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Jun Ma, Kai Guo*, Fujia Chen, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Zhongyi Guo. Manipulating second harmonic generation in higher-order topological photonic crystals. Annalen der Physik, 2021. 07 Accepted Manucript. (DOI:10.1002/andp.202100191) 33. Kai Guo, Jintao Wu, Fujia Chen, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu, Zhongyi Guo. Second harmonic generation enhancement and directional emission from topological corner state based on quantum spin Hall effect. Optics Express, 2021, 29(17), 26841-26850. 32. Kai Guo*, Keya Zhou, Wei Liu, and Zhongyi Guo. Second harmonic generation enhancement from plasmonic toroidal resonance in core-shell nanodisk. IEEE Photonics Journal 2021, 13(3), 4800509. 31. Guanghui Yang, Zixiang Li, Qianlong Kang, Kai Guo*, Han Zhang, Zhongyi Guo. Enhanced magnetic Lorentz force second harmonic generation originating from a double-resonances plasmonic metasurface. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2021, 54, 175110. 30. 郭忠义,康乾龙,彭志勇,崔月盟,刘华松,高隽,郭凯. 基于超表面操控的偏振信息探测技术研究进展. 红外与激光工程 2020, 49(9), 20201041. (特邀综述) 29. Kai Guo*,Qun Zheng, Zhiping Yin, Zhongyi Guo. Generation of Mode Reconfigurable and Frequency-Adjustable OAM Beams Using Dynamic Reflective Metasurface. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 75523-75529. 28. Kai Guo*, Keya Zhou, Zhongyi Guo. Tunable second harmonic generation from bianisotropic plasmonic metamolecule via utilizing phase change materials. Journal of Applied Physics 2020, 128, 133104. 27. Kai Guo, Zixiang Li, Zhongyi Guo. Graphene-Integrated Plasmonics Metasurface for Active Controlling Artificial Second Harmonic Generation. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 159879-159886. 26. Kai Guo*, Zhongyi Guo. Enhanced Second-Harmonic Generation from Fanolike Resonance in an Asymmetric Homodimer of Gold Elliptical Nanodisks. ACS Omega 2019, 4, 1757-1762. 25. Kai Guo, Haisheng Xu, Zhiyong Peng, Xiao Liu, Zhongyi Guo, High-efficiency full-vector polarization analyzer based on GaN metasurface, IEEE Sensors Journal 2019, 19(10),3654 – 3659. 24. Kai Guo, Zhongyi Guo. Ultrathin Microwave Devices for Polarization-Dependent Wavefront Shaping Based on an Anisotropic Metasurface. Applied Science 2018, 8(12), 2471. 23. Kai Guo*, Yong-Liang Zhang, Cheng Qian, Kin-Hung Fung. Electric dipole-quadrupole hybridization induced enhancement of second-harmonic generation in T-shaped plasmonic heterodimers. Optics Express 2018, 26(9), 11984-11993. 22. Kai Guo, Cheng Qian, Yong Liang Zhang, and Kin Hung Fung. Second Harmonic Generation Manipulation Enabled by Electromagnetic Coupling in Bianisotropic Metamolecules. Advanced Optical Materials 2018, 6(7), 1701154. 21. Kai Guo, Jianlong Liu, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu. Super‑resolution imaging of a single metal layer: high loss but superior resolution. Applied Physics B 2016, 122, 92. 20. Kai Guo, Jianlong Liu, Keya Zhou, Shutian Liu. Enhanced surface plasmon interference lithography from cavity resonance in the grating slits. Chinese Physics B 2015, 24(4), 047301. 19. Kai Guo, Jianlong Liu, Shutian Liu. Anomalous focusing characteristics of nanoscale metallic waveguide array under different incident wavelengths. Optics Communication 2014, 331, 124-127. 18. Kai Guo, Jianlong Liu, Yan Zhang, and Shutian Liu. Chromatic aberration of light focusing in hyperbolic anisotropic metamaterial made of metallic slit array. Optics Express 2012, 20(27), 28586-28593. 17. Xiya Ding, Qianlong Kang, Kai Guo*, and Zhongyi Guo. Tunable GST metasurfaces for chromatic aberration compensation in the mid-infrared. Optical Materials 2020, 109, 110284. 16. Zhongyi Guo, Hongjun Liu, Hong Zhou, Keya Zhou, Shaomeng Wang, Fei Shen, Yubin Gong, Jun Gao, Shutian Liu, and Kai Guo*. High-order acoustic vortex field generation based on a metasurface. Physical Review E 2019, 100, 053315. 