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冯建明(Séamus FENG, 1963年10月 - ),男,汉族,中共党员,生于河北省邯郸市,上海外国语大学博士,复旦大学博士后,现为上海对外经贸大学爱尔兰研究中心主任、英语语言文学教授、研究生导师,北京外国语大学爱尔兰研究中心客座教授,中国外国文学学会会员,主要研究方向:爱尔兰文学、英美文学、圣经文学、文学翻译,主讲3门英语语言文学专业研究生课程:《英国现当代小说研究》(A Study of Modern and Contemporary English Fiction)、《乔伊斯研究》(Joyce Study)和《圣经文学》(The Bible as Literature),主讲英语教育专业本科生课程:《欧洲文化导论》(European Culture: An Introduction)和《大学英语阅读教程》(高级)(A Guided English Reader for College Students of Advanced Level)等,牵头组织的国际学术研讨会包括:“爱尔兰作家和爱尔兰”国际学术研讨会(2010年6月)和“爱尔兰的凯尔特文学与文化”国际学术研讨会(2014年6月);出版独立撰写的英语语言文学研究专著两部,主编英语语言文学研究著作两部,参与编写英语语言文学研究专著一部,参加修订编纂大型工具书一部,担任一部作品集(七卷本)编委,在CSSCI来源期(集)刊和北大核心期刊发表论文十多篇,先后独立完成或参加完成科研课题:中国博士后科学基金资助课题、教育部科研课题、上海市哲学科学规划课题、上海市教委科研课题和上海对外经贸大学课题等。
冯建明 | |
冯建明 | |
原文名 | Séamus FENG |
出生 | 1963年10月 |
国籍 | 中国 |
别名 | Séamus, Jim, 小明 |
职业 | 高校教师、外国文学科研工作者 |
中文名称 | 冯建明 | 职业 | 高校教师、外国文学科研工作者 |
外文名称 | Séamus FENG | 出生地 | 邯郸市 |
别名 | Séamus, Jim, 小明 | 出生日期 | 1963年10月 |
国籍 | 中国 | 毕业院校 | 上海外国语大学、河北师范大学、邯郸市第一中学 |
2014年12月11日,冯建明教授应邀参加了在上海孙中山故居纪念馆举行的爱尔兰总统Michael D. Higgins欢迎活动。
2014年9月1日至5日,冯建明教授应邀,走访了爱尔兰国立科克大学(University College Cork,简称 UCC),就上海对外经贸大学和UCC展开联合培养博士、联合举办国际学术研讨会、教师互访等事宜,与UCC多方代表进行了深入的讨论,为两校在近期签署《学术合作谅解备忘录》和《合作协议》做了必要准备。
2014年6月15日下午: 在上海外滩的魅力酒吧,与乔伊斯作品《尤利西斯》的译者文洁若女士,一同朗诵《尤利西斯》片段,庆祝"布鲁姆日"110周年(爱尔兰驻沪总领事馆主办)。
2014年6月14日上午: 在上海对外经贸大学主办、上海鲁迅纪念馆协办、爱尔兰驻沪总领事馆支持的"爱尔兰的凯尔特文学与文化"国际学术研讨会上,做题为"Consulate General of Ireland in Shanghai and Irish Studies in East China"的主旨发言。
2014年6月14日上午: 在上海对外经贸大学主办、上海鲁迅纪念馆协办、爱尔兰驻沪总领事馆支持的"爱尔兰的凯尔特文学与文化"国际学术研讨会上,主持大会开幕式。
2014年3月29日上午:在北京外国语大学主办的"二十世纪爱尔兰文学、文化与国家建构"国际学术研讨会上,做题为Irish Cultural Impact in Shanghai in the Past Decade英文论文发言。
2011年4月22日:在上海外国语大学主办的"都市·生态·身份"英美文学国际研讨会上,做题为The Prospect of the Study of Joyce's Ulysses in Mainland China英文论文发言,主持小组发言,在大会上作为小组代表发言。
2010年5月15日至16日,以上海世界博览会为契机,牵头组织了上海对外贸易学院(现上海对外经贸大学)、爱尔兰驻上海总领事馆和鲁迅纪念馆联合举办的"爱尔兰作家和爱尔兰国际研讨会"(International Conference on Irish Writers and Ireland),其主会场就设在上海对外经贸大学(原上海对外贸易学院)和上海世博会爱尔兰国家馆。
2010年5月15日上午:在上海对外贸易学院(现上海对外经贸大学)主办的"爱尔兰作家和爱尔兰国际研讨会"上,做题为On the Stream of Consciousness in the Filmic Adaptation of Ulysses英文论文发言。
2009年12月5日:在北京外国语大学主办的"Sino-Irish Relations: a Multi-Disciplinary Conference Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations"国际学术研讨会上,做题为A Comparison of the Five Editions of Xiao Qian and Wen Jieruo's Version of Ulysses英文论文发言。
2009年6月16日:在爱尔兰驻上海总领事馆主办的"Conference Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Ireland and the People's Republic of China and Marking Bloomsday 2009"国际学术研讨会上,用英文,做题为Structures of Joyce's Fiction大会主旨论文发言。
2009年5月22日:在上海外国语大学主办的英美文学国际研讨会:"中国英美文学教学与研究30年"上,做题为"Linguistic Innovation of Joyce's Novels"论文发言。
2011年:《爱尔兰作家和爱尔兰研究》(主编) . 上海: 上海三联书店, 2011年 第1版
爱尔兰教育部长Ruairi Quinn T.D.(前右2)
2010年:《乔伊斯长篇小说人物塑造》(独著) . 北京: 人民文学出版社, 2010年 第1版
