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楊安立(Elizabeth Yang),楊律師事務所首席執行官兼創始人,自2007年以來一直從事法律工作,擅長知識產權法,包括專利、版權和商標訴訟以及訴訟;商法,她能說一口流利的普通話。楊安立律師事務所專門為社區提供知識產權法(專利、商標、版權、許可證及訴訟)、商業法(合同糾紛、商業訴訟)、家庭法(離婚、兒童監護、兒童撫養、贍養費、財產分割)和交通違規(超速、開車使用手機、闖紅燈、停車標誌、非法轉彎、車道變更),楊安立律師事務所的使命是成為南加州首屈一指的知識產權、商業和家庭法律需求的律師事務所。

楊安立律師事務所提供最專業的法律服務,為律師事務所創始人。楊律師文武雙全技術背景:電子電腦,機械工程,UC Berkeley EE/CS,前雷神(Raytheon)電子工程師,楊安立律師僅用兩年半時間,獲得UC Berkeley電機工程和電腦科學學士學位,在踏入律師領域之前,曾是Raytheon(雷神)公司B2轟炸機設計雷達系統的電機工程師。

2015年獲得洛杉磯律師協會(LACBA)證書,在2016年和2017年被國家審判律師協會授予「100強民權律師獎」和「40歲以下律師四十強獎」,2017年,被湯森路透超級律師公認為律師界的「新星」,不僅在加州眾多優秀律師中,取得了前2.5%排名,而且榮獲「傑出律師獎」,被表彰為美國前10%律師。2022年,楊安立律師事務所Law & Mediation Offices of Elizabeth Yang 即時傳來喜訊,楊律師連續第六年當選傑出大律師(Super Lawyers)。< ref>華人今日網</ref>

Elizabeth Yang (楊安立), CEO and Founder of Yang Law Offices, has been practicing law since 2007 and specializes in Intellectual Property Law, including Patent, Copyright and Trademark Prosecution, and Litigation; Business Law, including corporate entity formation, contract drafting, contract disputes, litigation; Family Law, including divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, and asset division; and Estate Planning, including establishing wills and trusts. She is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.

Elizabeth was admitted to the United States Patent & Trademark Office in 2007. At the age of 19, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley in two and a half years.

Prior to starting her own practice, Elizabeth gained extensive experience at various international intellectual property law firms where her practice primarily focused on a variety of technologies, including electronics, hardware, software, variable data printers, fingerprinting sensors, data packet processing, network security systems, microprocessors, and automated telephonic systems along with IP Litigation. She is also experienced in drafting patent validity opinion letters, requests for reexamination, intellectual property licensing agreements, and trademark consent agreements.

Elizabeth further has extensive experience dealing with family law issues involving child custody, child support, alimony, asset division, pre-nuptial agreements, and post-nuptial agreements. Being a divorced mother of two young children, she understands and can relate to clients who are also undergoing emotional divorces. She has represented family law clients both efficiently and compassionately at various stages of litigation and trial. Elizabeth earned her mediation certification in 2015 from the Los Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA) and has assisted many combative litigants in resolving their issues through mediation and Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Prior to practicing law, Elizabeth worked for Raytheon Company as an Electrical Engineer designing radar systems for the B2 Bomber. She has also interned at NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, working as a team member on the main control unit of the Mars Exploration Rover.

In 2016-2021, Elizabeth was awarded the “Top 100 Civil Lawyers” award and the “Top 40 Lawyers Under 40” award by the National Trial Lawyers Association. In 2017-2021, Elizabeth was recognized by Thomson Reuters Super Lawyers as a “Rising Star” ranking her in the top 2.5% of lawyers in California and also presented with the Lawyers of Distinction award, recognizing her as the top 10% of lawyers in the United States.

Elizabeth is a best-selling author and to date, has published a total of 6 books. In 2017, Elizabeth published her first best-selling book, “The Big Secret” alongside Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. In 2018, Elizabeth published her second book, “Stress-Free Divorce” to assist parties going through this very difficult time of their lives. Her most recent books include: “The Authorities: Powerful Wisdom from Leaders in the Field,” “Women in the Modern Business World,” “Social Marriage,” and “Asian Women Who Bossup.”[1]
