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出生 1966年3月
国籍 中国
籍贯 四川巴中市
母校 哈尔滨科学技术大学
职业 复合材料和光学材料专家




  1. 1981.09~1985.07:哈尔滨理工大学机械工程系材料科学学士
  2. 1985.09~1988.07:哈尔滨工业大学材料学院材料科学硕士
  3. 1989.03~1992.10:哈尔滨工业大学航天与力学系 博士


  • 1988/07~1992/12: 哈尔滨工业大学复合材料研究所助教、讲师
  • 1992/12~1995/12:哈尔滨工业大学复合材料研究所副教授
  • 1995/12~1998/10:哈尔滨工业大学复合材料研究所教授
  • 1998/10~1999/07:英国诺丁汉大学工学院皇家学会访问学者
  • 1999/09~2004/12:哈尔滨工业大学航天学院院长、教授
  • 2004/12~2007/09:哈尔滨工业大学校长助理、教授
  • 1997/12~至今:哈尔滨工业大学复合材料与结构研究所博导
  • 2008/10~至今:特种环境复合材料技术国防科技重点实验室主任
  • 2007/09~至今:哈尔滨工业大学教授、副校长
  • 2015年12月7日:当选中国科学院技术科学部院士。




时间 奖项
1996年 第五届中国青年科技奖
1997年 首批入选国家千百万人才工程
1997年 教育部跨世纪人才培养基金获得者
2000年 教育部首届青年教师奖
2002年 获得第十三届全国十大杰出青年提名奖
2004年 国防科技进步二等奖
2006年 国防科技进步一等奖
2007年 国家科技进步二等奖
2007年 国家自然科学基金委员会杰出青年基金
2008年 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体负责人
2009年 国家技术发明二等奖
2010年 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖
2011年 国家技术发明二等奖


获国家发明专利授权61项,出版学术专著2本,在Composites Science and Technology, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Mechanics of Materials, Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Physical Review B等国际期刊发表文章350余篇。