2008年:《英国小说人物史》(参编,李维屏教授主编). 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2008年第1版
2007年:《英汉大词典》(第二版)(参编,陆谷孙教授主编). 上海: 上海译文出版社, 2007年 第1次印刷
2005年:The Transfigurations of the Characters in Joyce's Novels (英文独著). 北京: 外文出版社, 2005年第1版
2005年:《萧乾全集》(编委,文洁若编审主编). 武汉: 湖北人民出版社, 2005年第1版
2011年:《论乔伊斯长篇小说人物塑造艺术》.《作家》, 2011年4月号(下半月刊)
2011年:《"豹尾"与叙事》.《飞天》, 2011年2月号下
2011年:《"凤头"与叙事》.《名作欣赏》, 2011年第1期(中旬)
2010年:《梦中的你、我、他》.《时代文学》, 2010年第9期(下)
2010年:《矛与盾--评<为芬尼根守灵>中的兄弟相迫》.《作家》, 2010年8月号(下半月刊)
2010年:《"4"与史》.《山花》, 2010年第7期(下半月)
2010年:《论乔伊斯小说的"夜"与"昼"》.《贵州社会科学》, 2010年第5期
2010年:《形与意》.《时代文学》, 2010年第4期(上)
2010年:《变形与升华》.《名作欣赏》, 2010年第3期(中旬)
2008年:《乔伊斯对理性的观照》.《重庆大学学报》(社会科学版), 2008年第2期
2007年:《乔伊斯<艺术家年轻时的写照>开头的构思艺术》.《宁夏大学学报》(人文社会科学版), 2007年第4期
2004年:《论<尤利西斯>结局中"女性的'Yes'"》.《河北师范大学学报》(哲学社会科学版), 2004年第6期
2004年:《<为芬尼根守灵>的诗歌特征》.《外国文学研究》, 2004年第3期
2009年(结项时间):乔伊斯长篇小说人物塑造(独自). 上海市教育委员会资助
2007年(结项时间):乔伊斯长篇小说人物塑造的实验与创新手法研究(独自). 中国博士后科学基金会资助
2007年(发表时间):《英汉大词典》修订(成员). 上海市哲学社会科学规划办公室资助
1. A Study of Modern and Contemporary English Fiction(《英国现当代小说研究》) 学者Matthew Sweeney(左)和Mary Noonan(中) 学者Matthew Sweeney(左)和Mary Noonan(中)
2. Joyce Study:a comparative study of Ulysses and the Odyssey(《乔伊斯研究--<尤利西斯>与<奥德赛>比较研究)
3. The Bible as Literature(《圣经文学》)
1. European Culture: An Introduction (《欧洲文化导论》)
2. A Guilded English Reader for College Students of Advanced Level(《大学英语阅读教程·高级》)
3. Selective Readings of English Literature (《英国文学作品选读》)
4. Selective Readings of American Literature (《美国文学作品选读》)
5. English Writing(《英语写作》)
Feng Jianming (October, 1963-, simplified Chinese:冯建明;pinyin: Féng Jiànmíng; his English name:Jim FENG; his Irish name: Séamus FENG, birth-place: Handan City, Hebei Province; Nationality: Han) received his D. Litt in English Language and Literature from Shanghai International Studies University, and completed hispost-doctoral programin Comparative Literature and World Literature from Fudan University. Now, he is the director of Irish Studies Centre, professor of English Language and Literature, and research supervisor at Shanghai International Business and Economics University. His main research interests are Irish Literature, English Literature, Bible Literature, and Literary Translation. He gives the following lectures to the post-graduate students majoring English language and literature: A Study of Modern and Contemporary British Fiction, Joyce Study, and The Bible as Literature.
Up to now, he has authored two scholarly books, edited one scholarly book, co-authored three scholarly books, and authored more than 30 critical essays published in Chinese core journals and the source journals of SCCCI (Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index) and many other publications, and he has taken charge of or participated in the following research programs: a program supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, a program supported by Ministry of Education and Social Sciences Division and Ideological Work of China, a program supported by Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Shanghai, and a program supported by Shanghai Education Commission. When he was a Litt.D candidate in Shanghai International Studies University, he won Baosteel Education Award awarded by Baosteel Education Fund Council.
I. Academic Books
2011: The Study of Irish Writers and Ireland. Shanghai:Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, 2011.
2010: Characterization in Joyce's Novels. Beijing:People's Literature Publishing House, 2010.
2008: The Character in British Fiction: A Critical History (as one of the compilers, the editor in chief: Prof. Li Weiping). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2008.
2007: The English-Chinese Dictionary (Second Edition, as one of the compilers, the editor in chief: Prof. Lu Gusun). Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2007.
2005: The Transfigurations of the Characters in Joyce's Novels. Beijing:Foreign Languages Press, 2005.
2005: Complete Works of Xiao Qian (as one of the members of the editorial board, the editor in chief: Senior Editor Wen Jieruo). Wuhan: Hubei People's Publishing House, 2005.
II. Critical Essays Published in Chinese Core Journalsor the Source Journals of CSSCI
2011: "On the Art of the Characterization in Joyce's Novels." Writer Magazine Second Half of April (2011).
2011: "Good Endings and Narration." Flying Apsaras Late February (2011).
2011: "Good Beginnings and Narration." Masterpieces Review Mid January (2011).
2010: "You, Him, & Me in the Dream." Literature of the Times Late September (2010).
2010: "Brothers as Persecutors in Finnegans Wake." Writer Magazine Second Half of August (2010).
2010: "The '4' and the History." Mountain Flowers B7(2010).
2010: "'Day' and 'Night' in Joyce's Novels." GuiZhuo Social Sciences 5(2010).
2010: "Form and Content." Literature of the Times Early April (2010).
2010: "Transfiguration and Sublimation." Masterpieces Review Mid March (2010).
2009: "From Prosaicness to Magicness: on the Artistic Conception of the Ending of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man." English and American Literary Studies Autumn (2009).
2008: "Joyce's Solicitude for Rationality." Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition) 2 (2008).
2007: "Artistic Conception of the Beginning of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce." Journal of Ningxia University (Humanities & Social Sciences Edition) 4 (2007).
2004: "On the Feminine 'Yes' in Ulysses." Journal of Hebei Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) 6 (2004).
2004: "Wonderful Poetical Features in Finnegans Wake." Foreign Literature Studies 3 (2004).
