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2021年-至今, 北京科技大学,能源与环境工程学院,副教授


1. 燃煤烟气污染物控制技术

2. CO2捕集与转化技术

3. 太阳能氢能利用技术

4. 能源存储与转化技术



J.B Gao, Z.J Zhao, B.Wu, Y.S Zhao, Photo-triggered CO2 release from Mussel-inspired Polymers, Chem. Eng. J., 2021, 418 : 129382. ( SCI一区, IF: 10.65)

J.B Gao, Y. Liu, Y. Terayama, K. Katafuchi, Y. Hoshino, G. Inoue, Polyamine nanogel particles spray-coated on carbon paper for efficient CO2 capture in a milli-channel reactor, Chem. Eng. J., 2020, 401: 126059. ( SCI一区, IF: 10.65)

J.B Gao, Y. Hoshino, G. Inoue, Honeycomb-carbon-fiber-supported amine-containing nanogel particles for CO2 capture using a rotating column TVSA, Chem. Eng. J., 2020, 383: 123123. ( SCI一区, IF: 10.65)

J.B Gao, Y. Liu, Y. Hoshino, G. Inoue, Amine-containing nanogel particles supported on porous carriers for enhanced carbon dioxide capture, Appl. Energy, 2019, 253: 113567. (SCI一区, IF: 8.848)

J.B Gao, L Cao, H Dong, X.P Zhang, Ionic liquids tailored amine aqueous solution for pre-combustion CO2 capture: Role of imidazolium-based ionic liquids. Appl. Energy, 2015,154:771-780. (SCI一区, IF: 8.848)

J.B Gao, S Wang, J Wang, Effect of SO2 on the amine-based CO2 capture solvent and improvement using ion exchange resins. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 2015,37:38-45.

J.B Gao, Y Xu, X Zhang, X Zhang, Solubility measurement and process simulation of CO2/CH4 gas mixtures using ionic liquids. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2015, 37: 2525-2530.

J.B Gao, S.J Wang, C.C Sun, B Zhao, C.H Chen, Corrosion Behavior of Carbon Steel at Typical Positions of an Amine-based CO2 Capture Pilot Plant. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51: 6714-6721.

J.B Gao, S.J Wang, B Zhao, G.J Qi, C.H Chen. Pilot-scale experimental study on the CO2 capture process with existing of SO2: degradation, reaction rate and mass transfer. Energy &Fuels. 2011,25:5802-5809.

 J.B Gao, S.J Wang, S Zhou, B Zhao, C.H Chen, X.C Xu, Experimental Study on the Influence of SO2 to the CO2 Capture Process. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2011, 31:52-57.

J.B Gao, S.J Wang, B Zhao, S Zhou, C.H Chen, Experimental study and numerical simulation on CO2 capture from flue gas using amine-based absorbent in coal-fired power plant. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2011, 32:1421-1424. Conference on coal combustion in China. (oral presentation)

J.B Gao, S.J Wang, B Zhao, C.H Chen, Absorber corrosion performance for CO2 capture using an amine absorbant in a coal-fired power plant. J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 2011,51:657-661.

J.B Gao, S.J Wang; S Zhou, B Zhao, C.H Chen. Corrosion and degradation performance of novel absorbent for CO2 capture in pilot-scale Energy procedia., 2011, 4:1534-1541. 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. (oral presentation)

L.D Cao, J.B Gao, X Zhang, Feasible ionic liquid-amine hybrid solvents for carbon dioxide capture. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2017,66:120-128.
G.F Deng, Z.H Li, Z.C Wang, J.B Gao, Z.W Xu, J.D Li,  Z.Y Wang, Indoor/outdoor relationship of PM2.5 concentration in typical buildings with and without air cleaning in Beijing. INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT, 2017, 26:60-68.

Y Zhao, J.B Gao, X Zhang, Predicting the H2S solubility in ionic liquids by the quantitative structure−property relationship method using Sσ-profile molecular descriptors. RSC Advances, 2016, 74(6): 70405-70413.

Z.J Zhao, H.F Dong , Y Huang, L.D Cao, J.B Gao, Ionic degradation inhibitors and kinetic models for CO2 capture with aqueous monoethanolamine. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 2015,39:119-128.

L.D Cao, J.H Huang, X.P Zhang, S.J Zhang, J.B Gao, Imidazole tailored deep eutectic solvents for CO2 capture enhanced by hydrogen bonds. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2015, 17(41):27306-27316.

L.D Cao, J.H Huang, X.P Zhang, S.J Zhang, J.B Gao, Highly efficient carbon dioxide capture by a novel amine solvent containing multiple amino groups. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY.2015,10(90):1918-1926.

B Zhao, Y.K Sun, Y Yuan, J.B Gao, S.J Wang, Y.Q Zhuo, C.H Chen. Study on Corrosion in CO2 Chemical Absorption Process Using Amine Solution. Energy procedia., 2011,4:93-100.

J.B, Gao, Y Hoshino, G Inoue. Enhanced CO2 capture by supported nanogel particles on porous carriers. IEAGHG 5th Post Combustion Capture Conference.17th -19th September 2019, Kyoto, Japan.


一种电站煤粉锅炉的燃煤制粉装置, CN201218515Y.

一种抑制脱碳胺吸收剂降解的方法, CN103007687A.

一种捕集分离二氧化碳的新型吸收剂, CN102974203A.



西安交通大学 “彭康”优秀研究生奖学金


综合一等 清华之友-苏州工业园区奖学金


1. 用于CO2捕集的高性能吸收剂/吸附材料及技术,国家重点研发计划,2017YFB0603300,2017.06 – 2018.03,骨干.

2. 煤转化废水全过程控污与利用新途径关键技术研究,国家重点研发计划, 2016YFB0600505,2016.06 – 2018.03,结题,主持子课题。

3. 离子液体体系碳捕集过程两相流流动与传质规律研究, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51306194,2014.01-2016.12,结题, 主持。

4. 燃煤电站有机胺烟气脱硫-脱汞技术研究及示范,国家863计划课题,2013AA06540201,2013.01-2015.12,结题, 骨干。

5. 离子液体介尺度结构/界面的形成机制及调控规律, 国家自然科学重大研究计划, 91434203, 2015.01-2018.12, 结题, 参与。

6. 功能化离子液体膜材料设计及分离CO2的调控机制, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 21506219,2016/01-2018/12,结题,主要参与。

7. 用于CO2捕集的低温解吸高分子凝胶材料及技术开发,日本科学技术振兴会先进的低碳技术研究及发展计划,JST-ALCA,2018/04-2021/01,结题,主要完成。[1]
