2014.08至2018.11 悉尼科技大學,電氣工程,博士 (CSC公派留學)
2012.09至2014.07 北京交通大學,電氣工程,碩士 (保研)
2008.09至2012.07 北京交通大學,電氣工程,學士
2021.04至今 北京交通大學,講師
2019.03至2021.03 北京交通大學,博士後
- 自然科學橫向項目: AT供電牽引所電能質量提升的研究與運用, 2022-2023
- 自然科學橫向項目: 直流1500V線性電源模塊技術開發, 2022-2023
- 自然科學橫向項目: 新鳴李開閉所251#饋線電壓監測, 2022-2022
- 自然科學橫向項目: 新朔鐵路運輸能力提升暨供電能力保障評估研究, 2022-2023
- 國家自然科學基金「面上」: 考慮用戶行為感知與路站耦合的實時充電引導及充電站 均衡規劃研究, 2023-2026
- 自然科學橫向項目: 蘇家屯樞紐站接觸網防雷補強技術研究, 2022-2023
- 自然科學橫向項目: 電纜終端和避雷器源頭質量問題攻關項目避雷器關鍵參數在不同工況下運行狀態特性、避雷器方波通量匹配關係、避雷器防暴技術, 2021-2022
- 前沿中心項目: 電氣化鐵路綠色柔性牽引供電技術, 2022-2026
- 自然科學橫向項目: 牽引網阻抗頻率特性測試技術應用研究, 2022-2023
- 國家重點研發計劃-課題: 川藏鐵路工程全生命周期資源環境成本及綠色效益研究, 2021-2024
- 鐵路總公司(原鐵道部): 高速鐵路接觸網供電單元優化研究, 2020-2022
- 自然科學橫向項目: CRH380CL動車組項目電機轉矩測試複測, 2021-2023
- 自然科學橫向項目: 含高比例新能源的中低壓配電網寬頻率諧波阻抗測試技術研究, 2021-2022
- 前沿中心項目: (前沿)電力牽引系統服役性能與能效提升, 2020-2023
- 自然科學類人才基金項目: 清潔能源高滲入型牽引供電系統的技術研究, 2021-2024
[1]Tingting He, Mingli Wu, Ricardo P. Aguilera, Dylan Dah-Chuan Lu, Qiujiang Liu*, Sergio Vazquez, 「Low computational burden model predictive control for single-phase cascaded H-bridge converters without weighting factor,」 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, DOI:10.1109/TIE.2022.3167133. (SCI一區論文,影響因子 8.162)
[2] Tingting He, Mingli Wu*, Dylan Lu, Kejian Song, and Jianguo Zhu, 「Model predictive sliding control for cascaded H-bridge multilevel converters with dynamic current reference tracking,」 IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron., accepted, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2021.3053300. (SCI二區,影響因子4.728)
[3] Tingting He, Dylan Lu, Mingli Wu, Qinyao Yang, Teng Li*, and Qiujiang Liu, 「Four-quadrant operations of bidirectional chargers for electric vehicles in smart car parks: G2V, V2G, and V4G」, Energies, 2021. (SCI三區,影響因子2.702)
[4] Tingting He, Mingli Wu*, Dylan Dah-Chuan Lu, Ricardo P. Aguilera, Jianwei Zhang, and Jianguo Zhu, 「Designed dynamic reference with model predictive control for bidirectional EV chargers,」 IEEE Access, vol. 7, 2019. (SCI二區,影響因子3.745)
[5] Tingting He, Dylan Lu, Linfeng Zheng, and Jianguo Zhu, 「Modified model predictive control for bidirectional four-quadrant EV chargers with extended set of voltage vectors,」 IEEE Trans. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron., vol. 7, no. 1. pp. 274-281, Mar. 2019. (SCI二區,影響因子4.728)
[6] Tingting He, Dylan Lu, Li Li, Linfeng Zheng and Jianguo Zhu, 「Model predictive sliding mode control for three-phase AC/DC converters,」 IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 33, no. 10. pp. 8982-8993, Oct. 2018. (SCI二區,影響因子6.373)
[7] Tingting He, Jianguo Zhu, Jianwei Zhang, and Linfeng Zheng, 「An optimal charging/discharging strategyfor smart electrical car parks, 」 Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 28-35, 2018.
[1] Tingting He, Jianguo Zhu, Dylan Lu, and Linfeng Zheng, 「Comparison study of electric vehicles charging stations with AC and DC buses for bidirectional power flow in smart car parks," Proceedings of 43th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017), Beijing, China, 29 Qct. - 1 Nov., 2017. (EI收錄)
[2] Tingting He, Jianguo Zhu, Dylan Lu, and Linfeng Zheng, 「Moving average filter-based model predictive control for electric vehicles bidirectional power flow," Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2017), Sydney, Australia, 11 - 14 Aug., 2017. (EI收錄)
[3] Tingting He, Li Li, Jianguo Zhu and Linfeng Zheng, 「A novel model predictive sliding mode control for AC/DC converters with output voltage and load resistance variations," Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2016), Milwaukee, US, 18 - 22 Sept., 2016. (EI收錄)
[4] Tingting He, Yingjie Bai, and Jianguo Zhu, 「Optimal charging strategy of electric vehicles customers in a smart electrical car park," Proceedings of 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2016), Glasgow, UK, 19 - 21 Apr., 2016. (EI收錄)
擔任IEEE Power Electronics, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics等多個國際期刊及會議審稿人。[1]