III. Research Projects
2013-: Irish Intangible Cultural Heritage as Seen from Joyce's Works supported by "085 Project" Office at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics.
2009 (completed): Characterization in Joyce's Novels supported by Shanghai Education Commission.
2008 (published): The Character in British Fiction: A Critical History (as one of the participants) supported by Ministry of Education and Social Sciences Division and Ideological Work of China.
2007 (completed): A Study of the Experimental and Innovative Techniques of Characterization in Joyce's Novels supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
2007 (published): The English-Chinese Dictionary (Second Edition, as one of the participants) supported by Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Shanghai.
IV. Lectures Given to Postgraduate StudentsMajoring in English Language and Literature
1. A Study of Modern and Contemporary English Fiction
2. Joyce Study:a comparative study of Ulysses and the Odyssey
3. The Bible as Literature
V. Lectures Given to Undergraduate Students Majoring in English Education
1. European Culture: An Introduction
2. A Guilded English Reader for College Students of Advanced Level
3. Selective Readings of English Literature
4. Selective Readings of American Literature
5. English Writing
VI. Awards
2004: Baosteel Education Award (Outstanding [Doctoral] Student Award) awarded by Baosteel Education Fund Council.
2003: The TRIPLE-A STUDENT of Shanghai International Studies University issued by Shanghai International Studies University.
VII. Activities
5 March, 2010: Dr. Feng Jianming wrote a letter of application for founding the Centre for Irish Studies in Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (SIFT), and he submitted the document with the consent of the Dean of the School of Foreign Languages for International Business to the Research Director of SIFT.
12 March, 2010: The Research Director informed the Dean of the School of Foreign Languages for International Business that Dr. Feng Jianming's application for founding the Centre for Irish Studies in SIFT was approved.
13 March, 2010: Dr. Feng Jianming led about sixty students (including his postgraduate students and undergraduate students) to join in Shanghai's St Patrick's Day Parade organized by The Irish Community of Shanghai and Ireland Pavilion at World Expo.
6 April, 2010: The sign of the Centre for Irish Studies, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade was made. The sign says "Irish Studies Centre, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade."
9 April, 2010: Mr. John Lynam (Vice Consul General, and Deputy Commissioner General at Ireland Pavilion) visited Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, and he delivered a lecture entitled "Ireland: the Emerald Isle Transformed."
20 May, 2010: Dr. Feng Jianming met Mr. Patrick Cotter (Artistic Director of The Munster Literature Centre) and Mr. James Harpur at Ireland Pavilion of Expo 2010 Shanghai.
24 May, 2010: Bernadette Dietsche came to Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade to meet Dr. Feng Jianming to discussion about Bloomsday Reading Activities 2010.
12 June, 2010: Dr. Feng Jianming took his wife, son and seven of his postgraduate students to join in the Bloomsday Reading Activities at the Irishman's Pub.
15-16 June, 2010:
International Conference on Irish Writers and Ireland was respectively held successfully at Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (SIFT) and Ireland World Expo Pavilion, 15-16 June 2010.
This conference was hosted by Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, and co-organized by Consulate General of Ireland in Shanghai, and Shanghai Lu Xun Museum.
Conference Theme: To promote the research, teaching, and understanding of Irish literature and culture
Professor WANG Guanglin (Dean of School of Foreign Languages for International Business, SIFT) presided over the opening ceremony of the conference, and he read the letters of congratulations respectively given by Mr. John Lynam (Vice Consul General in Consulate General of Ireland) and Beijing Foreign Studies University. Professor YE Xingguo (Vice President of SIFT),
Dr. WANG Xirong (Deputy Curator of Shanghai Luxun Museum), and Mr. Eoin Murphy (Present of The Irish Community of Shanghai) offered remarks in the opening ceremony.
