

事實揭露 揭密真相
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中文名; 周艷梅

職稱 ; 教授

出生日期; 1970年09月

工作單位; 河南大學化學化工學院










1986年09月-1990年06月 河南大學化學系 獲理學學士學位;

1994年09月-1997年06月 陝西師範大學化學系 分析化學專業 獲理學碩士學位;

2003年09月-2006年09月 北京理工大學 環境工程專業 獲博士學位。


1990年07月-1997年11月 河南大學化學化工學院 助教;

1997年11月-2003年11月 河南大學化學化工學院 講師;

2003年12月-2009年11月 河南大學化學化工學院 副教授;

2009年12月至今 河南大學化學化工學院 教授;

2012年10月-2013年10月 University of Florida 訪問學者。








國家自然基金面上項目:以生物基質子化離子液體創製高性能超級電容器電極炭材料,No. 21776061, 2018.01-2021.12.

國家自然基金面上項目:高性能生物基功能炭材料的製備及其吸附水體中離子液體的機制,No.21576071, 2016.01-



河南省國際科技合作項目:生物質基功能化納米纖維素去除水體中的離子液體,No.152102410023, 2015.01-2016.12.



河南省國際科技合作項目:複合型纖維素基水處理劑的研究,No.124300510012, 2012.

河南省科技攻關重點項目:三聚氰胺的食品安全檢測技術,No.112102310360, 2011.

河南省政府決策研究招標課題:食品安全檢測技術及其對農業發展影響的研究,No.B153, 2008.

河南省教育廳科學技術研究重點項目:低成本生物碳基重金屬水處理劑的應用及生物效應研究,No.14A610013, 2014.

河南省國際科技合作項目:纖維素基水處理劑的合成應用,No.084300510056, 2008.


