莖花守宮木 |
中文學名:莖花守宮木 拉丁學名:Sauropus bonii Beille 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:雙子葉植物綱 亞 綱:原始花被亞綱 目:大戟目 亞 目:大戟亞目 科:大戟科 亞 科:葉下珠亞科 族:葉下珠族 屬:守宮木屬 |
莖花守宮木(jīng huā shǒu gōng mù,學名:Sauropus bonii Beille)大戟科守宮木屬植物。葉片紙質,長橢圓形、卵狀披針形或倒披針形,長7-14厘米,寬2.5-5厘米;主要分布於廣西龍州和天峨,越南和泰國等地。 [1]
蒴果近圓球狀,直徑約2厘米,高約1.5厘米,6爿裂。 [2]
Sauropus bonii Beille in Lec. Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 5: 651. 1927; Airy Shaw in Kew Bull. 26 (2): 334. 1972; P. T. Li in Guihaia 3(3): 168. 1983, et in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 25: 133. 1987.
Shrubs to 3 m tall, monoecious, glabrous throughout; stem gray; branches angular, green. Stipules triangular, 3-5 mm; petiole 3-6 mm; leaf blade oblong-elliptic, ovate-lanceolate, or oblanceolate, 7-14 × 2.5-5 cm, papery, abaxially greenish, dark green adaxially, base broadly cuneate, apex acuminate or shortly so; venation pinnate, lateral veins 7-11 pairs, obliquely ascending, arcuately anastomosing to before margins. Inflorescences cauliflorous, from base to lower part of stem, narrow racemelike thyrses, usually pendent, 6-15 cm, bisexual; peduncles and pedicels with imbricate bracts and bracteoles. Male flowers: pedicels filamentous, 2-34 mm; calyx cup-shaped, 3-5 mm in diam., margins undulate, membranous, yellowish, with red streak; disk shallowly 6-fid, adnate to calyx; stamens 3; filaments connate into a cylinder; anthers oblong. Female flowers: pedicels 2-3 mm; calyx campanulate, 3-5 mm in diam., 6-lobed; sepals biseriate, spatulate or obovate, outer 3-5 mm, inner 2-4 mm; ovary ovoid or globose, 3-locular; styles 3, free, bifid at apex, arms recurved. Capsules subglobose, ca. 1.5 × 2 cm, prominently 6-valved when mature. Fl. Apr-Aug, fr. Jun-Oct.
Forests or scrubby slopes on limestone; 200-500 m. NW and SW Guangxi (Longzhou, Tian』e) [Vietnam].
Records of Sauropus bonii from Thailand seem to be based on a misidentification of S. disciflorus Welzen, which has much shorter inflorescences.