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{| class="wikitable" align="right" |- | style="background: #FF2400" align= center| '''<big>赵新全</big>''' |- |<center><img src=https://p1.ssl.qhimgs1.com/sdr/400__/t011476474b60d32331.jpg width="300"></center> <small>[https://image.so.com/i?q=%E8%B5%B5%E6%96%B0%E5%85%A8&src=tab_www 来自 网络 的图片]</small> |- | style="background: #FF2400" align= center| |- | align= light| |} '''赵新全''',男,从事草地生态学研究、[[博士生导师]]<ref>[https://www.kaoyan1v1.com/info/tutor/819069.html 赵新全 ],可锐教育</ref>。1959年11月出生于[[陕西省]][[扶风县]],中科院西北高原生物研究所动物研究室主任。享受[[国务院政府特殊津贴]]<ref>[http://sports.cctv.com/lm/803/23/57212.html 青海篇:致力于青藏高原生态保护的赵新全 ],中央电视台</ref>;荣获首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选<ref>[https://kjt.qinghai.gov.cn/content/show/id/2010 青海省寒区恢复生态学重点实验室 ],党政机关网, 2015-10-27</ref>。 2020年5月,获得第二届全国创新争先奖<ref>[https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s__biz=MzA4NDYxMjczOQ==&mid=2702373517&idx=1&sn=d07ec9a0ac35456925cbda72db7a6502&chksm=bb02d1618c755877775a97fc538697f8617fa5083ec8c8a2b1016d38ce42604c75bbc902d034&scene=27 赵新全研究员荣获“全国创新争先奖” ],搜狐, 2020-05-31</ref>。 2021年4月23日,入选[[中国工程院]]2021年院士增选有效候选人名单。 ==基本信息== 人物说明----中科院西北高原生物研究所动物研究室主任 出生日期----1959年11月 出生地点----陕西省扶风县 国 籍 ---- 中国 职 业 ---- 教育科研工作者 毕业院校----西北农学院畜牧兽医系 ==人物经历== 1982年8月毕业于西北农学院(西北农林科技大学)畜牧兽医系。历任中国科学院西北高原生物研究所动物研究室主任、所长、党委书记。现任中国科学院成都生物研究所所长,中国青藏研究会会理事、兽类学会常务理事等,中国生态系统研究网络科学委员会委员,《兽类学报》副主编,国家新世纪千百万工程首批人选。 ==研究方向== 主要研究领域为草地生态、动物营养、动物生态。 ==主要贡献== 发表论文300余篇,其中被SCI收录的刊物论文40余篇,主编学术专著3部,制定退化草地恢复、草地资源合理利用、放牧家畜补饲己育肥技术规程7项。在高原代表性土著动物的进化与适应、高寒草甸生态系统与全球变化及高寒草地生态系统的可持续管理等方面的研究达到国际先进水平,已在JGR,AFM,SBB,GCB,ELE等刊物发表数篇高水平论文。首次在系统和整体层次上构建了生态上健全可靠、经济和生产上合理可行的一系列高寒地区退化生态系统恢复的优化模式和集成技术,包括青藏高原草地合理利用、人工草地种植、退化天然草地修复高寒草地集约化畜牧业的整个系统的综合管理模式,为三江源区及青海湖流域生态治理工程提供了技术支撑。 '''代表论著''' 1. X.Q. Zhao., H. Jorgensen., & B.O. Eggum. The influence of dietary fibre on body composition, visceral organ weight, digestibility and energy balance in rats housed in different thermal environments. British Journal of Nutrition. 1995. (73), 687-699. 2. H. Jorgensen., X.Q. Zhao., & B.O. Eggum. The influence of dietary fibre and environmental temperature on the development of the gastrointestinal tract, digestibility, degree of fermentation in the hind-gut and energy metabolism in pigs. British Journal of Nutrition. 1996. (75), 365-378. 3. H. Jorgensen., X.Q. Zhao., K.E.B. Knudsen., & B.O. Eggum. The influence of dietary fibre source and level on the development of the gastrointestinal tract, digestibility, and energy metabolism in broiler chickens. British Journal of Nutrition. 1996. (75), 379-395. 4. X.Q. Zhao., H. Jorgensen., M.V. Gabert., & B.O. Eggum. Effect of environmental temperature on visceral organ size, digestibility and energy metabolism in rats fed different levels of pea fibre. Acta Agriculture Scandinavia, Section A, Animal Science. 1996. (46), 183-192. 5. X.Q. Zhao., H. Jorgensen., M.V. Gabert., & B.O. Eggum. Effect of environmental temperature on energy metabolism in rats fed different protein levels. Journal of Nutrition. 1996. (126) 2036-2043. 6. X.Q. Zhao., H. Jorgensen., A. Just., J.Z. Du., and B.O. Eggum. Energy expenditure and quantitative oxidation of nutrients in rats (Rattus norvegicus) kept at different thermal environments and given two levels of dietary fibre. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 1997.116A (4), 351-359. {| class="wikitable" align="right" |- | style="background: #FF2400" align= center| '''<big>赵新全</big>''' |- |<center><img src=https://p2.ssl.qhimgs1.com/sdr/400__/t0153ecfd9c6e2abad8.jpg width="300"></center> <small>[http://www.cib.ac.cn/xwdt/zhxw/201411/t20141113_4252326.html 来自 中国科学院 的图片]</small> |- | style="background: #FF2400" align= center| |- | align= light| |} 7. H. Jorgensen., T. Larsen., X.Q. Zhao., & B.O. Eggum. The energy value of short-chain fatty acids infused into the caecum of pigs. British Journal of Nutrition. 1997. (77), 745-756. 8. X.Q. Zhao., and X.M. Zhou. Ecological Basis of Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Management in the Tibet: Experiences and Approaches from Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station. Ambio. 1999.28(8):642-647. 9. S.X. Xu., X.Q. Zhao*, et al., A Simulative Study on Effects of Climate Warming on Nutrients Contents and In Vitro Digestibility of Herbage in Tibetan Plateau. Acta Botanica Sinica. 2002, 44(11):1-8. 10. T.B. Zhao., H.X. Ning.,S.S. Zhu, P. Sun., S.X. Xu., Z.J. Chang. and X.Q. Zhao*. Cloning of hypoxia-inducible factor 1a cDNA from a high 3 hypoxia tolerant mammal-plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2004 (316), 565–572. 11. J.A. Klein, J. Harte and X.Q. Zhao. Experimental warming causes large and rapid species loss, dampened by simulated grazing, on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology Letters. 2004,7(12), 1170-1179. 12. L Zhao, Y.N Li, X.Q. Zhao*. Comparative study of the net exchange of CO2 in 3 types of vegetation ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN. 2005,50 (16): 1767-1774. 13. T. Kato, M. Hirota, Y.H. Tang., X.Y, Cui., Y.N. Li., X.Q. Zhao. and T. Oikawa. Strong temperature dependence and no moss photosynthesis in winter CO2 flux for a Kobresia meadow on the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.2005, 14. Q.M. Dong , X.Q. Zhao* , Y.S. Ma , S.X. Xu , Q.Y. Li.Live-weight gain, apparent digestibility, and economic benefits of yaks fed different diets during winter on the Tibetan plateau. Livestock Science. 2005, 2-9. 15. X. Bai., X.Q. Zhao*.,Y.S. Zhang, Seasonal changes in weight and body composition of yak grazing of alpine-meadow grassland in the Qinghai-Tibetan of China. Journal of Animal Science. 2005 83:1908-1913. 16. Julia. K,J Harte., X.Q. Zhao. Dynamic and complex microclimate responses to warming and grazing manipulations. Global Change Biology. 2005 11:1440-1451. 17. J. Yang, X.Q. Zhao*, S.C. Guo, H.G. Li, D.L. Qi, D.P. Wang, J.H. Cao. Leptin cDNA cloning and its mRNA expression in plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) from different altitudes on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2006:345, 1405–1413. 18. L.Zhao., Y.N Li, S. X Xu, H.K. Zhou, S. Gu, G.R. Yu, X.Q. Zhao*. Diurnal, seasonal and annual variation in net ecosystem CO2 exchange of an alpine shrubland on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Global Change Biology. 2006 12, 1940–1953. 19. S. Guo, P. Savolainen, J.P Su, Q. Zhang, DL Qi, J. Zhou, Y. Zhong, X.Q. Zhao* and J.Q Liu Origin of mitochondrial DNA diversity of domestic yaks. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2006, 6:73 doi:10.1186/1471-2148-6-73. 20. Qi D L, Li T P, X.Q. Zhao*, Guo S C, Li J Q. Mitochondrial cytochrome b Sequence Variation and Phylogenetics of the Highly Specialized Schizothoracine Fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Biochemical Genetics. 2006, 44: 270-285. 21. Wang D P, Li H G, Li Y J, Guo S C, Yang J, Qi D L, Jin C, X.Q. Zhao*. