

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
國籍 中國

雷自強,1987年獲西北師範大學學士學位,1990年獲中國科學院蘭州化學物理研究所碩士學位,1997年獲浙江大學博士學位,1999-2002年英國利物浦大學、阿斯頓大學博士後。 [1]

甘肅省"333人才工程"第一、二層次人選,全國優秀教師,甘肅省教學名師,甘肅省特聘科技專家,甘肅省第一層次領軍人才,甘肅省政府專家顧問團教育科技衛生組成員。 [2]




先後承擔國家重點基礎研究前期研究專項(973專項)1項、國家自然科學基金資助項目3項。1990年以來在Advanced Materials(高級材料), Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis(高級合成與催化), Journal Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry(高分子科學雜誌-高分子化學), Electrochemistry Communication(電化學通訊)和科學通報等國內外學術期刊發表學術論文150餘篇,其中130篇被SCI收錄(1區9篇, 2區16篇)。獲授權發明專利15件,技術成果產業化產值超過3億。獲甘肅省教學成果一等獎1項,甘肅省級自然科學和科技進步三等獎5項,甘肅省高校科技進步獎7項。[1]








1. Zhan XW, Yang MJ, Lei ZQ, et al. Photoluminescence, electroluminescence, nonlinear optical, and humidity sensitive properties of poly(p-diethynylbenzene) prepared with a nickel acetylide catalyst ADV MATER 12 : 51-53 JAN 7 2000 ((工程技術Ⅰ區)

2. Lei, ZQ; Yang, YX; Bai, XZ. Catalyst-free oxidation of alcohols at room temperature using water as solvent. ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS, 2006, 348(7-8): 877-880. (化學二區)

3. Wang RF, Zhang Z, Wang H, Lei ZQ*, Pt decorating PdCu/C as highly effective electrocatalysts for methanol oxidation. Electrochemistry Communications, 2009, 11: 1089?1091. (工程技術Ⅰ區)

4. Wang RF, Li H, Feng HQ, Wang H, Lei ZQ* Preparation of carbon-supportedcore@shellPdCu@PtRunanoparticles for methanol oxidation. Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195: 1099?1102. (工程技術Ⅰ區)

5. Wang W, Wang RF, Ji S, , Feng HQ, Wang H, Lei ZQ* Pt overgrowth on carbon supported PdFe seeds in the preparation of core?shell electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195: 3498?3503. (工程技術Ⅰ區)

6. Wang H, Wang RF, Li H, Wang QF, Kang J, Lei ZQ*, Facile synthesis of carbon-supportedpseudo-core@shellPdCu@Ptnanoparticles for direct methanol fuel cells. International journal of hydrogen energy, 2011, 36, 839-848. (工程技術Ⅰ區)

7. Wang RF, Wang H, Wei BX, Wang W, Lei ZQ*, Carbon supported Pt-shell modified PdCo-core with electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation. International journal of hydrogen energy, 2010, 35: 10081-10086. (工程技術Ⅰ區)

8. Wang RF, Li H, Ji S, Wang H, Lei ZQ*, Pt decorating of PdNi/C as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction. Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55: 1519?1522.( 工程技術Ⅰ區)

9. Lu DD, Yuan JC, Li HG, Lei ZQ*, Synthesis and characterization of a series of biodegradable and biocompatible PEG-supported poly(lactic-ran-glycolic acid) amphiphilic barbell-like copolymers. JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 2008, 46(1: 3802-3812. (化學Ⅱ區)


  1. 雷自強 ,化學化工學院網
  2. 雷自強 ,西北師範大學化學化工學院導師簡介網