





  • 014.07 至今 福州大學材料科學與工程學院 副教授
  • 2015.04-2016.08 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校材料科學與工程系 訪問學者
  • 2010.07-2014.07 福州大學材料科學與工程學院 講師
  • 2004.09-2010.07 福州大學 材料學 碩博連讀 博士
  • 2007.09-2008.08 華東理工大學 訪問博士生
  • 2000.09-2004.07 安徽工業大學 無機非金屬材料工程 學士



  • 已承擔國家自然科學基金項目(青年創新基金)、教育部高校博士點基金項目(新教師類)、福建省自然科學基金(青年基金、面上)項目等課題。
  • (1) 智能響應的納米結構功能組裝及其機敏特性調控;
  • (2) 半導體氧化物納米材料的組成結構調控與光電催化效應研究





  • [1] Kewei Yang, Xiaoyu Chen, Zhenhuan Zheng, Jiaqi Wan, Miao Feng*, and Yan Yu*. Solvent-induced surface disorder and doping-induced lattice distortion in anatase TiO2 nanocrystals for enhanced photoreversible color switching. J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 3863–3873. (2019 Journal of Materials Chemistry A HOT Paper)
  • [2] 趙海兵, 徐海峰, 楊克偉, 林辰學, 馮苗*, 於岩*. Mg摻雜TiO2納米晶光氧化還原染料的可逆顏色轉變研究. 無機材料學報 2018, 33 (10), 1124-1130.
  • [3] Shurui Liu, Longzhao Wang, Chan Zheng, Qidi Chen, Miao Feng*, and Yan Yu*. Cost-effective asymmetric supercapacitors based on nickel cobalt oxide nanoarrays and biowaste-derived porous carbon electrodes. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2017, 5, 9903−9913.
  • [4] Huibin He, Miao Feng*, Qidi Chen, Xinqi Zhang and Hongbing Zhan*. Light-induced reversible self-assembly of gold nanoparticles surface-immobilized with coumarin ligands. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 936-940.
  • [5] Zipeng Zhao†, Miao Feng†, Jihan Zhou, Zeyan Liu, Mufan Li, Zheng Fan, Oshton Tsen, Jianwei Miao, Xiangfeng Duan and Yu Huang*. Composition tunable ternary Pt-Ni-Co octahedral for optimized oxygen reduction activity. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 11215-11218. (†Equal contributors)
  • [6] 史晨陽, 何惠斌, 洪暫發, 詹紅兵, 馮苗*. 鹽酸後處理對水熱合成納米鈦酸鹽形貌及光限幅效應的影響. 物理化學學報(英文版)2015, 31(7): 1430−1436.
  • [7] Miao Feng and Hongbing Zhan*. Facile preparation of transparent and dense CdS-silica gel glass nanocomposites for optical limiting applications. Nanoscale 2014, 6, 3972-3977.
  • [8] Miao Feng, Wen You, Zhongsheng Wu, Qidi Chen, and Hongbing Zhan*. Mildly alkaline preparation and methylene blue adsorption capacity of hierarchical flower-like sodium titanate. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2013, 5(23), 12654-12662.
  • [9] Wen You, Miao Feng*, Yanmei Zhan, Rui Chen and Hongbing Zhan. Influence of NaCl concentration on structural, morphological, and optical properties of titanate nanostructures. Chem. Eng. J. 2013, 233, 360-368.
  • [10] Miao Feng and Hongbing Zhan*. CdS nanobubbles and Cd-DMS nanosheets: Solvothermal synthesis and formation mechanism. J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 2013, 13, 924-928.
  • [11] Miao Feng, Hongbing Zhan*, and Yu Chen*. Nonlinear optical and optical limiting properties of graphene families. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2010, 96, 033107-1-3.
  • [12] Miao Feng, Hongbing Zhan*, and Lei Miao*. Facile assembly of cadmium sulfide quantum dots on titanate nanobelts for enhanced nonlinear optical properties. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2010, 2, 1129-1135.
  • [13] Miao Feng, Hongbing Zhan*, and Lei Miao*. Facile solubilization of titanate nanobelts for nonlinear optical investigations. Nanotechnology 2010, 21, 185707-1-6.
  • [14] Miao Feng, Ruiqing Sun, Hongbing Zhan*, and Yu Chen*. Decoration of carbon nanotubes with CdS nanoparticles by polythiophene interlinking for optical limiting enhancement. Carbon 2010, 48, 1177-1185.
  • [15] Miao Feng, Ruiqing Sun, Hongbing Zhan*, and Yu Chen*. Lossless synthesis of tiny CdS quantum dot-decorated grapheme nanosheets with large nonlinear optical properties. Nanotechnology 2010, 21, 075601-1-7.
  • [16] Miao Feng, Yu Chen*, Lingling Gu, Nan He, Jinrui Bai, Ying Lin, and Hongbing Zhan*. CdS nanoparticles chemically modified PAN functional materials: preparation and nonlinear optical properties. Eur. Polym. J. 2009, 45, 1058-1064.
  • [17] Miao Feng, Yu Chen*, Nan He, Lingling Gu, Lili Gao, Zheng Hu, Ying Lin, Xiaodong Zhuang, and Hongbing Zhan*. Ultrasound-assisted bulk synthesis of CdS-PVK nanocomposites via RAFT polymerization. J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 2008, 46, 5702-5707.


  • 2019年福州大學優秀碩士學位論文指導教師獎
  • 2018年福州大學優秀碩士學位論文指導教師獎
  • 2016年福建省研究生優秀學位論文指導教師獎
  • 2014年度先進科技工作者、優秀導師獎
  • 2012年福州大學學術新人獎
  • 2012年福建省優秀博士學位論文二等獎[1]
