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现为中国仿真学会理事、北京人工智能学会理事、中国自动化学会专家咨询工作委员会委员、轻工联合会信息中心智能制造专家咨询委员会常务委员、CIB TG94-Healthy Town执行委员。




近五年主持国家、省部级和横向课题等各类项目30多项。自工作以来,2000年获建设部和科技部“国家九五科技攻关项目”科技成果奖1项,2007年获得北京市中青年骨干教师, 2013年获中国轻工联合会科技进步三等奖1项,2017年获中国自动化学会高等教育教学成果二等奖。目前已在发表论文100多篇, SCI、EI检索30多篇。合作出版著作6本,软件著作权登记20余项,发明专利授权6项。

Yu, Chongchong. Female, PhD (studied Doctor Degree with Professor Tu Xuyan and Professor Yang Yang), Professor, Doctoral supervisor in BTBU, Beijing excellent young and middle-aged backbone teacher, the dean in School of Artificial Intelligence at BTBU. Visiting scholar at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia (2004) and University of Waterloo in Canada. The council member of Chinese Association for System Simulation (CASS), Beijing Association for Artificial Intelligence. The senior member of Association for Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) and China Computer Federation(CCF), the member of ACM Association. Research area focus on artificial intelligence, machine learning and pattern recognition, prediction and evaluation on complex real-time monitoring system based on Big Data. In recent years, mainly focus on classifying, predicting and modeling data in areas of transport, architecture, power and agriculture, endangered language and like that by machine learning and data mining. As the project leader, she has finished or been on research more than 40 national, provincial and ministerial lever projects and crosswise projects in recent 5 years.

Obtained one Science and Technology Achievement from the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Science and Technology “Scientific and Technological Project in the 9th five-year plan of China” in 2000, the first prizes of Teaching Achievement at BTBU in 2000 and 2003, the Excellent Teaching Award of BTBU undergraduate education in 2005, the Beijing Excellent Young and Middle-aged Backbone Teachers Award in 2007, the Excellent Teacher Award from BTBU in 2008, the second prize of Science and Technology Progress Award from BTBU in 2013, the third prize of Science and Technology Progress Award from China Light Industry Council. Published more than 100 academic papers, including more than 30 papers were indexed in SCI, EI. Published 6 cooperative books. Authorized more than 20 certifications of software copyright and 6 patents for invention. [1]
