2020.01至今 福州大學, 石油化工學院/化肥催化劑國家工程研究中心
2018.01‒2019.10 比利時魯汶大學, 博士後
2020‒2024 福州大學旗山學者科研項目: 鎳基低溫氨分解制氫催化劑設計及構效關係研究, 30萬, 主持, 在研。
1. Zhou, C.; Zhang, X. T.; Zheng, K.; Matsumura, S.; Chen, P.; Lu, W.; Zou, J.
Epitaxial GaAs/AlGaAs Core–Multishell Nanowires with Enhanced Photoluminescence Lifetime
Nanoscale 2019, 11, 6859-6865.
2. Zhou, C.; Zhang, X. T.; Zheng, K.; Matsumura, S.; Chen, P.; Lu, W.; Zou, J.
Crystal-phase control of GaAs–GaAsSb core–shell/axial nanowire heterostructures by a two-step growth method
J. Mater. Chem. C 2018, 6, 6726-6732.
3. Zhou, C.; Zhang, X. T.; Zheng, K.; Chen, P.; Lu, W.; Zou, J.
Self-Assembly Growth of In-rich InGaAs Core-Shell Structured Nanowires with Remarkable Near-Infrared Photoresponsivity
Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 7824−7830.
4. Zhou, C.; Zheng, K.; Chen, P.; Lu, W.; Zou, J.
Unexpected Formation of a Hierarchical Structure in Ternary InGaAs Nanowires via 「One-Pot」 Growth
Nanoscale 2017, 9, 16960–16967.
5. Zhou, C.; Zheng, K.; Liao, Z.; Chen, P.; Lu, W.; Zou, J.
Phase Purification of GaAs Nanowires by Prolonging the Growth Duration in MBE
J. Mater. Chem. C 2017, 5, 5257-5262.
6. Zhou, C.; Zheng, K.; Lu, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Liao, Z.; Chen, P.; Lu, W.; Zou, J.
Quality Control of GaAs Nanowire Structures by Limiting As Flux in Molecular Beam Epitaxy
J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119, 20721-20727.[1]