假荜拔 |
中文名:假荜拔 学 名:Piper retrofractum Vahl 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:双子叶植物纲 亚 纲:原始花被亚纲 目:胡椒目 科:胡椒科 属:胡椒属 亚 属:胡椒亚属 种:假荜拔 命名者及年代:Enum,1804 |
假荜拔(jiǎ bì bá,学名:Piper retrofractum Vahl)是胡椒科,胡椒属藤本灌木;茎、枝有膨大的节,揉之有香气;维管束外面的联合成环,叶互生,全缘;托叶多少贴生于叶柄上,早落。花单性,雌雄异株,或稀有两性或杂性,聚集成与叶对生或稀有顶生的穗状花序,花序通常宽于总花梗的3倍以上;苞片离生,盾状或杯状;通常着生于花序轴上,稀着生于子房基部,子房离生或有时嵌生于花序轴中而与其合生,浆果倒卵形,无柄或具长短不等的柄。花期5-8月。 产于云南东南部(西畴、马关、屏边)。生于林中,攀援于树上或石上,海拔1100-1300米。模式标本采自云南屏边。 (概述图参考来源:中国自然标本馆) [1]
雌花序长3-4厘米,直径约7毫米;总花梗和苞片与雄花序的相同; 子房嵌生于花序轴中,柱头3,卵状短尖,外弯。未成熟浆果顶端圆,下部嵌生于花序轴中并与其合生。花期5-7月。 [2]
Pier retrofractum Vahl, Enum. 1: 314. 1804; C. DC. in DC. Prodr. 16: 378. 1868, et in Lecomte, Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 5: 83. 1910; Koord. Exkurs. Jav. 4 (2): 446. f. 719. 1924; Quis. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 43: 106. f. 54-55. 1930. ——Piper chaba Hunter (non Blume) in Asiat. Res. 9: 391. 1809; Miq. Syst. Pip. 256. 1843; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 83. 1890. ——Piper officinarum (Miq. ) C. DC. in DC. Prodr. 16: 356. 1868; Maxim. in Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 31: 94. 1887. ——Chavica officinarum Miq. Syst. Pip. 256. 1843, et Fl. Ind. Bat. 1 (2) : 444. 1859.——Chavica peepuloides sunsu Wight, Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 1927. 1853, non Miq.
Chavica officinarum Miquel; Piper chaba Hunter; P. officinarum (Miquel) C. de Candolle.
Climbers glabrous except for rachis and stigmas, dioecious. Stems brownish when dry, ca. 2 mm thick, terete, striated. Petiole 5-11 mm, sheathed at base only; leaf blade narrowly elliptic, ovate-oblong, or elliptic, 8.5-16 × 3.2-7.5 cm, papery, glaucous when dry, densely glandular, base with both sides rounded or 1 side slightly tapered and short, tapered and short side sometimes concave to semicordate, ± symmetric to oblique, bilateral difference 0-5 mm, apex shortly acuminate to acute; veins 9-11, rarely more, pinnate, usually 4 or 5 on each side of midvein.
Spikes leaf-opposed. Male spikes 5-6.5 cm; peduncle slightly longer than petioles; bracts orbicular, 1-1.2 mm wide, peltate, sessile. Stamens 2 or 3; filaments nearly absent; anthers broadly ellipsoid. Female spikes 3-4 cm × ca. 7 mm; peduncle and bracts as in male spikes. Ovary immersed in rachis; stigmas 3, ovate-acute, recurved. Unripe drupe partly connate to rachis, apex rounded. Fl. May-Jul.
?Yunnan; cultivated in Guangdong [India, Indonesia (?Timor), Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam]
Widely cultivated and of uncertain origin. There is a single record of this species (or a closely related one), apparently growing wild in Yunnan. The collection, C. W. Wang 75415, differs from the usual cultivated plant by the longer infructescence.
- ↑ 假荜拔, 植物智, 2020-01-18
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- ↑ 假荜拔 Piper retrofractum 假荜拔(jiǎ bì bá) PPBCCVHColDuocetCFHeFlorasEOLTPLIPNIBHLPOWOGBIFiDigBioBingBaiduPiper retrofractum Vahl异名: Piper chaba Piper officinarum Chavica ...