

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
出生 1955年
國籍 中國
母校 華中理工大學
職業 副院長,研究員

黃紅雲,女,1955年生於武漢。武漢市社會科學院黨組成員,副院長[1]研究員。享受政府津貼專家。中國地質大學管理學院碩士導師[2],1980年畢業於華中理工大學社會科學系政治經濟學專業,留校任教師。1981年被學校選送到中國社會科學院參加"全國第二期社會學研究班"學習,開始涉入社會學研究領域,是我國社會學恢復和重建後較早從事社會學研究的專業人員。1984年調入武漢市社會科學院,先後在社會學研究所、城市管理研究所從事研究工作。以人口學、社會學為學科基礎,以城市人口問題、老年問題、婦女問題為主要研究方向,在20年的調查研究中,共主持和參與國家、省、市各級研究課題40多項。獲獎成果20 餘項,並在《中國人口科學》、《中國人口年鑑》等刊物上發表文章百餘篇,主編和參與主編著作若干種。






中國城市老年人家庭生活與性別的比較研究,《Sociological Spectrum 》October -December 1995








湖北省城市社區建設與發展,《湖北發展研究報告》,武漢大學出版社2003 年版


Huang Hongyun, female, born in 1955 at Wuhan. Researcher、vice-president and member of the party leadership group of Wuhan Academy of Social Sciences. Enjoyed "special government allowance to experts". Tutor of masters of school of management, China University of Geosciences. Graduated from political economy Department of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1980, major in social science. After graduation, she had been taught there for 4 years. In 1981, she was sent to Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, attending the course of "Second session of sociology on nation-wide scale", which is the beginning of research on sociology field. In 1984,was transferred to Wuhan Academy of Social Science, engaging into urban population、aged group and women research based on sociology and demography in institute of sociology and institute of urban management successively. In nearly 20 years ,took charge of and participated more than 40 projects provided by national、provincial and municipal fund. Achieved more than 20scientific research achievements, published more than 100 articles on《Chinese Journal of Population Science》、《Almanac of China's population》.

Major research achievements:

《The investigation of Wuhan urban migrant population》,《Almanac of China's population》8,1988.

《Research on contemporary Chinese urban old people's consumption》,Tian Jin Education Press,Oct,1990。

《The duel psychological tendency of contemporary old people's concept》,《Study on old person's education》88.

《The development and differentiation of female worker force in the social transition period》,the first prize of nongovernmental organizations forum in Hubei of the fourth world conference on women,1995.

《The Comparative study on Chinese urban old people's family life and sex》, 《Sociological Spectrum 》October -December 1995.

《Study on women's status from marriage and family aspect》,《Contemporary Wuhan women》,Wuhan publishing house,1995.

《Study on old people's residential and community environment in nine big cities of China》,《The development of urban residence in the 21 century》Beijing scientific and technical publishers,1995.

《The function and influence of civil diathesis on the urban management》,《Theory and practice of urban management 》,Wuhan Publishing House,1995.

《Study on Deng Xiaoping's population thoughts from "average person" to "3 paces to go strategic"》,《Socialism Research》1995.

《The effect which urban environment takes on the peasant-workers image》,《Study and Practice》

《The development of Hubei urban agglomeration as Wuhan a fulcrum 》,《Deng Xiaoping theory and practice over twenty years in Hubei.》,Hubei People Publishing House,Nov,1998.

《 2001 Development report of Wuhan City》,Wuhan Publishing House,2002.

《Urban community construction and development in Hubei province》,《Hubei development Report》,Wuhan University Press,2003.
