柏耀輝 |
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外文名 ----Yaohui Bai
國 籍 ---- 中國
職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者
學 歷 ---- 博士研究生
職 稱 ---- 副研究員
1簡歷 2研究方向 3專家類別 4承擔科研項目情況 5代表論著
1. 國家自然科學基金重點國際合作研究項目"污水處理廠排放微量污染物共暴露條件下的河流生態效應",主要參與人,2015-2019
2. 國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項"巢湖市水源優化與水質保障技術研究與示範",子課題負責人,2014-2016
3. 環保公益性行業科研專項"地下水環境質量基準、標準制定的方法學和關鍵技術預研究",子課題負責人,2014-2016
4. 國家自然基金重大項目"飲用水質複合污染過程與調控原理"中課題二"典型複合污染水質淨化關鍵技術及工藝基礎",主要參與人,2013-2017
6. 環境水質學國家重點實驗室項目"利用生物強化技術深度淨化鐵錳污染水體" ,負責人,2013-2015
7. 國家自然科學青年基金"利用分子生態技術解析滇池污染水體的硝化反硝化菌群結構變化" ,負責人,2011-2013
1. Yaohui Bai, Weixiao Qi, Jinsong Liang, Jiuhui Qu. (2014) Using high-throughput sequencing to assess the impacts of treated and untreated wastewater discharge on prokaryotic communities in an urban river. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
2. Yaohui Bai, Ruiping Liu, Jinsong Liang, Jiuhui Qu. (2013) Integrated metagenomic and physiochemical analyses to evaluate the potential role of microbes in the sand filter of a drinking water treatment system. PLoS ONE,
3. Yaohui Bai*, Qing Shi, Donghui Wen, Zongxun Li, William A. Jefferson, Chuanping Feng, Xiaoyan Tang. (2012) Bacterial communities in the sediments of Dianchi Lake, a partitioned eutrophic waterbody in China. PLoS ONE
4. Yaohui Bai, Qinghua Sun, Renhua Sun, Donghui Wen, Xiaoyan Tang. (2012) Comparison of denitrifier communities in the biofilms of bioaugmented and non-augmented zeolite–biological aerated filters. Environmental Technology
5. Yaohui Bai, Qinghua Sun, Donghui Wen, Xiaoyan Tang. (2012) Abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in industrial and domestic wastewater treatment systems. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
6. Yaohui Bai, Qinghua Sun, Renhua Sun, Donghui Wen, Xiaoyan Tang. (2011) Bioaugmentation and adsorption treatment of coking wastewater containing pyridine and quinoline using zeolite-biological aerated filters. Environmental Science & Technology
7. Yaohui Bai, Qinghua Sun,Rui Xing, Donghui Wen, Xiaoyan Tang. (2011) Analysis of denitrifier community in a bioaugmented sequencing batch reactor for the treatment of coking wastewater containing pyridine and quinoline. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
8. Yaohui Bai, Qinghua Sun, Cui Zhao, Donghui Wen, Xiaoyan Tang. (2010) Bioaugmentation treatment for coking wastewater containing pyridine and quinoline in a sequencing batch reactor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
9. Yaohui Bai, Qinghua Sun, Rui Xing, Donghui Wen, Xiaoyan Tang. (2010) Removal of pyridine and quinoline by bio-zeolite composed of mixed degrading bacteria and modified zeolite. Journal of Hazardous Material
10. Yaohui Bai, Qinghua Sun, Cui Zhao, Donghui Wen, Xiaoyan Tang. (2010) Quinoline biodegradation and its nitrogen transformation pathway by a Pseudomonas sp. strain. Biodegradation
11. Yaohui Bai, Qinghua Sun, Cui Zhao, Donghui Wen, Xiaoyan Tang. (2009) Aerobic degradation of pyridine by a new bacterial strain, Shinella zoogloeoides BC026. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology
12. Yaohui Bai, Qinghua Sun, Cui Zhao, Donghui Wen, Xiaoyan Tang. (2009) Simultaneous biodegradation of pyridine and quinoline by two mixed bacterial strains. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology