1、 国家科技重大专项,刀具数字化平台,参与
2、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于晶粒形性演变的核电机组叶片磨削表面完整性创成机理研究,参与
3、 国家 973 计划,再制造零件的表面/界面行为与机理,参与
4、 摩擦学国家重点实验室基金重点项目,介观尺度下微刃去除材料机理及其应用研究,参与
1、Jianchao Yu, Feng Jiang, Yiming Rong, Hong Xie, Tao Suo. Numerical study the flow stress in the machining process [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 74 (1-4): 509-517. (SCI 和 EI 检索)
2、Jianchao Yu, Feng Jiang, Yiming Rong. Experimental research on mechanical property size effects of AISI D2 steel [J]. Material Science and Technology, 2012, 20(3):83-88. (EI 检索)
3、Shaopeng Wei, Gang Wang, Jianchao Yu, Yiming Rong. Competitive failure analysis on tensile fracture of laser-deposited material for martensitic stainless steel [J]. Materials & Design, 2017, 118:1-10. (SCI 和 EI 检索)
4、Dehao Liu, Gang Wang, Jianchao Yu, Yiming Rong. Molecular dynamics simulation on formation mechanism of grain boundary steps in micro-cutting of polycrystalline copper [J]. Computational Materials Science, 2017, 126: 418-425. (SCI 和 EI 检索)
5、Zhenguo Nie, Gang Wang, Jianchao Yu, Dehao Liu, Yiming Rong. Phase-based constitutive modeling and experimental study for dynamic mechanical behavior of martensitic stainless steel under high strain rate in a thermal cycle [J]. Mechanics of Materials, 2016, 101:160-169. (SCI 和 EI 检索)
6、Xiang Su, Gang Wang, Jianchao Yu, Feng Jiang, Jianfeng Li, Yiming Rong. Predictive model of milling force for complex profile milling [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016:1-10. (SCI 和 EI 检索)
1、Jianchao Yu, Gang Wang, Jianwei Qin, Maobing Shuai, Yiming Rong. Experimental and physical-based constitutive model study of FCC metal over wide temperature and strain rate ranges [C]. ASME 2015 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2015, 2015.( EI 检索)
2、Jianchao Yu, Gang Wang, Yiming Rong. Physical based constitutive model for the prediction of plasticdeformation of Fe-Cr-Ni stainless steel under high strain rate [C]. TMS 2015-144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 2015: 971-978. ( EI 检索)
3、Jianchao Yu, Gang Wang, Yiming Rong. Experimental Study on the Surface Integrity and Chip Formation in theMicro Cutting Process [C]. 43rd North American Manufacturing Research Conference 2015 - Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 2015:655-662. ( EI 检索)
4、Zhenguo Nie, Gang Wang, Jianchao Yu, Yiming Rong. Dynamic mechanical behavior and phase-based constitutive model of 20Cr12Ni4Mo3VNiN in austenitizing stage [C]. TMS 2014-143rd Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 2014: 1125-1131. ( EI 检索)
1、王罡,俞建超,魏绍鹏,融亦鸣. 实现高速切削的实验装置:中国,201610057617.6.
2、王罡, 魏绍鹏,俞建超,聂振国,融亦鸣,黄梓麟.用于测量试样的涂层界面结合强度的测量装置和测量方法:中国,201510753401.9[1]