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{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left" |<center>''' 陈谊 '''<br><img src=" https://cse.btbu.edu.cn/images/2021-04/20200910180415851765.jpg " width="180"></center><small>[https://cse.btbu.edu.cn/szdw/xbxx/jsjx/176586.htm 北京工商大学] </small> |} '''陈谊''',女,北京工商大学教授。 ==人物简历== 2003.11- 至今 北京工商大学,计算机科学与技术学科教授 2015.05- 至今 食品安全大数据技术北京市重点实验室主任 2004.05-2016.04 计算机科学与技术学科带头人 2005.09-2006.09 美国伊利诺依大学(UIC)电子可视化实验室(EVL)访问学者 1996.09-2002.09 北京理工大学计算机科学与工程系,工学硕士、博士研究生 1985.07-2003.10 北京工商大学计算机系讲师、副教授 ==研究方向== 可视化与可视分析、数据挖掘与机器学习、食品安全大数据分析 ==主讲课程== 计算机网络(本科生)、信息可视化(研究生)、专业英语论文写作(研究生) ==学术兼职== 中国图象图形学学会可视化与可视分析专委会副主任、北京图象图形学学会常务理事、中国计算机学会(CCF)杰出会员、CCF虚拟现实与可视化专业委员会委员。 ==学术成果== 先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、“十三五”国家重点研发项目子课题、“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目子课题、北京市科技计划项目等多项科研课题。以第一或通讯作者在The Visual Computer(TVC)、Journal of Visualization(JOV)、Journal of Visual Languages and Computing(JVLC)、软件学报、计算机辅助设计与图形学学报等国内外学术期刊和会议上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI/EI收录40篇;以第一发明人获授权或公开国家发明专利25项,登记软件著作权6项;2016年获中国分析测试协会科学技术奖(CAIA奖)特等奖,2017年获中国石油和化工科技进步二等奖;多次担任PacificVis、ChinaVis、ChinaVR、ChinaLDVA国际国内著名可视化学术会议程序委员会委员和审稿人。 ==科研项目== 1、“十四五”国家重点研发课题,2022—2026 2、国家自然科学基金面上项目(61972010),2020—2023 3、“十三五”国家重点研发项目子课题(2018YFC1603602),2019—2021 4、国家科技基础性工作专项课题(2015FY111200),2015—2019 5、北京市科技计划项目(Z151100001615041),2015—2016 6、“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目子课题(2012BAD29B01-2),2012-2015 ==获奖情况== 1、2022年获2017-2021年度北京市高校优秀德育工作者 2、2020年获北京工商大学2020年度优秀教师 3、2019年获北京工商大学十佳班主任称号 4、2018年获北京工商大学优秀研究生导师称号 5、2017年获中国石油和化工科技进步二等奖 6、2016年获中国分析测试协会科学技术奖(CAIA奖)特等奖 7、2016年指导学生在第五届“中国软件杯”大学生软件设计大赛中荣获一等奖,本人获优秀指导老师称号; 8、2004年荣获北京工商大学优秀教师称号; ==学术成果== === 论文 === [1]. Chen Yi*, Zhang Qinghui, Guan Zeli, Zhao Ying, Chen Wei. GEMvis: a visual analysis method for the comparison and refinement of graph embedding models. The VISUAL COMPUTER(2022)38(9-10): 3449-3462. Sept. 2022(SCI) [2]. Yi Chen, Haifeng Dou, Qiaoying Chang, Chunlin Fan. PRIAS: An Intelligent Analysis System for Pesticide Residue De tection Data and Its Application in Food Safety Supervision. Foods. 2022, 11(6):780:1-15. Mar. 2022(SCI) [3]. Yi CHEN, Cheng LV, Yue LI, Wei CHEN, Kwan-Liu MA. Ordered matrix representation supporting the visual analysis of associated data. Science China Information Sciences, 2020, 63(8) 184101:1–3, August 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-019-2647-3 (SCI) [4]. Yi Chen*, Zeli Guan, Rong Zhang, Xiaomin Du and Yunhai Wang. A Survey on Visualization Approaches for Exploring Association Relationships in Graph Data. Journal of Visualization (JOV). Vol.22 No.3:625-639. 2019.6 ( SCI ) [5]. 陈谊,陈星如,常巧英,范春林. 一种基于AHP-E模型的多因子农药残留污染综合评价方法. [[农业环境科学学报]]. 2019,38(2): 276-283. 2019.2 (封面文章) [6]. Yi Chen, Yu Dong, Yuehong Sun, Jie Liang. A Multi-comparable Visual Analytic Approach for Complex Hierarchical Data. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC): 47 (2018) 19–30 (SCI收录) 2018.8 [7]. 陈谊,张聪. 一种基于[[维度投影]]的[[多维数据]]相关性可视分析方法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. Vol.33 No.4: 592-601. 2018.4 (EI收录) [8]. 杜晓敏,陈谊*,李玥. TransGraph: 一种基于变换的[[可视分析关联图]]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. Vol.30 No.1: 79-89. 2018.1 (EI收录) [9]. Yi Chen, Xiaomin Du, Xiaoru Yuan. Ordered Small Multiple Treemaps for Visualizing Time-Varying Hierarchical Pesticide Residue Data. The Visual Computer. 