


来自 新浪 的图片





民 族 ---- 汉族

国 籍 ---- 中国

职 业 ---- 科研工作者


学 位 ---- 博士

职 称 ---- 研究员


侯亚梅1991-1992年参加了新中国第一个旧石器考古的国际合作项目一中美合作泥 河湾盆地东谷挖遗址发掘,她奠定了旧石器考古的野外发掘与研究方法的良好基础, 并对旧石器考古学的研究内容和方法加深了认识。1992年春,侯亚梅参加了地处我国偏远山区的贵州盘大洞遗址的第一次试掘, 确认了盘县大洞是一处具有很大潜力的旧石器时代洞穴遗址。1993年春侯亚梅对大洞进行了第二次发掘,发现了保存完好的堆积层, 出土了一批有清楚层位记录的石制品、动物化石和人牙化石。1993年盘县大洞被国家文物局评为年中国十大考古新发现之一, 1996年经国务院批准公布为第四批全国重点文物保护单位。1995年1月中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所与贵州省六盘水市政府携手成立盘县大洞工作站,侯亚梅任学术秘书。1996年起盘县大洞的工作发展成为中美合作、多国(加拿大、希腊等)加盟的国际项目,在发掘方法上采取了国际上最为先进的EDM与数字照相等先进技术,提高了发掘水准,经三次发掘获得两枚人牙、上千件石制品和大量动物化石。迄今所获研究成果表明: 盘县大洞在研究东亚南部从直立人向智人、从旧石器初期向中期过渡, 早期人类对山地环境的适应, 以及中更新世以来环境变迁等课题上具有巨大潜力。大洞遗址的研究将有助于解决人类学界关于现代智人起源的争论。2001年由Luce基金会赞助在美国夏威夷召开以盘县大洞阶段性研究为主题的国际会议。作为我国南方保存完整的中更新世晚期洞穴堆惧, 盘县大洞以其规模和地层的完整, 己跻身于我国南方最重要的旧石器时代遗址之列并引起国内外史前学界的普遍关注。


侯亚梅在对东谷坨遗址旧石器的研究中提出了"东谷坨石核"的概念,突破了传统的东亚古人类技术模式的概念。她揭示的"东谷坨石核"与我国华北旧石器晚期楔形细石核的相似性, 可能预示华北细石器传统的起源和华北旧石器文化的自源性发展, 为我国人类学家提出的中国古人类连续演化理论提供了文化方面的依据。2003年侯亚梅提出了"前丝绸之路(Pre-Silk Road)"即"石器之路(Lithic Road)"的假说,认为东西方文化的交流与传播可以追溯至人类启蒙时期的史前阶段,如旧石器时代。侯亚梅2000年( 在职 )完成的博士学位论文《泥河湾盆地东谷花遗址石器工业研究》获得国务院学位委员会和教育部共同颁发的"2003年全国优秀博士学位论文"荣誉证书。


1 Hou Y.M. Huang Wanbo, Boëda E. Longgupo Site, Science Press: Beijing (in Chinese, in press)

2 Hou Y.M., Lithic Industry of Donggutuo Site in the Nihewan Basin,North China, Geology Press: Beijing (in press)

3 Allue E. Hou Y.M., et al. Eds. East meets West: Human Settlements in Eurasia. Quaternary International

4 Huang W.W., Hou Y.M., Si X.Q. Eds. Multi-disciplinary study of Panxian Dadong , the Lower Paleolithic site of Guizhou, southwest China

5 Boëda E., Hou Y.M. Le site de Longgupo, Chongqing,Chine. L'Anthropologie

6 Huang W.B., Lei W., Hou Y.M., Xu Z.Q. Eds. Mystery of the Ancient. Chongqing radio and TV Group ( total ) Chongqing audio-visual publishing house :Chongqing

7 Huang W.B., Hou Y.M., Xu Z.Q. Eds. Longgupo : a living space two million years ago

8 Gao X., Hou Y.M., Eds. The Paleolithic Study of the 20th century by the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1 Hou Y.M., Yang Shi-Xia, Dong Wei, Zhang Jia-Fu. Late Pleistocene representative sites in North China and their indication for evolutionary human behavior. Quaternary International

2 Hou Y.M., Wang Zhihao, Yang Zemeng et al. The first trial excavation and significance of Wulanmulun site in 2010 at Ordos, Inner Mongolia in north China

3 Hou Y.M., Gao Lihong, Huang Weiwen, et al. A Report on the 1993 Excavation of the Gaolingpo Paleolithic Site in the Bose Basin. Acta Anthropologica Sinica

4 Hou Y.M., Zhao Lingxia, An archeological view for the presence of early humans in China. Quaternary International

6 Hou Y.M., Zhao Lingxia. New archaeological evidence for the earliest hominine presence in China. In Fleagle JG, Shea JJ, Grine FE, Baden AL, Leakey RE, Eds. Out of Africa I: The First Hominin Colonization of Eurasia. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series. Dordrecht: Springer

7 Hou Y.M.. 2008. Le « nucléus Donggutuo » et sa signification dans l'industrie du paléolithique inférieur de Donggutuo, bassin de Nihewan, Chine du Nord. L'Anthroolgie

8 Hou Y.M., Huang,Weiwen Li Yinghua. 2008. The biface-bearing industries of Lower Paleolithic in North China Human Evolution

9 Hou Y.M., Li Yinghua, Huang Wanbo, Xu Ziqiang, Lu Na. New lithic materials from Level 7 of Longgupo site

10 Hou Y.M.. Shuidonggou: A Vane of intercommunication between the east and the west?-discussion about small tool culture in north China and a hypothesis of the "Lithic Road" . Quaternary Sciences

11 Hou Y.M.. Naming and preliminary study on the category of the "Donggutuo Core" Acta Anthropologica Sinica

12 Hou Y.M.. Richard Potts, Baoyin Yuan, Zhengtang Guo, Alan Deino, Wei Wang, Jennifer Clark, Xie Guangmao, Huang Weiwen. Mid-Pleistocene Acheulean-like stone technology of the Bose basin, south China

13 Han Fei, Bahain J.-J. , Boeda E. , Hou Y.M. , Huang Wanbo, Falguères C., Rasse M. , Wei G.B., Garcia T., Shao Qingfeng , Yin G.M. Preliminary results of combined ESR/U-series dating of fossil teeth from Longgupo cave, China

14 Boëda E, Hou Y.M., Forestier H., Sarel J., Wang H.M. Levallois and non-Levallois blade production at Shuidonggou in Ningxia, North China Quaternary International

15 Boëda E, Griggo C, Hou Y.M. et al. Données stratigraphiques, archéologiques et insertion chronologique de la séquence de Longgupo L'Anthropologie

16 Boëda E, Hou Y.M. Analyse des artefacts lithiques du site de Longgupo

17 Boëda E, Hou Y.M. Étude du site de Longgupo – Synthèse. L'Anthropologie

18 Zhao L.X., Hou Y.M. Early hominine evidence and related hominoid fossils in Southern China. Human Evolution

19 Zhu RX, Hoffman KA, Potts R, Deng CL, Pan YX, Guo B., Guo ZT, Yuan BY, Hou Y.M., Huang WW. Earliest Presence of Humans in Northeast Asia

20 Potts R., Huang Weiwen, Hou Y.M., Deino Alan, Yuan Baoyin, Guo Zhengtang, Clark J. Tektites and the Age Paradox in Mid-Pleistocene China

21 Huang Weiwen, Hou Y.M.. A Perspective on the Archaeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition in North China and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Quaternary International eds


