轴潮流能发电装置 ===科研项目=== 反应活性控制压燃(RCCI)发动机混合气形成和燃烧过程的机理研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2016/12/01, 进行 内燃机喷雾和燃烧模型的开发与验证, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2016/03/10-2017/10/31, 进行 内燃机喷雾与燃烧, 省、市、自治区科技项目, 2015/06/25-2017/12/29, 完成 低温燃烧模式下生物柴油发动机氮氧化物和碳烟排放生成机理研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2014/09/01, 完成 均质压燃发动机流动与燃烧过程的大涡模拟研究, 主管部门科技项目, 2010/01/01-2011/12/31, 完成 基于拟米勒循环的反应物热力学状态控制的高效清洁燃烧理论研究, 国家“973”项目 , 2012/12/02, 进行 ==参考资料== {{Reflist}} [[Category:教授]]
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