宋 洋檢視原始碼討論檢視歷史
宋 洋,男,西南財經大學副教授。
宋洋博士本科畢業于吉林大學金融學專業,後獲得美國天普大學(Temple University)經濟學博士學位。曾就職於美國穆迪公司和南卡羅來納州中小企業發展中心州主管辦公室。
Zhan, M. H., Xu, Y. L., and Song, Y. 2006. 「Sustainability of China’s Economic Growth and Its Transformation Path」. Journal of World Economy 2006(8): 47-56.
The Determinants of Innovation: Evidence from the Group of Twenty (G20), 1996-2011.
How Important Are Quality-Adjusted Human Capital and Time-Varying Factor Shares for Economic Growth: A Case Study of Singapore.
Exploring the Relationship between Macroeconomic Variables: A Small Macroeconometric Model of the Singaporean Economy.[1]