以弗所公會議 |
中文名: 以弗所公會議 時 間 431年 性 質 第三次基督教普教會議 特 點 約2,000主教出席 |
以弗所大公會議(Council of Ephesus)是於公元431年由拜占庭皇帝狄奧多西二世在小亞細亞省的以弗所舉行的第三次基督教大公會議,在以弗所則是第一次,約2,000主教出席。其主要議題是關於聶斯脫利派關於耶穌的神性與人性關係之爭,反對了基督二位論,附帶的確定瑪利亞的神之生母(正教會稱誕神女,天主教會稱天主之母)頭銜。第二次以弗所公會議於西元449年召開。
- 第一條:褫奪色勒斯丟 (白拉奇門人)的職權,禁止與他共融,任何與色勒斯丟共融或背叛主教公會的都主教將被革除教籍。
- 第二條:聶斯托利派的主教以及所有試圖加入聶斯托利派的主教都將被撤職或左遷。
- 第三條:褒獎受聶斯托利壓迫的教會和會眾,禁止神職人員加入聶斯托利派。
- 第四條:任何公開或不公開地支持聶斯托利與色勒斯丟的神職人員都將被撤職。
- 第五條:被神聖主教公會譴責的人,即使加入聶斯托利派也是無益且無效的。
- 第六條:對於此次大公會議的決議持反對意見的神職人員將被撤職,持反對意見的平信徒將被禁止共融。
- 第七條:禁止對第一次尼西亞公會議的決議提出反對意見以及宣講聶斯托利派教理,觸犯該條教法的神職人員將被撤職,平信徒將被革除教籍。
- 第八條:主教在自己的教區享有不可侵犯的權利,但若主教侵犯其他教區的權利,則應停止此類行為並宣布為無效。
- 規定:不得撰作或宣講與第一次尼西亞公會議有牴觸的其他信理。
- 耶穌的神性和人性是同在一體,不可分割。
- 決定瑪利亞為 誕神女/天主之母。
- ↑ Philip Schaff. NPNF2-14. The Seven Ecumenical Councils The Canons of the Two Hundred Holy and Blessed Fathers Who Met at Ephesus. [2019-01-03]. (原始內容存檔於2018-12-02).
- Bellitto, Christopher M. The General Councils: a History of the Twenty-One Church Councils From Nicaea to Vatican II. Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist P, 2002. 22-25.
- McGuckin, John Anthony. Saint Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversy. St. Vladimir Seminary Press. 2004. ISBN 978-0-88141-259-8.
- Eight canons promulgated by the Council of Ephesus
- Medieval Sourcebook: Documents and letters concerning the Council of Ephesus http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/basis/ephesus.html |date=20000816024110
- Extracts from the Acts of the council http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3810.htm |date=20170910224350
- Catholic Encyclopedia: Ephesus, Council of http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05491a.htm |date=20160419112938
- Michael J. Svigel, "The Phantom Heresy:Did the Council of Ephesus (431) Condemn Chiliasm?" http://www.bible.org/page.php?page_id=2489 |date=20071215064331 (Note that while this article argues that chiliasm was not explicitly condemned at this council, the line in the Nicene Creed stating that "His [Jesus'] kingdom shall have no end" is often interpreted as having been inserted in opposition to chiliasm, and this creed was reaffirmed by this council. In particular, if the Kingdom of Christ shall have no end, then it will not terminate after 1000 years, and it is argued that it was with this intent that the phrase was added. However, in 2004 Francis X. Gumerlock published an article in Fides et Historia 36:2 [Summer/Fall 2004]: 83-95, in which he argued that the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed did not, in fact, condemn chiliasm. See full article at http://francisgumerlock.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/Millennialism%20and%20the%20Early%20Church%20Councils.%20Gumerlock.pdf http://francisgumerlock.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/Millennialism%20and%20the%20Early%20Church%20Councils.%20Gumerlock.pdf |date=20190202055043 .)
- Legion of Mary: The Council Of Ephesus — 431 A.D. http://www.legionofmarytidewater.com/faith/ECUM03.HTM |date=20160603144740