

代詞,即代替名詞動詞形容詞數量詞副詞的詞。可分為三類: 人稱代詞疑問代詞指示代詞




中文名稱 代詞 [1]

外文名稱 pronoun [2]

拼音 dài cí

簡稱 pron

釋義 代替人和事物的名稱

分類 人稱代詞,疑問代詞,指示代詞











1 人稱代詞 主格 I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they

賓格 me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them

2 物主代詞 形容詞性 my, your, his, her, its, our, their

名詞性 mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs

3 反身代詞 myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

4 指示代詞 this, that, these, those, such, some

5 疑問代詞 who, whom, whose, which, what, whoever, whichever, whatever

6 關係代詞 that, which, who, whom, whose, as

7 不定代詞 one/ some/ any, each/ every, none/ no, many/ much, few/ little/ a few/ a little,

other/ another, all/ both, neither/ either


★人稱代詞表(pron.)主格賓格定格名詞格自身格i我 me我 my我的 mine我的你 your你的 yours你的 你自己 he他his他的 his他的 himself他自己 她 her她 her她的 她的 她自己 it它 it它 its它的 its它的 itself它自己 we我們 us我們 our我們的 ours我們的 ourselves我們自己

《典型例句》<判>this is my book. =《典型例句》場所代詞表<他們又被稱場所副詞>自身方對方不定方here這裡 there那裡 where哪裡《典型例句》《典型例句》 <存>there's some children at the door. 在門口有幾個孩子。<存/>there goes the bell.

铃响了.*there引导时,用倒装=主谓换位<判>there she is. 她在那儿.*代词=主语时,there引导也不须倒装<存/过>there were boats here and there on the sea.在海上到处都有船只.*考点:here and there/到处《典型例句》 where's those books i lent you? 我借给你的书在哪儿?*

考點:i lent you是修飾books的定語從句 *where=代詞(pron.)如 where from? 打哪兒來?*介詞/動詞+名/數/代=介賓結構 where to? 上哪兒去? [中]you你 come來 from自 where哪? [英]where do you come from?★指示代詞表自身方對方不定方this這個 that那個 which哪個 these這些 those那些 which哪些典型例句this=後者,that=前者<描>兩個可能性中,後者更可能,比起前者。*possibility[?p<判>t以下是過去24小時的消息。比較<判>that is the end of the news.新聞到此結束。

this and that=到處<動>he went this place and that(place).他到處奔走。*相同部分place可省略all this=這究竟<判>[中]all this is what?[英]what is all this?這究竟是什麼?at this=一聽這(話)<描>at this,she got angry.他一聽這話就發起火來了。

  • get=bethis/ad.這麼<判>is he always this funny?他總是這麼好笑嗎?我捕到的那條魚有這麼大。*考點:形容詞前的有,用be動詞.this/a.這/今/本<動/>he will treat[tri:t] us to dinner this friday?他要請我們吃飯本周五。

that=那就是<判/動>[中]that那就is是i我want想to要know知道what的.[英]that is what i want to know.<動/動>[中]that那就是you你made讓i我do做which的,i我did做了。[英]that which you made me do,i did.判/動>[中]that那is是who誰that他spoke發了言first首先?who is that that spoke first?after that=隨後<動>after that he left.隨後他就離開了。

and all that=等等<動>she shouted,jumped,kicked,and all that.她又喊,又跳,又踢.and that=而且<動>she她makes出mistakes錯誤 and that而且 very很 often經常.她老出差錯,不指一次了。that=who <動/動>the那man人that/who(此人)告訴你那件事的人是在說着慌呢。

  • that/who引導的是限制性的定語從句。that=which<動/動>don'tforgetto去waterthetree that/which(它)growsnearthe()gate.別忘了澆長在大門附近的那棵樹。*that/which引導的是限制性的定語從句。★不定代詞表單方雙方三方不定方otherother/each other/others/another/one/ another/either/neither/both/none/all/many/much 不定代詞every,no只作定語;

every,some,any,no可與one,body,thing構成合成代詞.典型例句:<判>this book is mine and the other is tom's.*考點:other=另一<描>be kind to others.對他人要善.*考點記:to;others別的(泛指)*動詞原形引導的句子=祈使句(命令句).<動>two children went,but the others stayed.兩名孩子走了,但其他的都留下來了.

  • 記:the others=特指.形容詞(--的)固定搭配固定搭固定搭配other+n.<描>he is taller than any other boy in his class.他比班上任何一名男孩都高.*記:比較級.=<描>he is the tallest boy in his class.他比班上任何一名男孩都高.*記:最高級用法.<動>i sleep in this room,and my brother sleeps in the other room.我睡這個房間,

弟弟睡別的房間。 <存>there are some other people waiting to see you.還有另外的一些人等着要見你。*考點:some+other.<動>he lives on the other side of the street.他住在街對面(馬路的另一邊).*考點記:on;兩個the.<描>i'm busy now;<動>ask about it some other time.我現在忙,

你改個別的時間問吧!<動>ask some other people.問別的人吧!<占>have you any other questions?你還有其它的問題嗎? <動>come some other day.改天來吧!*考點記:some other day(單數)=前幾天<動>i sent her a letter the other day.前幾天我給她寄了一封信。*考點記:the other day=前幾天<判>it was none other than tom.不是別人。

正是tom。*考點記:none other than原來是/正是<占>i have no other friend than you.除了你我沒有其它的朋友。*考點記:no other...than/除外~沒<動>i do not wish him other than he is.我就喜歡他現在這樣.*考點記:not...other than/就是/正是