33(6-8):1073-1084. 2017.6 (SCI收录, EI收录) [10]. Yi Chen, Yunfang Zhao, Xingru Chen, Xun Zhang. Visualizing Geospatial Distribution of Pesticide Residue Pollution using Cartogram and Heat Map. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v 10092, p 231-244, 2017.4; (EI收录) [11]. Chen Yi, Zhang Xinyue, Feng Yuchao, Liang Jie, Chen Hongqian. Sunburst with Ordered Nodes based on Hierarchical Clustering: A Visual Analyzing Method for Associated Hierarchical Pesticide Residue Data [J]. Journal of Visualization. Volume 18, Number 2. J Vis (2015) 18:237-254. May. 2015 (SCI收录) [12]. 陈谊,甄远刚,胡海云,粱婕,Kwan-Liu Ma. 一种层次结构中多维属性的可视化方法[J]. 软件学报. 2016, 27(5):1091-1102. 2016年5月 (EI收录) [13]. 陈谊,刘莹,田帅,范春林,孙悦红. 食品安全大数据可视分析方法研究. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. Vol.29 No.1: 8-16. 2017.1 (EI收录) [14]. 陈谊,林晓蕾,赵云芳,孙悦红,张珣. SunMap: 一种基于热图和放射环的关联层次数据可视化方法[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. Vol.28 No.7 :1075-1083. 2016年7月 (EI收录) [15]. 胡海云,陈谊*,甄远刚,刘瑞军. 一种正方化有序树图布局算法[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. Vol.26 No.10 第26卷 第10期,1703-1710,2014年10月.(EI收录) [16]. 陈谊,胡海云,李志龙. 树图布局算法的比较与优化研究. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. Vol.25 No.11 第25卷 第11期,1623-1634,2013年11月.(EI收录) [17]. 陈谊,赵云芳,杜晓敏. 变形统计地图构建方法综述[J]. 系统仿真学报. Vol.28 No.9: 1970-1978,2016.9 [18]. 甄远刚,陈谊*, 刘莹,刘瑞军. 一种基于ThemeRiver模型的非连续层次数据可视化方法[J]. 系统仿真学报. Vol.27 No.10 : 2460-2474. 2015年10月8日 [19]. 冯玉超,陈谊*,刘莹,陈红倩. 食品中农药残留检测数据的对比与关联可视分析[J]. 系统仿真学报. Vol.27 No.10 :2538-2545 2015年10月8日 [20]. 李志龙,陈谊*,赵建宇,孙悦红. 基于双曲树的农产品分类信息可视化方法[J].计算机仿真. 第32卷 第02期,436-440,2015年2月 [21]. 陈谊,张鑫跃,陈红倩,冯玉超. 一种双关联树的混合布局算法[J]. 系统仿真学报. Vol.26 No.9 : 2160-2165. 2014年9月8日 [22]. 李志刚,陈谊*,张鑫跃,陈红倩. 一种基于力导向布局的层次结构可视化方法[J]. 计算机仿真. 第31卷 第03期,283-288,2014年3月 [23]. 陈谊,李潇潇,蔡进峰,陈红倩,蔡强. 基于类区间的多维数据可视化方法. 系统仿真学报. 系统仿真学报. Vol.25 No.10 : 2418-2423. 2013年10月 [24]. Gong Li-wei, Chen Yi, Zhang Xin-yue, Sun Yue-hong. A Hierarchical Data Visualization Algorithm: Self-Adapting Sunburst Algorithm. Proceeding of International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV2013 ). Xi’an China, 2013.9.15 (EI收录) [25]. 陈谊,贾艳杰,孙悦红. 分块排序的正方化树图布局算法. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. Vol.25 No.5 第25卷 第5期,731-737,2013年5月. (EI收录) [26]. Yanjie Jia, Yi Chen, Zhigang Li. Treemap-based Visualization Methods for Pesticide Residues Detection Data. IGTA2013, 2013年4月. [27]. 陈谊,蔡进峰,石耀斌,陈红倩. 基于平行坐标的多视图协同可视分析方法. 系统仿真学报. Vol.25 No.1: 81-86. 2013年1月 [28]. 陈谊,王嘉良,孙悦红. 基于GIS的信息可视化方法及应用研究. 系统仿真学报. 2012 vol.24,9期, 第1877-1881页,2012年9月. [29]. 陈谊,侯堃,新吉乐,陈红倩. 基于XML和关系数据库的可视化工作流管理系统. 系统仿真学报. Vol.24, No.1: 167-170. 2012年1月. [30]. Yi Chen, Xianchen Cheng, Hongqian Chen. A Multidimensional Data Visualization Method Based On Parallel Coordinates and Enhanced Ring. 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology:2224-2229. Haermin, China. 2011年12月. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1109R-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1584-6; (EI收录) [31]. Yi Chen, Xiaokun Shi. A Real-Time Communication Solution Based on PROFIBUS. Proceeding of 2011 International Conference on Advanced Intelligence and Awareness Internet (2011AIAI): 288-292. 2011.10.28-30,She nzhen, China. IET.(EI收录) [32]. Yi Chen, Kun Hou, Rui Wang. A Workflow-based Cooperative Project Management System. 