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2011年获得北京大学固体电子学与微电子学专业博士学位;2009-2010年 德国弗莱堡大学微系统研究所访问学者;随后在中国航天三院任高级工程师、副主任设计师,从事高精度导航级微惯性器件研究。2018年,加入北京大学微电子学研究院,任副研究员,高级工程师,现任北京大学集成电路学院院长助理、测试实验室主任。




崔健博士长期致力于微纳传感器件与系统的研究,在MEMS惯性器件、集成谐振器件、传感器微弱信号检测、精密信号处理电路、传感器控制系统设计、自动化测试等方面取得多项重要创新性成果。承担及参与国家重点研发计划子课题、973项目子课题、装发共性基金、航天创新基金及创新特区课题、装发“十二五”预研、“十三五”预研、探索一代等项目十余项,其中四项目结题获评优秀。近年来的主要研究方向是高端传感器产业化技术、微纳加工及封装技术,发表国内外SCI/EI 期刊和学术会议论文60余篇,申请和授权国家发明专利20余项。




  • J. Cui and Q. Zhao, "A High Performance Tactical-grade Monolithic Horizontal Dual-axis MEMS Gyroscope with Off-plane Coupling Suppression Silicon Gratings," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022. doi: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3127036.
  • Dong Li, Mengxia Liu, Qiancheng Zhao and Jian Cui*, “Phase noise modelling of MEMS resonant accelerometer with non-AGC-driven circuit”, J. Micromech. Microeng.,32 064001.
  • J. Cui, Q. Zhao and G. Yan, “Effective bias warm-up time reduction for MEMS gyroscopes based on active suppression of the coupling stiffness”, MICROSYST NANOENG, vol. 5, (no. 1), pp. 18, 2019-01-01 2019.
  • J. Cui, G. Yan, Q. Zhao, “Enhanced temperature stability of scale factor in MEMS gyroscope based on multi parameters fusion compensation method”, Measurement, 2019, 148(106947).
  • J. Cui, and Q. Zhao, “Bias thermal stability improvement of MEMS gyroscope with quadrature motion correction and temperature self-sensing compensation,” Micro & Nano Letters, 2020, 15(4), pp. 234-238.
  • J. Cui, Yang H, Li D, Song Z, Zhao Q., “A Silicon Resonant Accelerometer Embedded in an Isolation Frame with Stress Relief Anchor”, Micromachines. 2019; 10(9):571.
  • Li D, Zhao Q. and J. Cui*, “High-precision frequency measurement for microresonant sensors based on improved modified multi-phase clock method”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 92, 015004 (2021)
  • Bai, Z., J. Cui*, Zhao, Q., Yang, Z. and Yan, G., “Initial frequency split reduction of MEMS ring gyroscope based on cascaded springs geometrical compensation”. Electron. Lett., 2019, 55: 806-808.
  • S. Chen, J. Cui* and Q. Zhao, "Proton Radiation Effect On Mechanical Structure of Silicon Mems Gyroscopes," IEEE MEMS 2022, pp. 758-761.
  • M. Liu, J. Cui*, D. Li and Q. Zhao, "A 3 PPM/°C Temperature Coefficient of Scale Factor for a Silicon Resonant Accelerometer Based on Crystallographic Orientation Optimization," IEEE Transducers 2021, pp. 116-119.
  • J. Cui and Q. Zhao, "In-Situ Mode-Matching Control for a Single-Chip Horizontal Dual-Axis MEMS Gyroscope Based on Modulating Quadrature Coupling with Silicon Gratings," IEEE Transducers 2021, pp. 1198-1201.
  • J. Cui and Q. Zhao, "A Tactical-Grade Monolithic Horizontal Dual-Axis Mems Gyroscope Based on off-Plane Quadrature Coupling Suppression Silicon Gratings," IEEE MEMS 2021, Gainesville, FL, USA, pp. 814-817.
  • J. Cui, M. Liu, H. Yang, D. Li and Q. Zhao, "Temperature Robust Silicon Resonant Accelerometer with Stress Isolation Frame Mounted on Axis-Symmetrical Anchors," IEEE MEMS 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 791-794.
  • Yang, H., J. Cui *. and Zhao, Q., “A wheeled horizontal dual-axis mems gyroscope based on single proof mass with mechanical coupling suppression silicon gratings,” IEEE MEMS 2020, Vancouver, Canada, Jan. 18-22, pp. 749-752.
  • J. Cui, Q. Zhao, Y. Wang and G. Yan, "Shortening Bias Warm-Up Time with Active Control of the Coupling Stiffness for Mems Gyroscopes," IEEE Transducers 2019, Berlin, Germany, pp. 2041-2044.
  • J. Cui, Q. Zhao, Z. Bai and G. Yan, "An 8PPM/°C Temperature Sensitivity of the Scale Factor in MEMS Gyroscope Based on Multi Parameters Fusion Compensation Method," IEEE MEMS 2019, Seoul, Korea (South), pp. 696-699.
  • Z. Bai, J. Cui*, Q. Zhao, Y. Wang and Z. Yang, "Geometric Compensation of (100) SCS Vibrating Ring Gyroscope for Mode-Matching Achieving High Immunity to Fabrication Imperfections," IEEE Transducers 2019, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1858-1861.
  • J. Cui, C.H. He, Z.C. Yang, Z.Y. Guo, Y.L. Hao and G.Z. Yan, “Virtual Rate-Table Method for Characterization of Microgyroscopes”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol 12, pp.2192-2198, 2012.
  • J. Cui, Z. Guo, Q. Zhao, Z. Yang, Y. Hao, and G. Yan, "Force Rebalance Controller Synthesis for a Micromachined Vibratory Gyroscope Based on Sensitivity Margin Specifications," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 20, pp. 1382-1394, 2011.
  • J. Cui, Z. Y. Guo, Z. C. Yang, Y. L. Hao, and G. Z. Yan, "Electrical coupling suppression and transient response improvement for a microgyroscope using ascending frequency drive with a 2-DOF PID controller," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 21, 2011.
  • J. Cui, X. Liu, Z. Guo, Q. Zhao, L. Lin, Z. Yang, Y. Hao, and G. Yan, "An experimental investigation on decoupling performance for a lateral axis micromachined gyroscope with varying environmental parameters," SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, vol. 54, pp. 3415-3423, 2011.
  • J. Cui, X.Z. Chi, H.T. Ding, L.T. Lin, Z.C. Yang and G.Z. Yan, "Transient response and stability of the AGC-PI closed-loop controlled MEMS vibratory gyroscopes, " Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 19, Dec 2009.[1]
