陳向軍 |
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陳向軍,男,1966年5月生,浙江省文成縣人,博士,現任中國科學技術大學近代物理系教授,合肥微尺度物質科學國家研究中心教授、博士生導師 ,中國科學技術大學物理學院黨委書記、副院長[1] ,校物理與天文學位分委員會委員。
國 籍 ---- 中國
職 業 ---- 教育科研管理工作者
職 務 ---- 中國科學技術大學博士生導師
1998年在澳大利亞西澳大學物理系做訪問學者,2003年受聘為日本東北大學多元物質所客座副教授,2004年首批入選教育部"新世紀優秀人才支持計劃"[2] 。
在Nature Physics、Phys. Rev. Lett.、Phys. Rev. A、J. Chem. Phys.、Rev. Sci. Instrum.等學術刊物上發表論文120餘篇,曾獲得中國科學院科技進步二等獎、國家科技進步三等獎和安徽省自然科學二等獎等獎項。主持承擔了國家基金重點項目、國家重點基礎研究發展計劃項目課題、國家基金儀器專項和中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目課題等多項科研項目。擔任ICPEAC國際會議總務委員會委員(2005-2007),全國原子分子物理學專業委員會委員(2011-),《原子與分子物理學報》、《原子核物理評述》編委,《Journal of Atomic and Molecular Sciences》Associate Editor等學術職務。
1) Electron momentum spectroscopy of the inner valence 2a1 and 1b2 orbitals of dichlorodifluoromethane - Chem.Phys.Lett. - 2006 - 422 (2006)246-250
2) Electron momentum distributions for outer valence orbitals of trichlorofluoromethane - J. Electron.Spectro. - 2006 - 153 (2006) 58-64
3) An electron momentum spectroscopy study of the highest occupied molecular orbital of trifluorobromomethane - Chin. Phys. Lett. - 2005 - 22 (2005) 1649
4) Electron momentum distributions for two outermost molecular orbitals of Bromochlorodifluoromethane - Chin. J. Chem. Phys.(Letter) - 2005 - 18 (2005) 295
5) Theoretical calculation of triple different cross sections of 3s orbital of argon in coplanar symmetric (e, 2e) reaction - Chin. Phys. - 2004 - 13(2004)1857-61
6) Determining Conformational Preference for Molecules by Electron Momentum Spectroscopy - J. Phys. CS - 2007 - 80 (2007) 012003
7) The non-destructive threshold of the graphite surface by Pt/Ir tip in the ultra-fast pulse mode - Chin.Phys. - 2007 - 16 (2007) 2315
8) Valence Electronic Structures of CH2BrCl and CF2BrCl: Binding Energy Spectra and Electron Momentum Distributions - J. Phys. Chem. A - 2008 - 112 (2008) 942-949
9) Conformational Stability of 1-butene: An Electron momentum spectroscopy Investigation - J. Phys. Chem. A - 2007 - in press
10) Electron momentum spectroscopy of CF2Cl2:Experimental and theoretical momentum profiles for outer va - J.Chem.Phys. - 2004 - 12(2004)7933-7938
11) An electron momentum spectroscopy study of the outer valence orbitals of chlorodifluoromethane - Chem.Phys. - 2004 - 299(2004)17
12) Triple differential cross sections of Li+ (1s2) and K+ (3p6) for Electron-impact ionization - J. Phys. B - 2005 - 38 (2005)1371-1379
13) Nonlinear Inelastic Electron Scattering Revealed by Plasmon-Enhanced Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy - Nature Physics - 2014 - doi:10.1038/nphys3051
14) Experimental and theoretical investigation on the outer valence electronic structure of cyclopropylamine by (e, 2e) electron momentum spectroscopy - J. Phys. Chem. A - 2014 - 118 (2014) 4484-93
15) Outer- and inner-valence satellite states of carbon dioxide: Electron momentum spectroscopy compared with SAC-CI general-R calculations - J. Chem. Phys. - 2012 - 136,094306
16) Electron–hydrogen atom impact 1s→2s and 1s→2p excitation with screened Coulomb interaction between the n=2 and n=3 excitation thresholds - Phys. Rev. A - 2011 - 83,032724
17) Multicenter distorted wave method for fast electron impact single ionization of molecule - Phys. Rev. A - 2014 - 89 (2014) 052711
18) Double Toroidal Analyzer for Scanning Probe Electron Energy Spectrometer - Chin. Phys. B - 2014 - 23 (2014) 073402 (R)
19) A high-sensitivity angle and energy dipersive multichannel electron momentum spectrometer with 2-pi angle range - Rev. Sci. Instrum. - 2011 - 82,033110
20) Electron collision with the BH2 radical using the R-matrix method - Phys. Rev. A - 2010 - 82,062711
21) Observation of Interference Effect in Vibrationally Resolved Electron Momentum Spectroscopy of H2 - Phys. Rev. Lett. - 2014 - 112 (2014) 023204
22) Electron momentum spectroscopy study on valence electronic structure of Cyclopropylamine - J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - 2014 - 488 (2014) 052019
23) Spatial Resolved Scanning Probe Electron Energy Spectroscopy for Ag Islands on Graphite Surface - Rev. Sci. Instrum - 2009 - 80
24) Hyperconjugative effect on electron wavefunction of Ethanol - Chem. Phys. Lett. - 2009 - 472
25) Point-to-point focusing equation for double toroidal analyzer - J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. - 2014 - 193 (2014) 39-42
26) Momentum imaging spectrometer for molecular fragmentation dynamics induced by pulsed electron beam - Rev. Sci. Instrum. - 2013 - 84, 123110 (2013).
27) Electron Momentum Spectroscopy Study of Jahn-Teller Effect in Cyclopropane - J. Chem. Phys. - 2009 - 130
28) High resolution electron momentum spectroscopy of dichlorodifluoromethane: unambiguous assignments of outer valence molecular orbitals - J.Chem.Phys. - 2006 - 125 (2006) 154307
29) Experimental Observation of Relativistic Effects on Electronic Wavefunction for Iodine Lone-pair Orbital of CF3I - Chem. Phys. Lett. - 2008 - 457
30) Interference Effects on (e, 2e) Electron Momentum Profiles of CF4 - Phys. Rev. Lett. - 2012 - 108,173201
31) Miniature electrostatic electron energy analyzers and S-shaped deflector - Rev. Sci. Instrum. - 2008 - 79