2011 10th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business Engineering and Science (DCABES 2011):69-73. Wuxi, China , 2011.10 (EI收录) [33]. Yi Chen, Rui Wang, Hongqian Chen. A Non-standard-substance Pesticide Residue Qualitative Analysis Method based on SVM. Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (CCIS 2011): 89-93. Beijing, China. 2011.9(EI收录) [34]. Haichun Qin,Yi Chen. A Visual Analysis System for Sewage Treatment Data. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT 2011). Vol.5 2351-2354. Harbin University of Science and Technology 2011.8.12 (EI收录) [35]. Yun Zhang, Yi Chen. The Design and Implementation of a Workflow System for Enterprise Project Management. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT 2011). Vol.5 2351-2354. Harbin University of Science and Technology. 2011.8.12 (EI收录) [36]. Zhenzi Chen, Yi Chen. A Customer Credit Visual Analytics Model Based on Markov Logic Networks. Key Engineering Materials and Computer Science Volume: 474-476 Page: 1874-1880. 2011 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Computer Science. 2011年5月1-2日 (EI收录) [37]. 陈谊, 新吉乐, 孙悦红,李海生. 一个基于AOV-网的抽象工作流模型. 计算机工程 第37卷 第9期:90-92. 2011年5月 [38]. 陈谊,张丽,孙悦红,翁贻方. 一个面向仿真网络的数据加密系统. 计算机仿真. 第28卷 第02期,140-143,2011年2月 [39]. Yi Chen, Hong Chen, Hongqian Chen, Xianchen Cheng. Research on Data Encryption Techniques for Distributed Interactive Simulation Network. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010). Page: V5-676—679. 2010年10月22-24. ShanXi, Taiyuan. ( EI收录) [40]. Yi Chen, Li Zhang, Yifang Weng. A Data Encryption Algorithm based on Dual Chaotic System. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010). Page: V4-431—435. 2010年10月22-24. ShanXi, Taiyuan. ( EI收录) [41]. Yi Chen, Jile Xin. A Process-oriented Configurable Workflow System Model for Cooperative Project Management. Proceedings of the 2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD2010): 207-212. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10797-ART ISBN: 978-1-4244-6763-1 Shanghai, China. 2010-4-19 ( EI收录) [42]. 陈红, 陈谊. 一种基于混沌的AES算法的研究. 北京工商大学学报(自然科学版): 第27卷 第5期: 57-60. 2009.7 [43]. 陈志峰, 陈谊. 一种基于Lorenz混沌方程和DES的混合加密算法. 北京工商大学学报(自然科学版): 第26卷 第5期: 58-61 2008.9 [44]. Yi Chen, Gui-long Tan, Li-hua Hou. Research on Visual Analysis Technique of Multi-Dimensional Health Data Based on Parallel Coordinates. Proceeding of China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies 2008. Beijing, China. 786-790. 2008,9 (EI收录) [45]. 李海生,蔡强,刘曰武,陈谊Research on Constructing Isolines and Streamlines in Seepage Flow Field. Proceeding of China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies 2008. Beijing, China. 722-726. 2008,9 (EI收录) [46]. 关志强,陈谊. 灰色模型在健康数据预测中的应用. 北京工商大学学报(自然科学版): 第26卷 第2期: 66-69 2008.3 [47]. 谭桂龙,陈谊. 基于平行坐标的信息可视化方法的应用研究. 北京工商大学学报(自然科学版): 第26卷 第2期: 75-79 2008.3 [48]. 陈谊,李海生,宫树岭,粱炳成. 基于Bézier曲线的DR图象平滑算法. 微电子学与计算机: 14-18. 2008年5月. [49]. James K. Ho,Yi Chen. 3D navigation of Olympic Games venues: a term project for a project management course. International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education (IJIOME) ISSN: 1744-2303, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2007: 152-165. 2007.9 [50]. 吴永成, 陈谊. 基于OpenGVS的校园漫游系统的开发 北京工商大学学报(自然科学版)2007 年5月第3期. [51]. 陈谊. 分布式虚拟环境中的一致性问题研究. 计算机工程(核心期刊):60-62. 2007.6 [52]. 陈谊,孙悦红, 牛兵. 基于CAD数据的3D场景建模及演示技术研究. 系统仿真学报2007 Vol.19 No.7: 1504-1506. 2007.4(核心期刊, EI收录: 20071710572149) [53]. 潘雷,陈谊. 基于JAVA和VRML的虚拟校园的设计和实现. 