- 十一五以來,主持、參與科技項目三十餘項,近年來的主要項目有:
- 科技部 國家重點研發計劃 重大項目-子課題 高速列車動力系統設備匹配性能評估方法
- 科技部「科技支撐」重大項目-子課題 下一代地鐵車輛技術研究及示範應用子課題「新能源牽引傳動及輔助供電技術—牽引傳動及輔助電源技術研究」
- 科技部「863」 重大項目-子課題 城市軌道列車在途監測與安全預警關鍵技術
- 國家自然科學基金 城市軌道列車在途監測與安全預警關鍵技術(U1134204)
- 國家重點研發計劃項目「長大坡道困難工況下牽引運行技術研究」
- 工業與信息化部重點項目「2019年產業技術基礎公共服務平台項目-面向軌道交通核心零部件產業技術基礎服務平台建設(第二批)
- 科技部「科技支撐」重大項目 「軌道交通列車節能關鍵技術及工程應用示範」
- 鐵路總公司項目「基於新材料新器件新結構的下一代輕量化高效節能牽引傳動關鍵技術研究」
- 中央高校基本科研業務費項目「IGBT器件失效應力的多物理場耦合仿真方法研究」
- 橫向課題 混合動力動車組項目—— 牽引變流器方案設計及試驗研究
- 橫向課題 混合動力動車組項目—— 輔助變流器方案設計及試驗研究
- 橫向課題 SZ2&5項目IGBT故障問題根本原因調查及改善
1. Online Fatigue Estimation and Prediction of Switching Device in Urban Railway Traction Converter Based on Current Recognition and Gray Model [J], IEEE Access, 2019
2. Fault Prediction Model of High-Power Switching Device in Urban Railway Traction Converter with Bi-Directional Fatigue Data and Weighted LSM [J], Applied Sciences, 2019
3. Online Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis for Rail Transit Traction Converter Based on Object-Oriented Colored Petri Net Topology Reasoning [J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016.
4. Service Life Prediction of Electrolytic Capacitors in Urban Rail Transit Based on Analytical Iteration and GM(2,1) Model [J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016.
5. Distributed Auxiliary Inverter of Urban Rail Train—Load Sharing Control Strategy under Complicated Operation Condition [J], IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.31, pp.1745 – 1756, 2016.
6. AI-HM Based Zero Portion Effects and Phase-Shift Optimization for Railway Auxiliary Inverter With Pulsating DC-Link [J] , IEEE Access, vol. 5, no. 1, pp.7444-7453, 2017.
7. Taking Traction Control to Task: High-Adhesion-Point Tracking Based on a Disturbance Observer in Railway Vehicles [J], IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, vol.11, no.1, pp.51-62, 2017.
1. Analysis of Fault Characteristics After the Breakdown of Power Switches in Voltage-Source PWM Rectifiers [J], TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY, vol.25, no.7, pp.108-116, 2010.
2. Fault Diagnosis Based on OOCPN Topology Analysis Model and Backward Reasoning for Supply System in Urban Mass Transit [J], China Railway Science, vol.33, no.4, pp.52-59, 2012.
3. State estimation for electrolytic capacitor with parameter fitting [J], Telkomnika, vol.11, no.8, pp.4461-4469, 2014.
4. Whole-cycle Adaptive and Parameter Inconsistency Parallel Droop Control Strategy [J], Proceedings of the CSEE, vol.33, no.30, pp.50-57, 2013.
5. The Auxiliary Parallel Control strategy Based on Complicated Load Characteristics [J], Proceedings of the CSEE, vol.35, no.S1, pp.213-219, 2015.
6. Parallel Technologies of Power Module for Traction Power Supply With Energy Feedback [J], TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY, vol.25, no.6, pp.77-82, 2010.
7. Estimate Approach for Fatigue Damage of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Based on Accumulated Damage Theory [J], TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY, vol.26, no.4, pp.13-18, 2010.
8. Research on Feasibility of CANopen Working as Rail Transit Vehicle Bus [J], TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 33, no.2, pp.38-44, 2011.
9. An Approach to Converter Faults Diagnosis Based on Vector Control[J], TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY, vol.25, no.3, pp.177-182, 2010.
10. Research on Wireless Parallel Method under Inconsistent Parameter of Converter [J], JOURNAL OF THE CHINA RAILWAY SOCIETY, vol.38, no.1, pp.12-17, 2016.
11. Loss Analysis and Optimization of Three-Level Boost Type High Frequency Link Inverters [J], Proceedings of the CSEE, vol.35, no.24, pp.6475-6486, 2015.
International Conference Proceedings
1. A Novel Traction Supply System for Urban Rail Transportation with Bidirectional Power Flow and Based on PWM Rectifier[C], Proceedings of ICEET2009, pp.40-43, 2009.
2. A Multi-channel Distributed Monitoring Platform Based on Ethernet and Virtual Instrument Technology [C], Proceedings of ICEET2009, pp.4579-4584, 2009.
3. A Novel Traction Power Supply System for Urban Rail Transportation[C], Proceedings of VPPC2008, Harbin, China, pp.1-5, 2008.
4. Topology Analysis and Fault Diagnosis Scheme with OOCPN Model for Supply System in Urban Mass Transit [C], Proceedings of ISKE2011, Xian, China, vol.124, pp.157-165, 2011.
5. An Optimized PWM Modulation Scheme for High Power Three-Level Converters[C], Proceedings of ICMA2009, Changchun, China, pp.5008-5013, 2009.
1) 高速動車組溫升計算軟件,2011SRBJ0551.
2) 基於列車網絡的城軌列車牽引變流器損傷評估與狀態檢測軟件,2013SRBJ0686.
中國電工技術學會軌道交通電氣設備技術專業委員會 委員[1]