花葉點地梅 |
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中文名:花葉點地梅 拉丁學名:Androsace alchemilloides Franch. 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:雙子葉植物綱 亞 綱:五椏果亞綱 目:報春花目 科:報春花科 族:報春花族 種:花葉點地梅 |
花葉點地梅(huā yè diǎn dì méi),學名:Androsace alchemilloides Franch.,是報春花科點地梅屬植物。產於雲南西北部。生于山坡草地和陽處石上,海拔3000-4000米。模式標本采自雲南麗江。 [1]
葉片輪廓扇形,長3-5毫米,基部短漸狹,掌狀3裂深達基部,裂片再作3-4深裂,小裂片線形,寬 (0.5) 1-1.5毫米,先端稍鈍,兩面密被短硬毛;
葉柄長約6毫米,下半部擴展成鞘狀,具膜質邊緣。花葶自葉叢中抽出,高1.5-3厘米,稍俯垂,密被短硬毛;傘形花序3-8 (12) 花;苞片橢圓形至長圓狀披針形,長3-5毫米,腹面無毛,背面密被硬毛;
Herbs perennial, pulvinate-cespitose. Caudex 1.5--4 cm, branched, encircled with withered remains of leaves. Leaves of current year borne on apex of caudicules, in a rosette; petiole ca. 6 mm, dilated and subvaginate on lower part, margin membranous; leaf blade flabellate, 3--5 mm wide, densely minutely hirtellous, base short attenuate, palmately 3-lobed nearly to base; lobes 3- or 4-divided; segments linear, (0.5--)1--1.5 mm wide, apex subobtuse.
Scapes 1.5--3 cm, hirtellous; umbels 3--8(--12)-flowered; bracts elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 3--5 mm, abaxially densely hirtellous, adaxially glabrous. Pedicel 5--7 mm, hirtellous. Calyx 3--4 mm, densely hirtellous, parted to middle; lobes ovate, apex subobtuse. Corolla white or pink, 5--7 mm in diam.; lobes oblong to oblong-obovate, ca. 2 mm wide, apex truncate to slightly emarginate. Fl. May-Jun.
Androsace alchemilloides Franch. in Journ. Bot. Morot 9: 455. 1895; R. Knuth in Engl. Pflanzenr. 22 (IV-237): 180. 1905; Hand. -Mazz. in Not. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 15: 276. 1927; C. M. Hu et Y. C. Yang in Act. Phytotax. Sin, 24: 219. 1986.