北京工商大学学报(自然科学版): 第24卷 第6期: 52-55 2006.11 [54]. 陈谊. DVE关键技术及其在复杂系统仿真中的应用研究. 通信学报, 第25卷第4A期:124-131.2004.4 [55]. 陈谊. 一种基于回调滞后的事件定序新算法. 计算机工程与设计. 2003年第24 卷 第9期.2003,9 [56]. 陈谊, 白少华,翁贻方. 基于混沌理论的文件安全系统. 计算机工程,第29卷第14期:129-132. 2003,8 [57]. 陈谊. DVE中的空间一致性及坐标转换. 计算机工程与应用. 2003年 第39卷 第15期:56-59. 2003,5 [58]. 陈谊,盛思源, 战守义. 分布式虚拟现实开发平台的研究与设计. 计算机工程 . 2002年 第28卷 第4期:36-38. 2002,4 (EI收录) [59]. Chen Yi, Bai Shaohua, Liang Bingcheng, Zhan Shouyi. HLA-Based 3D Virtual Environment For Synthetic Simulation System. Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on System Simulation and Scientif ic Computing: 700-704. Shanghai, P.R.China. 2002,11 (EI收录) [60]. Yi Chen, Shouyi Zhan , Pengfei Li. Synergetic Collaboration in Networked Virtual Reality System. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on CSCW in Design. Edited by Weiming Shen, Zongkai Lin, Jean-Paul Barthes, Mohamed Kamel. Published by National Research Council Canada:135-139. 2001,7 (EI收录) English version Professor Yi CHEN: Ph.D. and Professor in Computer Science, Ph.D. Graduate Supervisor, Director of Beijing Key Laboratory of Big Data Technology for Food Safety Research Interests: Visualization and Visual Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Big Data Technology for Food Safety Contact: Phone: 86-10-68985525 Email: chenyi@th.btbu.edu.cn Teaching Courses: Computer Network Technology (for undergraduates), Information Visualization (for postgraduates)、Computer English(for postgraduates) Education: Ph.D. in Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology Master in Computer Science, Beijing Institute of Technology Bachelor in Automation, Beijing Technology and Business University Experiences Abroad: Visiting scholar in University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, 2005.9-2006.9 Memberships in Academic organizations: Vice-Chairman of Technical Committee of CSIG VIS (Visualization and Visual Analytics) Distinguished Member of CCF (China Computer Federation) Member of Technical Committee of CCF TCVRV (Virtual Reality and Visualization Technology) Research Projects/Funding: 1、The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61972010),2020-2023 2、National key research and development program of China (Grant No.:2018YFC1603602),2019-2021 3、National Science and Technology Basis Project: The Investigation into the Pesticide Residues Level in the Fruits and Vegetables and the Database Construction (Project No. 2015FY111200), Sub-project: Pesticide Chemical Pollutants Detection Platform Construction, 2015 – 2019. 4、Beijing Science and Technology Planning Project of the Research on the Pesticide Residues Data Acquisition in Food and Intelligent Analysis Methods, 2015 – 2016. 5、The "12th Five-Year" National Science and Technology Support Project in year 2012 for the Research on the Pesticide Residues Detection Data Collection and Intelligent Analysis Methods and System Implementation (Project No. 2012BAD29B01-2),2012-2015 Awards: 1、 Science and Technology Award granted by China Association for Instrumental Analysis, CAIA Award, The top level award in 2016. 