此頁面為 模块:List 的說明文件
40px | 此Luazh-cn:模块; zh-tw:模組;在460,000個頁面+中使用。 為了避免困擾和不必要的服務器負載,所有變更都應該經過測試。請先在zh-cn:模块; zh-tw:模組;的/sandbox或者/testcases子頁面測試。測試過的內容可以一次更改。修改前請考慮至討論頁討論變更。 |
 | 本模組已被保護。此為高度可見模組,其已用於大量條目或被頻繁替換引用。由於破壞或失誤會影響諸多頁面,即便細小的改動也可能導致大量服務器負載,因此已被保護,不可編輯。 |
This module outputs various kinds of lists. At present, it supports bulleted lists, unbulleted lists, horizontal lists, ordered lists (numbered or alphabetical), and horizontal ordered lists. It allows for easy css styling of the list or of the individual list items.
- Quick usage
{{#invoke:list|function|first item|second item|third item|...}}
- All parameters
|first item|second item|third item|...
|start = start number for ordered lists
|type = type of numbering for ordered lists
|list_style_type = type of marker for ordered lists (uses CSS)
|class = class
|style = style
|list_style = style for the list
|item_style = style for all list items
|item1_style = style for the first list item |item2_style = style for the second list item |...
|item1_value = value for the first list item |item2_value = value for the second list item |...
|indent = indent for horizontal lists
- Arguments passed from parent template
- Functions
Function name
Example output
Template using the function
Bulleted lists
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{bulleted list}}
Unbulleted lists
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{unbulleted list}}
Horizontal bulleted lists
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
Ordered lists (numbered lists and alphabetical lists)
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{ordered list}}
Horizontal ordered lists
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Positional parameters (
, 2
, 3
...) - these are the list items. If no list items are present, the module will output nothing.
- sets the start item for ordered lists. This can be a start number for numbered lists, or a start letter for alphabetical lists. Horizontal ordered lists only support numbers.
- the type of marker used in ordered lists. Possible values are "1" for numbers (the default), "A" for uppercase letters, "a" for lowercase letters, "I" for uppercase Roman numerals, and "i" for lowercase Roman numerals. Not supported in horizontal ordered lists. See also the list_style_type
- the type of marker used in ordered lists. This uses CSS styling, and has more types available than the type
parameter, which uses an html attribute. Possible values are listed at MDN's list-style-type page. Support may vary by browser. list-style-type
is an alias for this parameter.
- a custom class for the <div>...</div>
tags surrounding the list, e.g. plainlinks
- a custom css style for the <div>...</div>
tags surrounding the list, e.g. font-size: 90%;
- a custom css style for the list itself. The format is the same as for the |style=
- a custom css style for all of the list items (the <li>...</li>
tags). The format is the same as for the |style=
, item2_style
, item3_style
... - custom css styles for each of the list items. The format is the same as for the |style=
, item2_value
, item3_value
... - custom value for the given list item. List items following the one given will increment from the specified value. The value should be a positive integer. (Note that this option only has an effect on ordered lists.)
- this parameter indents the list, for horizontal and horizontal ordered lists only. The value must be a number, e.g. 2
. The indent is calculated in em, and is 1.6 times the value specified. If no indent is specified, the default is zero.
- Bulleted lists
Code |
{{#invoke:list|bulleted|First item|Second item|Third item}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|bulleted|First item|Second item|Third item|item_style=color:blue;}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|bulleted|First item|Second item|Third item|item1_style=background-color:yellow;|item2_style=background-color:silver;}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Unbulleted lists
Code |
{{#invoke:list|unbulleted|First item|Second item|Third item}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|unbulleted|First item|Second item|Third item|item_style=color:blue;}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|unbulleted|First item|Second item|Third item|item1_style=background-color:yellow;|item2_style=background-color:silver;}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Horizontal lists
Code |
{{#invoke:list|horizontal|First item|Second item|Third item}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|horizontal|First item|Second item|Third item|indent=2}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Unbulleted lists
Code |
{{#invoke:list|unbulleted|First item|Second item|Third item}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|unbulleted|First item|Second item|Third item|item_style=color:blue;}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|unbulleted|First item|Second item|Third item|item1_style=background-color:yellow;|item2_style=background-color:silver;}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Ordered lists
Code |
{{#invoke:list|ordered|First item|Second item|Third item}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|ordered|First item|Second item|Third item|start=3}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|ordered|First item|Second item|Third item|type=i}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|ordered|First item|Second item|Third item|list_style_type=lower-greek}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Horizontal ordered lists
Code |
{{#invoke:list|horizontal_ordered|First item|Second item|Third item}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|horizontal_ordered|First item|Second item|Third item|start=3}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
{{#invoke:list|horizontal_ordered|First item|Second item|Third item|indent=2}}
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
Tracking/maintenance category
See also