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漢密爾頓·霍華德·「亞伯特」·費雪(英文原名:Hamilton Howard "Albert" Fish,1870年|5月19日|1936年|1月16日),綽號為「發狂的月光殺手」(Moon Maniac)、「威斯特里亞狼人」(Werewolf of Wysteria)與「布魯克林吸血鬼」(Brooklyn Vampire)。他是具有戀童癖[1] 傾向的美國連環殺手,並對大約300位的受害者作出性侵犯行為,亦殺害了15名幼童。亞伯特在殺害他們後還會肢解與吃下他們的屍體,並有自虐的傾向。
- New York Times; January 8, 1935. "Attorney for Admitted Slayer of Grace Budd Asks for a Lunacy Commission. White Plains, New York, January 7, 1935 -- Albert Fish, 64 years old, a mild-mannered house painter, pleaded not guilty, on grounds of insanity, in Supreme Court today to a first-degree murder indictment charging him with slaying Grace Budd in the town of Greenburgh, New York six years ago. The girl was 10 years old."
- New York Times; January 17, 1936. "Albert Fish, 65, Pays Penalty at Sing Sing -- Bronx Negro Also Is Put to Death. Ossining, New York, January 16, 1936. Albert Fish, 65 years old, of 55 East 128th Street, Manhattan, a housepainter who murdered Grace Budd, 6, after attacking her in a Westchester farmhouse in 1928, was put to death tonight in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison."
- 『異常快楽殺人』 平山夢明著 角川ホラー文庫 ISBN 4043486014
- 《上帝的黑名單:美國七大連續殺人犯實錄》,作者盧春如,ISBN:9868219418
亞伯特犯案記錄中的第一名受害者,是巴德這家人當中的10歲女孩葛瑞絲。當時亞伯特把名字改為法蘭克·霍華德(Frank Howard)後,到了巴德家去應徵工作。在應徵時他博得了良好的印象,因此亞伯特就謊稱自己要去參加小姪女的生日派對,希望能邀請葛瑞絲一同參加,在這之後葛瑞絲就從此在世界上消失了。