2016.11 2、In the fifth “Chinese Software Cup” software Design Competition for College Students, working as the instructor of the students who won the first prize, and won the Excellent Guide Teacher Award, 2016; 3、Awarded title of “Top 10 researchers in science and engineering in terms of the total research score, Beijing Technology and Business University” in 2012; 4、Awarded title of “Top 10 researchers in science and engineering in terms of the total research score, Beijing Technology and Business University” in 2009; 5、Awarded the title of Outstanding Teachers of Beijing Technology and Business University in 2004; 6、Participated in the National Defense Pre-research Project, which won the first prize of National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award in 2008, and the second prize in 2009. Brief Introduction of the Publications: More than 100 papers have been published, over 30 articles are included in SCI/EI, three books are translated, 23 national invention patents are authorized or public, and 6 software copyrights are obtained. Publications (Selected): [1] Chen Yi*, Zhang Qinghui, Guan Zeli, Zhao Ying, Chen Wei. GEMvis: a visual analysis method for the comparison and refinement of graph embedding models. The VISUAL COMPUTER(2022)38(9-10): 3449-3462. Sept. 2022(SCI) [2] Yi Chen, Haifeng Dou, Qiaoying Chang, Chunlin Fan. PRIAS: An Intelligent Analysis System for Pesticide Residue De tection Data and Its Application in Food Safety Supervision. Foods. 2022, 11(6):780:1-15. Mar. 2022(SCI) [3] Yi CHEN, Cheng LV, Yue LI, Wei CHEN, Kwan-Liu MA. Ordered matrix representation supporting the visual analysis of associated data. Science China Information Sciences, 2020, 63(8) 184101:1–3, August 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-019-2647-3 (SCI) [4] Yi Chen*, Zeli Guan, Rong Zhang, Xiaomin Du and Yunhai Wang. A Survey on Visualization Approaches for Exploring Association Relationships in Graph Data. Journal of Visualization (JOV). Vol.22 No.3:625-639. 2019.6 (SCI:WOS:000468457800013,JA) [5] CHEN Yi, CHEN Xing-ru,CHANG Qiao-ying, FAN Chun-lin. A multi-factor comprehensive method based on the AHP-E model for evaluating pesticide residue pollution. Journal of Agro-Environment Science. 2019,38(2): 276-283. 2019.2 [6] Yi Chen, Yu Dong, Yuehong Sun, Jie Liang. A Multi-comparable Visual Analytic Approach for Complex Hierarchical Data. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC): 47 (2018) 19–30 (SCI: WOS:000440124900003) 2018.8 [7] Chen Yi and Zhang Cong. Visual Analysis of Correlation in Multidimensional Data Based on Dimension Projection Technique. Journal of Computer-Aided .Design & Computer Graphics. Vol.33 No.4: 592-601. 2018.4 (EI: 20183505744867) [8] Du Xiaomin, Chen Yi*, and Li Yue. TransGraph: A Transformation-based Graph for Analyzing Relations in Data Set. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics. Vol.30 No.1: 79-89. 2018.1 (EI: 20182005202016) [9] Yi Chen, Xiaomin Du, Xiaoru Yuan. Ordered Small Multiple Treemaps for Visualizing Time-Varying Hierarchical Pesticide Residue Data. The Visual Computer. 33(6-8):1073-1084. 2017.6 (SCI: 000402964800036, EI: 20171903657446) [10] Yi Chen, Yunfang Zhao, Xingru Chen, Xun Zhang. Visualizing Geospatial Distribution of Pesticide Residue Pollution using Cartogram and Heat Map[M]. Transactions on Edutainment XIII: 231-244, 2017.4 (EI Index No.:20171103433275) [11] Chen Yi, Zhang Xinyue, Feng Yuchao, Liang Jie, Chen Hongqian. Sunburst with Ordered Nodes based on Hierarchical Clustering: A Visual Analyzing Method for Associated Hierarchical Pesticide Residue Data [J]. Journal of Visualization. Volume 18, Number 2. 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