15. Xiya Ding, Xiao Yang, Jingjing Wang, Kai Guo*, Fei Shen, Hongping Zhou, Rui Sun, Zhizhong Ding, Jun Gao, Zhongyi Guo. Theoretical analysis and simulation of a tunable mid-infrared filter based on Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) metasurface. Superlattice and Microstructures 2019, 132, 106169. 14. Zhipin Yin, Qun Zheng, Kai Guo*, Zhongyi Guo.Tunable Beam Steering, Focusing and Generating of Orbital Angular Momentum Vortex Beams Using High-Order Patch Array. Applied Science 2019, 9(15), 2949 13. Tianwei Hu, Fei Shen, KaipengWang, Kai Guo*, Xiao Liu, Feng Wang, Zhiyong Peng, Yuemeng Cui, Rui Sun, Zhizhong Ding, Jun Gao, Zhongyi Guo. Broad-Band Transmission Characteristics of Polarizations in Foggy Environments. Atmosphere 2019, 10(6), 342. 12. Zikun Wang, Maxime Irene Dedo, Kai Guo*, Keya Zhou, Fei Shen, Yongxuan Sun, Shutian Liu, and Zhongyi Guo. Efficient recognition of the propagated orbital angular momentum modes in turbulences with the convolutional neural network. IEEE Photonics Journal 2019, 11(3), 7903614. 11. Jingjing Wang, Kai Guo*, Zhongyi Guo. THz filter based on the Si microdisk array. AIP Advances 2019, 9, 045106. 10. Diancoumba Mamadou, Fei Shen, Maxime Dedo, Qingfeng Zhou, Kai Guo*, Zhongyi Guo. High-Efficiency Sorting and Measurement of Orbital Angular Momentum Modes based on the March-Zehnder Interferometer and Complex Phase Gratings. Measurement Science and Technology 2019, 30, 075201. 9. Lulu Wang, Huiyong Chen, Kai Guo*, Fei Shen, and Zhongyi Guo. An Inner- and Outer-Fed Dual-Arm Archimedean Spiral Antenna for Generating Multiple Orbital Angular Momentum Modes. Electronics 2019, 8, 251. 8. Zhongyi Guo, Zixiang Li, Kai Guo*. The enhanced second-harmonic generation based on magnetic-Lorentz-force effect. Annalen der Physik 2019, 531(4): 1800470. 7 Zhiping Yin, Fujia Chen, Kai Guo*, Fei Shen, Keya Zhou, Jun Gao, Shutian Liu, Zhongyi Guo, Tunable THz Generalized Weyl Points, Optics Express 2019, 27(2), 512-522. 6. Zhongyi Guo, XiaoYang, Fei Shen, Qingfeng Zhou, Jun Gao, Kai Guo*. Active-Tuning and Polarization Independent Absorber and Sensor in the Infrared Region Based on the Phase Change Material of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST). Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 12433. 5. Zhongyi Guo, Zikun Wang, Maxime Irene Dedo, Kai Guo*. The Orbital Angular Momentum Encoding System With Radial Indices of Laguerre–Gaussian Beam. IEEE Photonics Journal 2018, 10(5), 7906511. 4. Zhongyi Guo, Xiaoru Nie, Fei Shen, Hongping Zhou, Qingfeng Zhou, Jun Gao and Kai Guo*. Actively Tunable Terahertz Switches Based on Subwavelength Graphene Waveguide. Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 665. 3. Fei Shen, Qianlong Kang, Jingjing Wang, Kai Guo*, Qingfeng Zhou and Zhongyi Guo. Dielectric Metasurface-Based High-Efficiency Mid-Infrared Optical Filter. Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 938. 2. Zhiping Yin, Fujia Chen, Lie Zhu, Kai Guo*, Fei Shen, Qingfeng Zhou and Zhongyi Guo. High-efficiency dielectric metasurfaces for simultaneously engineering polarization and wavefront. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6, 6354. 1. Zhongyi Guo, Lihua Tian, Fei Shen, Hongping Zhou and Kai Guo*.Mid-infrared polarization devices based on the double-phase modulating dielectric metasurface. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2017, 50, 254001. 发明专利: 1. 郭忠义,郭凯,周红平,陈蕾. 一种基于介质超表面的宽带消色差器件. 发明专利,授权公告时间:2020.11 2. 郭忠义,郭凯,周红平,沈飞,尹超逸. 用于合成孔径雷达系统中的双波段多极化共口径天线阵列. 实用新型专利,授权公告时间:2020.11 3. 郭忠义,郭凯,周红平,李晶晶. 基于夫琅禾费衍射原理的声学涡旋场检测器.发明专利,2019.12 实审 4. 郭忠义,郭凯,刘洪郡. 一种基于声学共振超表面的宽带聚焦透镜.发明专利,2019.11 实审 5.郭忠义,宫玉彬,杨阳,郭凯,沈飞,周红平.基于八臂阿基米德螺旋天线的圆极化涡旋电磁波产生原件.发明专利,2019.09 实审 6. 周红平,马明辉,郭凯,郭忠义.一种基于稀疏表示分类的欺骗干扰识别方法.发明专利,2021.01 实审 7.[[周红平]],[[董成诚]],[[郭凯]],郭忠义.一种基于[[贝叶斯决策理论]]用于雷达欺骗干扰识别的特征融合方法. 发明专利,2021.01 实审<ref>[http://ci.hfut.edu.cn/ 合肥工业大学计算机学院 ]</ref> ==参考资料== {{reflist}} [[Category:教授]]
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