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1a cDNA cloning and its mRNA and protein tissue specific expression in domestic yak (Bos gruniens) from Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2006,348: 310-319. 22. Qi D L, Guo S C, X.Q. Zhao*, Yang J, Tang W J. Genetic diversity and historical population structure of Schizopygopsis pylzovi (Teleostei:Cyprinidae) in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Freshwater Biology. 2007.52: 1090 – 1104. 23. Qi D L, Guo S C, Tang W J, X.Q. Zhao*, Liu J Q. Mitochrondrial DNA phylogeny of two morphologically enigmatic fishes in the subfamily Schizothoracinae (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Fish Biology. 2007.70: 60-74. 24. Klein JA, Harte J, Zhao XQ. Experimental warming, not grazing, decreases rangeland quality on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Applications. 2007.17 (2): 541-557. 25. Yang J.,Z L Wang.,XQ Zhao*.,D P Wang.,D L Qi.,B Xu.,Y Ren.,H Tian. Natural Selection and Adaptive Evolution of Leptin in the Ochotona Family Driven by the Cold Environmental Stress. PLoS One. 2008, 3(1): e1472. 26. Li H G; Y M Ren; S C Guo; L Cheng; D P Wang; J Yang; Z J Chang; X Q Zhao*. The Protein Level of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1a is increased in the Plateau Pika (Ochotona curzoniae) Inhabiting High Altitudes. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY 2009,311A:134-141. 27. Zhao, L., Li, J., Xu, S., Zhou, H., Li, Y., Gu, S., Zhao, X.Q* 2009. Seasonal variations in carbon dioxide exchange in an alpine wetland meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Biogeosciences 6 (5) pp. 9005-9044. 28. Z.Y Duan, K Zhao, Z.G Peng, J.B Li, Rui Diogo, X.Q. Zhao*, S.P. He. Comparative phylogeography of the Yellow River schizothoracine fishes (Cyprinidae): Vicariance, expansion, and recent coalescence in response to the Quaternary environmental upheaval in the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2009.53:3, 1025-1031 29. K. Zhao, Z.Y. Duan, Z.G. Peng, S.C. Guo, J.B. LI, S.P. He, X.Q. Zhao*.The youngest split in sympatric schizothoracine fish (Cyprinidae) is shaped by ecological adaptations in a Tibetan Plateau glacier lake. Molecular Ecology, 2009,18: 17, 3616–3628. 30. J Yang, T.G Bromage, X.Q Zhao, B.H Xu, W.L Gao. Functional Evolution of Leptin of Ochotona curzoniae in Adaptive Thermogenesis Driven by Cold Environmental Stress. PloS one. 2011, 6(6): e19833. 31. Qi D, Chao Y, S Guo, L Zhao, T Li, F Wei, X Zhao* Convergent, Parallel and Correlated Evolution of Trophic Morphologies in the Subfamily Schizothoracinae from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau PloS one, 2012, 7(3): e34070. ==获奖记录== 2011年青海省科学技术一等奖(1/10);2010年度国家科技进步二等奖(6/10)<ref> [http://jiangsu.china.com.cn/html/2017/scnews_0109/8890881_3.html 四川科学家赵新全、周青平获国家科技进步二等奖 ],四川在线, 2017-01-09</ref>;2009年青海省科学技术一等奖(1/10)、中国科学院院地合作一等奖(科技类);2008年青海省科技进步一等奖(1/8);1993年中国科学院科技进步二等奖,为参加者之一;1989年青海省科技进步三等奖,为主要贡献者之一。 荣誉:2001年被青海省委组织部授予优秀党员称号;享受国务院政府特殊津贴;荣获首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选;1998年被兰州分院授予优秀党员称号;1994年被中国科学院兰州分院授予优秀青年科技工作者;1991年被团省委授予科技教育先锋称号;1985年被团中央授予边陲优秀儿女称号,获银质奖。以第一完成人获科技成果9项,其中3项获青海省科技进步一等奖及国家科技进步二等奖1项。 2020年5月,获得第二届全国创新争先奖。 ==视频== ===如何将三江源的游牧文化留存下来?赵新全现场答疑,来看 2020年10月14日发布=== {{#iDisplay:c3160s54chu|寬度|高度|qq}} ===上世纪末藏羚羊消亡得为何如此之快?赵新全揭秘,一起看 2020年10月13日发布=== {{#iDisplay:v3160c6maxq|寬度|高度|qq}} ==参考来源== [[Category:教授]] [[Category:科学家]]