On June 15, there were four sessions, which were chaired respectively by Professor CHEN Shu (Former Director of Irish Studies Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University), Professor SUN Jian (Assistant to the Dean of School of Foreign Languages, Fudan University), Professor YANG Jincai (Director of Centre for Irish Studies, Nanjing University), and Dr. FENG Jianming (Director of Centre for Irish Studies, SIFT). Academics delivered their speeches based on the thematic areas of the conference. Among the speakers, Ms. WEN Jiero, Chinese translator of Ulysses, delivered a special report on the translation of Ulysses.
On June 16, which is considered as Bloomsday to mark the life of Irish writer James Joyce (1882-1941) and the events in his novel Ulysses (1922), the venue of the conference was shifted to
Ireland World Expo Pavilion. As Deputy Commissioner General, Ireland Pavilion, Mr. John Lynam presided over the last session of the conference. Dr. Colbert Kearney (Professor at University College Cork) and Dr. Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin(Associate Professor of English at Trinity College Dublin) delivered speeches in this session, and they discussed theoretical and academic issues with other participants of the conference.
International Conference on Irish Writers and Ireland is beneficial to the study of Irish literature and cultural exchange between China and Ireland, to the promotion of Sino-Irish relations and mutualunderstanding, to the academic exchange between the academics of the two countries, and to the development of Irish studies in China.
16 June, 2010: Dr. Feng Jianming accepted the following invitation:
On the occasion of the Visit to Shanghai by the President of Ireland Mary McAleese Reception hosted by the Consul General of Ireland in Shanghai, Mr Conor O'Riordan and Mrs Patricia O'Riordan request the pleasure of the company of Dr. Feng Jianming at a performance of Irish music followed by a reception in the Grand Ballroom of the Pudong Shangri-La Hotel, Shanghai on Wednesday 16 June 2010 at 17.30 hours.
16 June, 2010: In the Grand Ballroom of the Pudong Shangri-La Hotel, Shanghai Dr. Feng Jianming made a new friend Loman-Michael Dempsey, and he accepted his new pal's suggestion to use a Gaelic name: Séamus. Dr. Feng Jianming found that the quotations chosen by him was adopted on the outside of back cover of News from the Irish Community of Shanghai, a periodical.
Here are the adopted quotations from Ulysses:
"Human life. Dignam. Ugh, that rat's tail wriggling! Five bob I gave. Corpus paradisum. Corncrake croaker: belly like a poisoned pup. Gone. They sing. Forgotten. I too. And one day she with. Leave her: get tired. Suffer then. Snivel. Big spanishy eyes goggling at nothing. Her wavyavyeavyheavyeavyevyevyhair un comb:'d."
18 June, 2010: Dr. Feng Jianming, his wife and son were invited by Eoin Murphy (President of The Irish Community of Shanghai) to attend the birthday party of Mrs. Murphy.
13 July, 2010: Irish poets Matthew Sweeney and Mary Noonan visited the Centre for Irish Studies, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade. They read poems, and exchanged with Dr. Feng Jianming and Feng's colleages and postgraduate students. After the reading of Matthew and Mary, Dr. Feng Jianming invited the two Irish poets to enjoy a typical Chinese lunch.
5 August, 2010: Irish scholar Louis de Paor (the Director of the Centre for Irish Studies at the National University of Ireland, Galway) visited the Centre for Irish Studies at Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, and delivered a lecture on Irish culture, literature, and language. He had an academic discussion with Dr. Feng Jianming and Feng Jianming's colleagues and postgraduate students.
10 October, 2010: Dr. Feng Jianming attended the staged reading and launch of the play By the Bog of Cats... by Marina Carr at Shanghai Theater Academy, and talked with Peter O'Connor, who is newly-appointed Vice-Consul at the Consulate of Ireland in Shanghai, and Sarah Jane Scaife, who is the director of the play.
12 March, 2011: Professor Feng Jianming was invited by Eoin Murphy, the President of the Irish Community of Shanghai, to the Shanghai Centre to share the pleasure of the Irish Festival and Carnival with his Irish friends to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. There, he met Cllr. Michael O'Connell, Lord Mayor of Cork, and he was pleasted to present his new friend with his books Characterization in Joyce's Novels and The Transfigurations of the Characters in Joyce's Novels.