01 Zhang, MF; Guo, HX; Han, JC; Zhang, HL; Xu, CH, Distribution of Neodymium and properties of Nd:YAG crystal by horizontal directional solidification, Journal Of Crystal Growth, V340 N1 P130-134: FEB 1 2012
02 Li, HB; Zheng, YT; Han, JC; Zhou, LJ, Effect of reactant Ti/B(4)C ratio on the stoichiometry and mechanical properties of h-BN-Ti(C,N) prepared by combustion synthesis, Materials Science And Engineering A- V528 N 6 P2380-2384 MAR 15 2011
03 Han, JC; Wang, BL ,Thermal shock resistance of ceramics with temperature-dependent material properties at elevated temperature, Acta Materialia V 59 N4 P1373-1382: FEB 2011
04 Wang, B; Han, JC; Du, S, analysis of fiber breaking in fiber/matrix composites under torsional loads ,Mechanics of Composite Materials V46 N4 P365-374: NOV 2010
05 Liu, QA; Han, WB; Han, JC, Influence of SiCnp content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZrB(2)-SiC nanocomposite, Scripta Materialia V63 N6 P581-584: SEP 2010
06 Zhang, YM; Hu, LY; Han, JC; Jiang, ZH; Zhou, M , Soluble starch scaffolds with uniaxial aligned channel structure for in situ synthesis of hierarchically porous silica ceramics, Microporous And Mesoporous Materials V130 N1-3 P327-332: MAY 2010
07 Liang, J; Wang, Y; Fang, GD; Han, JC, Research on thermal shock resistance of ZrB(2)-SiC-AlN ceramics using an indentation-quench method, Journal of Alloys And Compounds , V493 N1-2 P695-698: MAR 18 2010
08 Han, JC; Hu, LY; Zhang, YM; Jiang, ZH; Zhou, YF, In situ synthesis of hierarchically porous silica ceramics with unidirectionally aligned channel structure, Scripta Materialia V62 N6 P431-434: MAR 2010
09 Han, JC; Hong, CQ; Zhang, XH); Du, JC; Zhang, W, Highly porous ZrO(2) ceramics fabricated by a camphene-based freeze-casting route: Microstructure and properties, Journal of The European Ceramic Society V30 N1 P53-60: JAN 2010
10 Song, B; Han, JC; Jian, JK; Li, H; Wang, YC; Bao, HQ; Wang, WY; Zuo, HB; Zhang, XH; Meng, SH; Chen, XL, Experimental observation of defect-induced intrinsic ferromagnetism in III-V nitrides: The case of BN, Physical Review B V80 N15: OCT 2009
11 Han, JC; Hu, LY; Zhang, YM; Zhou, YF, Fabrication of Ceramics with Complex Porous Structures by the Impregnate-Freeze-Casting Process, Journal of The American Ceramic Society V92 N9 P2165-2167: SEP 2009
12 Sun, YB; Han, JC; Zhang, YM, Relative dielectric constant calculation model for three-phase porous composite materials, Computational Materials Science V45 N4 P1125-1128: JUN 2009
13 Zhang, XH; Li, XY; Han, JC; Han, WB; Hong, CQ, Effects of Y2O3 on microstructure and mechanical properties of ZrB2-SiC ceramics, Journal of Alloys And Compounds V465 N1-2 P 506-511: OCT 6 2008
14 Zhang, YM; Zhang, YL; Han, JC; Zhou, YF; Hu, LY; Yao, W; Qu, W ,The effect of annealing temperature on micro-structure and mechanical properties of C/SiC composites , Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing, V497 N1-2 P383-387: DEC 15 2008
15 Zhu, JQ; Han, JC; Han, X; Schlaberg, HI; Wang, JZ , sp(3)-rich deposition conditions and growth mechanism of tetrahedral amorphous carbon films deposited using filtered arc, Journal of Applied Physics V104 N1: JUL 1 2008
16 Zhang, XH; Hu, P; Han, JC; Meng, SH, Ablation behavior of ZrB2-SiC ultra high temperature ceramics under simulated atmospheric re-entry conditions, Composites Science and Technology, V68 N7-8 P1718-1726: JUN 2008
17 Han, JC; Hu, P; Zhang, XH ;Meng, SH; Han, WB , Oxidation-resistant ZrB2-SiC composites at 2200 degrees C, Composites Science and Technology, V68 N3-4 P:799-806 MAR 2008
18 Zhang, XB; Hu, P; Han, JC; Xu, L; Meng, SH, The addition of lanthanum hexaboride to zirconium diboride for improved oxidation resistance, Scripta Materialia, V57 N11 P1036-1039: DEC 2007
19 Tan, ML; Zhu, JQ; Han, JC; Gao, W; Niu, L; Lu, J, Chemical analysis and vibrational properties of boronated tetrahedral amorphous carbon films, Diamond And Related Materials v16 n9 p1739-1745: SEP 2007
20 Han, JC; Hong, CQ; Zhang, XH; Meng, SH, Microstructural characterization and ablation mechanism of TiB2/(Cu,Ni) melt-infiltrated ceramic composite, Composites Science and Technology v67 n11-12 p2231-2237: SEP 2007
21 Han, JC; Liu, AP; Zhu, JQ; Tan, ML; Wu, HP, Effect of phosphorus content on structural properties of phosphorus incorporated tetrahedral amorphous carbon films, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing v88 n2 p341-345: AUG 2007
22 Han, JC, Thermal shock resistance of ceramic coatings, Acta Materialia, v55 n10 p3573-3581: JUN 2007
23 Wang, BL; Han, JC,Multiple surface cracking of elastic coatings subjected to dynamic load, Mechanics of Materials v39 n5 p445-457: MAY 2007
24 Han, JC; Gao, W; Zhu, JQ; Meng, SH; Zheng, WT, Density-functional theory study of the microstructure, electronic structure, and optical properties of amorphous carbon, Physical Review B v75 n15: APR 2007
25 Han, JC; Tan, ML; Zhu, JQ; Meng, SH; Wang, BS; Mu, SJ; Cao, DW , Photovoltaic characteristics of amorphous silicon solar cells using boron doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon films as p-type window materials, Applied Physics Letters v90 n8: FEB 19 2007
26 Wang, HB; Han, JC; Du, SY; Northwood, DO , Reaction synthesis of nickel/aluminide multilayer composites using Ni and Al foils: Microstructures, tensile properties, and deformation Behavior, Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy And Materials Science v38A n 2 p409-419: FEB 2007
27 Zhu, JQ; Han, JC; Han, X; Meng, SH; Liu, AP; He, XD, Optical properties of amorphous diamond films evaluated by non-destructive spectroscopic ellipsometry, Optical Materials v28 n5 p473-479: APR 2006
28 Han, JC; Wang, BL ,Crack spacing effect for a piezoelectric cylinder under electro-mechanical loading or transient heating, International Journal of Solids and Structures , v43 n7-8 p2126-2145: APR 2006
29 Han, JC; Bao-Lin, W , Thermal shock resistance enhancement of functionally graded materials by multiple cracking, Acta Materialia v54 n4 p963-973: FEB 2006
30 Han, JC; Hong, CQ; Zhang, XH; Wang, BL, Thermal shock resistance of TiB2-Cu interpenetrating phase composites, Composites Science And Technology v65 n11-12 p1711-1718: SEP 2005
31 Zhang, XH; Han, JC; He, XD; Yan, C; Wang, BL; Xu, Q, Ablation-resistance of combustion synthesized TiB2-Cu cermet ,Journal of The American Ceramic Society v88 n1 p89-94 : JAN 2005
32 Wang, BL; Noda, N; Han, JC; Du, SY, Surface thermal shock fracture of a semi-infinite piezoelectric medium (poling axis parallel to the crack plane), Mechanics of Materials v34 n3 p135-144: MAR 2002
33 Wang, HB; Han, JC; Du, SY, Effect of nitrogen pressure and oxygen-containing impurities on self-propagating high temperature synthesis of Si3N4, Journal of The European Ceramic Society v21 n3 p297-302: MAR 2001
34 Wang, BL; Han, JC; Du, SY, Electroelastic fracture dynamics for multilayered piezoelectric materials under dynamic anti-plane shearing, International Journal of Solids And Structures v37 n38 p5219-5231: SEP 2000
35 Han, JC; Zhang, XH; Wood, JV , In-situ combustion synthesis and densification of TiC-xNi cermets, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing v280 n2 p328-333: MAR 31 2000
36 Wang, BL; Han, JC; Du, SY, Thermoelastic fracture mechanics for nonhomogeneous material subjected to unsteady thermal load, Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of The ASME v67 n1 p87-95: MAR 2000

37 HAN, JC; HE, XD; DU, SY, oxidation and ablation of 3d carbon-carbon composite at up to 3000-degrees-c, CARBON v33 n4 p473-478: 1995


  1. 韩杰才 中国科学院
  2. 韩杰才奖项成果 哈尔滨工业大学