2017年12月 河南省科學技術進步獎 三等獎

2017年09月 河南省優秀碩士論文指導教師

2007年 河南大學教學十佳

2005年01月 山東高等學校優秀科研成果獎 三等獎 1項

2003年09月 河南省自然科學優秀學術論文 二等獎 3項

2002年12月 河南大學教師講課大賽 一等獎

1999年-2001年 河南省優秀中青年骨幹教師

1998年06月 河南省自然科學優秀學術論文 二等獎 2項

1998年 開封市青年教師新秀


Wenli Gao, Yanmei Zhou*, Chenggong Xu, Meixia Guo, Zhichong Qi, Xiaojun Peng, Bin Gao, Bright hydrophilic and organophilic fluorescence carbon dots: One-pot fabrication and multi-functional applications at visualized Au3+ detection in cell and white light-emitting devices. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2019, 259, 905-911. Li Li, Yanmei Zhou,* Hua Zhou, Haonan Qu, Chengli Zhang, Meixia Guo, Xiaoqiang Liu, Qingyou Zhang, and Bin Gao. N/P Codoped Porous Carbon/One-Dimensional Hollow Tubular Carbon Heterojunction from Biomass Inherent Structure for Supercapacitors. ACS Sustainable Chemistry& Engineering, 2019, 7, 1337-1346. Wenli Gao, Haohan Song, Xiao Wang, Xiaoqiang Liu, Xiaobin Pang, Yanmei Zhou*, Bin Gao, Xiaojun Peng. Carbon dots with red emission for sensing of Pt2+, Au3+and Pd2+and their bio-applications in vitro and in vivo. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2018, 10: 1147-1154. Haohan Song, Junli Zhang, Xiao Wang, Yanmei Zhou*, Chenggong Xu, Xiaobin Pang, Xiaojun Peng. A novel "turn-on" fluorescent probe with a large stokes shift for homocysteine and cysteine: Performance in living cells and zebrafish. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2018, 259: 233-240. Fang Yu, Yanmei Zhou*, Kunxia Cao, Wenli Gao, Bin Gao, Li Sun, Shengjian Liu, Lin Wang, Yanting Ding. Phytotoxicity of ionic liquids with different structures on wheat seedlings and evaluation of their toxicity attenuation at the presence of modified biochar by adsorption effect. Chemosphere. 2018, 196: 331-338. Hua Zhou, Bin Gao, Yanmei Zhou*, HanQiao, Wenli Gao, Haonan Qu, Shanhu Liu, Qingyou Zhang, Xiaoqiang Liu. Facile preparation of 3D GO/CNCs composite with adsorption performance towards [BMIM][Cl] from aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017, 337: 27-33. Lanfang Pang, Yanmei Zhou*, Wenli Gao, Junli Zhang, Haohan Song, Xiao Wang, Yong Wang, Xiaojun Peng.Curcumin-based fluorescent and colorimetric probe for detecting cysteine in living cells and zebrafish. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2017, 56(27): 7650-7655. Li Sun, Hua Zhou, Li Li, Ying Yao*, Haonan Qu, Chengli Zhang, Shanhu Liu, and Yanmei Zhou*.Double Soft-Template Synthesis of Nitrogen/Sulfur-Codoped Hierarchically Porous Carbon Materials Derived from Protic Ionic Liquid for Supercapacitor. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(31): 26088-26095. FangYu,LiSun,YanmeiZhou*,BinGao,WenliGao,ChongBao,CaixiaFeng,YonghongLi. Biosorbents based on agricultural wastes forionic liquid removal: An approach to agricultural wastes managem-ent.Chemosphere, 2016, 165, 94-99. Enze Wang, Lanfang Pang, Yanmei Zhou*, Junli Zhang, Fang Yu, Han Qiao, Xiaobin Pang. A high performance Schiff-base fluorescent probe for monitoring Au in zebrafish based on BODIPY. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 77: 812-817. HanQiao,Yanmei Zhou*, Fang Yu, Enze Wang, YinghaoMin, Qi Huang, Lanfang Pang, Tongsen Ma. Effective removal of cationic dyes using carboxylate-functionalized cellulose nanocrystals. Chemosphere. 2015, 141, 297-303. Qi Huang, Yanmei Zhou*, Qingyou Zhang, Enze Wang, Yinghao Min, Han Qiao, Junli Zhang, Tongsen Ma. A new 「off–on」 fluorescent probe for Pd2+in aqueous solution and live-cell based on spirolactam ring-opening reaction. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2015, 208: 22-29. Yanmei Zhou, Bin Gao*, Andrew R. Zimmerman, Hao Chen, Ming Zhang, Xinde Cao. Biochar-supported zerovalent iron for removal of various contaminants from aqueous solutions. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 152: 538-542. Yanmei Zhou*, Min Zhang, Xinhai Wang, Qi Hang, Yinghao Min, Tongsen Ma, Jingyang Niu. Removal of Crystal Violet by a Novel Cellulose-Based Adsorbent: Comparison with Native Cellulose. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014, 53, 5498-5506. Yanmei Zhou*, Xinhai Wang, Min Zhang, Qiang Jin, Bin Gao, Tongsen Ma. Removal of Pb (II) and malachite green from aqueous solution by modified cellulose. Cellulose. 2014, 21: 2797–2809. Yanmei Zhou*, Xiaoyi Hu, Min Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhuo, Jingyang Niu*. Preparation and Characterization of Modified Cellulose for Adsorption of Cd(II), Hg(II), and Acid Fuchsin from Aqueous Solutions. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013,52(2): 876-884. Yanmei Zhou, Bin Gao*, Andrew R. Zimmerman, June Fang, Yining Sun, Xinde Cao. Sorption of heavy metals on chitosan-modified biochars and its biological effects. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013,231: 512-518. Yanmei Zhou*, Min Zhang, Xiaoyi Hu, Xinhai Wang, Jingyang Niu*, Tongsen Ma. Adsorption of Cationic Dyes on a Cellulose-Based Multicarboxyl Adsorbent. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2013,58(2): 413-421. Yanmei Zhou*, Xiaoyi Hu, Qiang Jin, Xinhai Wang, Tongsen Ma. Adsorption of Cd(II) from Aqueous Solutions by Cellulose Modified with Maleic Anhydride and Thiourea. Adsorption Science & Technology, 2013,31(7): 583-598. Yanmei Zhou*, Qiang Jin, Xiaoyi Hu, Qingyou Zhang, Tongsen Ma. Heavy metal ions and organic dyes removal from water by cellulose modified with maleic anhydride. Journal of Materials Science, 2012 ,47(12): 5019-5029. Yanmei Zhou*, Qiang Jin, Tianwei Zhu, Yoshifumi Akama.Adsorption of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions by cellulose modified with β-CD and quaternary ammonium groups. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011,187(1-3): 303–310. Junli Zhang, Yanmei Zhou*, Weiping Hu, Lin Zhang, Qi Huang, Tongsen Ma. Highly selective fluorescence enhancement chemosensor for Hgbased on rhodamine and its application in living cells and aqueous media. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2013, 183: 290-296. Yanmei Zhou*, Junli Zhang, Hua Zhou, Qingyou Zhang, Tongsen Ma, Jingyang Niu*. A highly sensitive and selective "off-on" chemosensor for the visual detection of Pdin aqueous media. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2012, 171-172: 508-514. Yanmei Zhou*, Junli Zhang, Lin Zhang, Qingyou Zhang, Tongsen Ma, Jingyang Niu*. A rhodamine-based fluorescent enhancement chemosensor for the detection of Crin aqueous media. Dyes and Pigments, 2013,97: 148-154. Junli Zhang, Lin Zhang,Yanmei Zhou*, Tongsen Ma, Jingyang Niu*. A highly selective fluorescent probe for the detection of palladium(II) ion in cells and aqueous media. Microchimica Acta, 2013,180(3-4): 211-217. Yanmei Zhou*,Junli Zhang,Hua Zhou,Xiaoyi Hu,Lin Zhang,Min Zhang. A highly selective fluorescent probe for Albased on 4-aminoantipyrine.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2013,106: 68-72. Yanmei Zhou*,Qiang Jin, Tianwei Zhu,Tongsen Ma, Xiaoyi Hu.Removal of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solution by Cellulose Modified with D-Glucose.Separation Science and Technology,2012,47(1): 157-165. 詞條標籤: 行業人物人物
