罗晖 (教授)查看源代码讨论查看历史
1、2009-2010麻省理工学院访问学者 2、2004年至今 北京科技大学教师 3、2004年清华大学获生物化工博士学位 4、1999年北京化工大学获生物化工硕士学位 5、1996年北京化工大学获生物化工学士学位
Biotechnology Notes编委
1、主持和完成国家自然科学基金项目3项; 2、主持和完成“北京科技新星”计划项目; 3、参与和完成国家科技支撑计划子课题、国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题、北京市自然科学基金项目多项; 4、承担企业合作课题多项。
1、获得国家发明二等奖(排名第3)1项,中国高校科技发明二等奖(排名第3)1项、中国石油和化工协会科技进步二等奖(排名第3)1项; 2、罗晖*,刘秀红,常雁红,彭钦成,李玺,何华,于慧敏,沈忠耀. 7-氨基头孢烷酸的制备方法. 申请号:201410612. 3、罗晖*,韩凯华,常雁红,魏艳梅,何华,于慧敏,李强,沈忠耀. 一种固定化头孢菌素C酰化酶的制备方法. 申请号:201310276375.6. (专利) 4、罗晖*,何华,常雁红,魏艳梅,于慧敏,沈忠耀. 一种制备固定化头孢菌素C酰化酶的方法. 申请号:201310401009.9. 5、罗晖*,纪钦洪,常雁红,杜翠凤,于慧敏,沈忠耀. 一种融合蛋白及其编码基因和用途. 申请号:200710177396.7 6、罗晖*,尹祖建,常雁红,肖宝清. 一种催化烟酸制备6-羟基烟酸的方法及其所用菌株. 专利号:200710177394.8 罗晖*,史芫芫,于慧敏,李强,沈忠耀. 一种戊二酰-7-氨基头孢烷酸酰化酶的固定化方法.中国专利,专利号:200610011742.X.
1.Tian J, Jia R, Dong W, Sun H, Wang Y, Chang Y, Luo H*. (2021). One-step purification and immobilization of recombinant proteins using SpyTag/SpyCatcher chemistry. Biotechnology Letters, 43(5), 1075-1087.
2.Sun H, Liu T, Luo H*, Nie Z, Chang Y, Yu H, Shen Z. Optimization of Cephalosporin C Acylase Expression in Escherichia coli by High-Throughput Screening a Constitutive Promoter Mutant library. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2021, 193(4):1056-1071.
3.Liu J, Tong S, Sun H, Chang Y, Luo H*, Yu H, Shen Z. Effect of shaking speed on immobilization of cephalosporin C acylase: Correlation between protein distribution and properties of the immobilized enzymes. Biotechnology Progress. 2020, 37(1):e3063.
4.Wang Y, Chang Y, Jia R, Sun H, Tian J, Luo H*, Yu H, Shen Z. SpyTag/SpyCatcher cyclization and covalent immobilization in enhancing cephalosporin C acylase stability. Process Biochemistry, 2020, 95:260-268.
5.Nie Z, Luo H*, Li J, Sun H, Xiao Y, Liu T, Chang Y, Yu H, Shen Z. High-throughput screening of T7 promoter mutants for soluble expression of cephalosporin C acylase in E. coli. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2020, 190:293-304.
6.Chang Y, Tong S, Luo H*, Liu Z, Qin B, Zhu L, Sun H, Yu H, Shen Z. (2019). Application of ammonium bicarbonate buffer as a smart microenvironmental pH regulator of immobilized cephalosporin C acylase catalysis in different reactors. Biotechnology Progress. 2019, 35(5):e2846.
7.Wang Y, Tian J, Xiao Y, Wang Y, Sun H, Chang Y, Luo H*. SpyTag/SpyCatcher cyclization enhances the thermostability and organic solvent tolerance of l-phenylalanine aldolase. Biotechnology Letters, 2019, 41(8-9):987-994.
8.Luo H*, Han K, Chang Y, Wang Y, Tong S, Nie Z, Wang X, Wei Y, Yu H, Shen Z. Effects of Inhibitors on the Catalysis and Immobilization of Cephalosporin C Acylase. Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 2018, 32(1):125-133.
9.Luo H*, Zhu L, Chang Y, Liu X, Liu Z, Sun H, Li X, Yu H, Shen, Z. Microenvironmental pH changes in immobilized cephalosporin C acylase during a proton-producing reaction and regulation by a two-stage catalytic process. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 223:157-165.
10.Xu J, Luo H*, López C, Xiao J, Chang Y*. Novel immobilization process of a thermophilic catalase: efficient purification by heat treatment and subsequent immobilization at high temperature. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2015, 38:1983-1991.
11.Luo H*, Ma J, Chang Y, Yu H, Shen Z. Directed evolution and mutant characterization of nitrilase from Rhodococcus rhodochrous tg1-A6. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2016, 178(8):1510-1521.
12.Luo H*, Zhao H, Chang Y, Wang Q, Yu H, Shen Z. Oriented immobilization and characterization of a poly-lysine tagged cephalosporin C acylase on glyoxyl agarose support. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2015, 175:2114-2123.
13.He H, Wei Y, Luo H*, Chang Y, Yu H, Shen Z. Immobilization and stabilization of cephalosporin C acylase on aminated support by cross-linking with glutaraldehyde and post-modification using aminated macromolecules. Biotechnology Progress, 2015, 31(2):387-95.
14.Wei Y, Luo H*, Chang Y, Yu H, Shen Z. Reversible immobilization of cephalosporin C acylase on epoxy supports coated with polyethyleneimine. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 2015, 33(5-6):250-259.[1]