














(1)《宋代鄉役人數變化考述》,《中國史研究》2005年第1期, 1.35萬字,中國人民大學報刊資料《宋遼金元史》全文複印,CSSCI期刊。









(10)《「稅賦弊源皆在鄉胥之胸中」——南宋中後期東南路分鄉司在賦役征派中 違法舞弊的表現及其社會內涵》,《中國社會經濟史研究》2012年第4期,1.7萬字,CSSCI期刊。


(12)《唐宋時期鄉村控制理念的轉變》,《廈門大學學報》2009年第1期,1.5萬字,《新華文摘》部分摘編,中國人民大學報刊資料《宋遼金元史》全文複印,CSSCI期刊。 (13)《宋朝的鄉役與鄉村「行政區劃」》,《南開學報》2008年第1期,1.5萬字,中國人民大學報刊資料《宋遼金元史》全文複印,《高校文科學報文摘》摘錄,CSSCI期刊。









DIAO Peijun, Ph.D.

Associate Professor.

E-mail: peijun@xmu.edu.cn


1997, Hebei University;

2002, M.A, Hebei University(Tutor: professor QiXia);

2006, Ph.D., Nankai University(Tutor: professor Li zhian & Deng Xiaonan).

Research Area

History of Song Dynasty (The main Research Area), and Tang & Yuan Dynasties, and 20 Century History of historiography. Men and women in Chinese history.

Selected Publications

1.A Study on the Local Labor population in the Song Dynasty. Journal of Chinese Historical Studies. 2005, (1): pp85-96.

2. Four Questions about Bao jia(保甲)System of the Song Dynasty, Journal of Chinese Historical Studies. 2009, (1): pp69-82.

3. The「Free life」of Villagers under the Norm of Governance by the Officials and by the People: A Primary Investigation into the life World of Villagers in the Song Dynasty. Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy (Jinan). 2013, (4): pp 93-106.

4. The practice of Follow the Husband Protocol of Northern Song Women. Social Science Front. 2013, (7): pp 104-111.

5. Introspection about 「Tang-Song Transition」 Hypothesis and the 「Historical China」 under the Regional Vision. Academic Monthly (Shanghai). 2013,(2).

6.Zhushou(主首) as the chief of Village during the Yuan Dynasty: Functions and changes, Wen Shi(Beijing),2012(1), pp 153-168.

7.The Summary of Thesis, Interpretation of Historical Materials, and Demonstration of Historiography, Journal of Chinese Historical Studies. 2011, (4): pp189-197.

8.Research by Modern Chinese Scholars on Service and Corvée in the Sung Dynasty: Past and Future, Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies(Taibei), vol.22, 2003-08, p15-26.

9. On Rural Elites and Social Control in Song Dynasty, Social Science Journal;2004-2, p91-96.

10. The effort of State power’s Penetration into Villages in Song Dynasty, Jiangsu Social Sciences,2005-4, p205-210.

11. Function, Mutual Effect and Its Achievement of Nation Systems in the Countryside – A discussion on Confusion of Census Record in the Song Dynasties and its Effect to Rural Labor Service System, The Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History ,2006-3.p10-20.

12. Local Labors and the Rural administrative District System in Song Dynasty, Nankai Journal,2008-1,p88-95.

13. A History Review on Local Errand Policy during Northern Song and Southern Song Dynasties, The Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History, 2008-3, p20-28.

14. The Shift in the Idea of 「Rural Control」 between the Tang and Song Dynasties,Journal of Xiamen University 2009-1, p82-90.

15. Probe into Rural Society in Southern Song Dynasty, Studies in Sinology,Vol.24,2009, Center for the Study of Traditional Chinese Culture, Peking University.[1]
