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亚 科:角茎舟蛾亚科

篦舟蛾属(学名 Besaia)是属于角茎舟蛾亚科下的一个属。 [1]


邻皮舟蛾亚属:Achepydna 篦舟蛾亚属:Besaia 枯舟蛾亚属:Curuzza 拟皮舟蛾亚属:Mimopydna 偶舟蛾亚属:Ogulina





来自 万方  喜欢 0 阅读量:18 作者:蔡荣权


关键词:舟蛾 种类鉴别 为害 竹林 翅尖 六十年代 斑纹 褐黄色 不清晰 成虫

DOI:CNKI:SUN:SLBC.0.1986-01-018 被引量:1 年份:1986


徐天森1, 吕若清2 1. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所机构

2. 浙江省余杭县南山林场

STUDIES ON BESAIA GODDRICA (NOTODONTIDAE,LEPIDOPTERA) Xu Tiansen1, Lű Ruoqing2 1. The Research Institute of Forestry CAF

2. Narsshan Forest Farm of Yuhang County, Zhejiang Province

摘要: 竹蓖舟蛾是竹林重要害虫之一,分布于长江以南各省。浙江省一年4代,以幼虫在竹上越冬,中午气温高时,可以取食。成虫分别于4月初~6月上旬、6月上旬~7月中旬、8月上旬~9月中旬、9月中旬~11月上旬出现;幼虫取食期为4月底~7月初、6月下旬~8月底、8月中旬~10月中旬、10月初~下年5月上旬。各代幼虫食叶量分别为411.85、390.02、335.85、324.95cm2。产卵量为80~490粒。天敌有黑卵蜂、赤眼蜂、猎蝽、内茧蜂、瘦姬蜂、啮小蜂等。防治方法以保护天敌、灯光诱蛾及药剂防

关键词: 竹蓖舟蛾 / 生物学特性 / 防治 / 竹

Abstract: Besaia goddrica (Schaus),one of the main pests of the bamboos,attacks the species of Phyllostachys and has been observed in the wide areas on the south of the Yangtze River as well as in Shanxi Province.With four generations per year in Zhejiang province,the pest insect overwinters on bamboos by larvae which may feed on the foliage occasionally at warm noon in winter,but normally eat more in the next March.The adults appear in bamboo groves from early April to early June,early June to mid-July,early August to early September and,mid-September to early November respectively.The larvae feed on the foliage from late April to early July,late June to late August,mid-August to mid-October and,early October to the next early April.The mean feeding amount of the leaves per larva in each one of the four generations is respectively up to 411.85,390.02,335.85 and 324.95cm2 in area.Each female adult may lay eggs varying from 80 to 490.There are more than ten natural enemies attacking the pest,mainly including Trichogramma sp.,Telenomus sp.,Campoplex sp.,Exorista civilis,Sirthenea ilavipes and Enicospilus sp.,The effective control of the pest can be achieved by the measures of tending of bamboo groves,light-trapping,and application of DDVP smoke generator.

Key words: Besaia goddrica (Schaus) / biological characteristics / control measures / bamboo


  1. 篦舟蛾属, 动物界, 2020-01-18