


來自 網絡 的圖片

劉桂真(1944- ),山東大學數學與系統科學學院教授[1],曾任該院院長。出版《運籌學》等多部著作。曾被評為全國先進教職工、山大三八紅旗手和山大十大女傑[2]。2006年被評為山東省教學名師,2007年被評為國家教學名師[3]





國 籍 ---- 中國

職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者





劉桂真,1944年生人,1968年大學畢業於山東大學數學系,1981年研究生畢業於山東大學數學系。1985年至1987年在加拿大 Simon Fraser 大學訪問兩年。自1981年以來一直從事圖論和組合優化等方面的研究工作,共發表論文160餘篇,出版著作4部,其中《運籌學》獲教育部科技進步二等獎。先後共承擔教學項目2項,其中國家級教學研究項目1項,國家和省部級科研項目16項,其中承擔國家自然科學基金重點項目2項,面上項目6項。並獲教學獎6項,其中省部級4項,廳局級獎勵2項;獲科技進步獎11項,其中省部級7項,廳局級獎勵4項。1996年至2002年期間曾先後6次赴香港4所大學進行合作研究。目前為山東大學數學與系統科學學院教授,國務院聘任的博士生導師,曾任該院第一任院長。曾是國家教委高等學校數學與力學教學指導委員會委員,中國圖論研究會理事長。目前兼任威海分校數學系系主任,是山東省科學技術拔尖人才,校聘關鍵崗位人員。1993年起享受政府特殊津貼,曾是《數學進展》和《應用數學》編委會編委,全國高校理科高等數學研究會理事長,全國組合數學和圖論研究會副理事長等。目前是國家自然科學基金、博士點基金、博士後基金、優秀博士論文等通訊評議專家,是數學國家教學獎、數學和力學國家自然科學獎評審專家,國家科技部重大項目諮詢專家,863項目評審專家等。目前是國際學術刊物 Graphs and Combinatorics 的編委。由於在科研方面的成績突出,被"美國數學評論"聘為評論員及美國數學會會員,分別被美國和英國劍橋國際名人傳記中心認為是有突出貢獻的科學家而載入"世界名人錄","世界科技工程名人錄"等。曾是全國第九、十屆政協委員,民盟山東省委員會副主任委員。





刁在筠,劉桂真,宿潔,馬建華,運籌學,高等教育出版社,2007 (作為"十一五"國家級規劃教材出版第三版)



Xia Zhang and Guizhen Liu, Some graphs of class 1 for f-colorings, Applied Mathematics Letters 21 (2008), 23-29. (SCI)

Guizhen Liu,Qinglin Yu, Lanju Zhang, Maximum fractional factors in graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters 20 (2007), 1237-1243. (SCI)

Guizhen Liu, Yan Zhu, Jiansheng Cai, On the Randic index of unicyclic graphs with girth g, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. 58 (2007),127-138. (SCI)

Guizhen Liu, Jianfeng Hou, Jiansheng Cai, Some results about f-critical graphs, Networks 50(3) (2007), 197-202. (SCI)

Meijie Ma, Guizhen Liu, Junming Xu, Panconnectivity and edge-fault-tolerant pancyclicity of augmented cubes, Parallel Computing 33 (2007), 36-42. (SCI)

Jin Yan, Guizhen Liu, On 2-factors with quadrilaterals containing specified vertices in a bipartite graph, Ars Combinatorics 82 (2007),133-144. (SCI)

Jianliang Wu, Jianfeng Hou and Guizhen Liu, The linear arboricity of planar graphs with no short cycles, Theoretical Computer Science 381 (2007), 230-233. (SCI)

Ping Li, Guizhen Liu, Cycles in Circuit Graphs of Matroids, Graphs and Combinatorics 23 (2007), 425-431. (SCI)

Jihui Wang, Guizhen Liu,Some results on fractional edge colorings of graphs, Ars Combinatorics 83 (2007), 249-255. (SCI)

Meijie Ma, Guizhen Liu, Xiangfeng Pan, Path embedding in faulty hypercubes, Applied Mathematics and Computation 192 (2007), 233-238. (SCI)

Kefeng Diao, Guizhen Liu, D. Rautenbach, P. Chao, A note on the lset number of edges of 3-uniform hypergraphs with upper chromatic number 2, Discrete Mathematics 306 (2006), 670-676. (SCI)

Jianfeng Hou, Guizhen Liu, Jiansheng Cai, List edge and list total colorings of planar graphs without 4-cycles, Theoretical Computer Science 369 (2006), 250-255. (SCI)

Liu Guizhen, Deng Xiaotie, Xu Changqing, Partitioning series-parallel multigraphs into v*-excluding edge covers, Science in China Series A Mathematics 49(8) (2006), 1082-1093. (SCI)


來自 頭條 的圖片

Xia Zhang, Guizhen Liu, Some sufficient conditions for a graph to be of Cf1, Applied Mathematics Letters 19 (2006),38-44. (SCI)

Fan Hongbing, Liu Guizhen, Liu Jiping, Minimal regular 2-graphs and applications, Science in China Series A Mathematics 49(2) (2006),158-172. (SCI)

Jiansheng Cai, Guizhen Liu, Stability number and fractional f-factors in graphs, Ars Combinatoria 80 (2006),141-146. (SCI)

Jin Yan, Guizhen Liu, On 2–Factors with Prescribed Properties in a Bipartite Graph, Acta Mathematica Sinica 22(4) (2006), 1115-1120. (SCI)

Liu Guizhen, Deng Xiaotie, A polynomial algorithm for finding (g,f)-coloring orthogonal to stars in bipartite graphs, Science in China Series A Mathematics (2005) 48(3), 322-332. (SCI)

Liu Guizhen, Zhang Lanju, Properties of fractional k-factors of graphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica 25 B (2) (2005), 301-304. (SCI)

Song Huimin, Liu Guizhen, On f-edge cover-coloring of simple graphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica 25 B (1) (2005), 145-151. (SCI)

Liu Guizhen, Liu Yan, On (g,f)-uniform graphs, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, English Ser. 21(4) (2005), 57-76.

Liu Guizhen, W. Zang, f-factors in bipartite (m,f)-graphs, Discrete Applied Math. 136(1) (2004). (SCI)

Yan Liu, Guizhen Liu, Number of maximum matchings of bipartite graphs with positive surplus, Discrete Math. 274 (2004), 311-318. (SCI)

Ma Yinghong, Liu Guizhen, Some results on fractional k-extendable graphs, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics 21(4)(2004), 567-573. (EI)

Yan Jin, Liu Guizhen, Vertex-disjoint quadrilaterals in bipartite graphs, J. Systems Science and complexing17(4) (2004), 532-537.

Bian qiuju, Liu Guizhen, (g,f)-factors with special properties in bipartite (mg,mf)-graphs, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser B 19(2) (2004)133-139.

Diao Kefeng, Liu Guizhen, Upper bounds on minimum number of C-edgesod 4-uniform C-hypergraphs, Mathematica Applicata 17 (4) (2004), 623-628.

Liu Guizhen, Feng Haodi, Yu Jiguo, 2-factors with some properties in 2d-regular graphs, Proceedings of the international conference on Mathematical programming, Shanghai University press (2004),251-258. (ISTP)

Yan Jin, Liu Guizhen, A new result on independent large cycles in bipartite graphs, Proceedings of the international conference on Mathematical programming, Shanghai University press (2004), 400-404. (ISTP)

Song Huimin, Liu Guizhen, Aplications of an equitable edge-coloring theorems, Proceedings of the international conference on Mathematical programming, Shanghai University press (2004), 350-355. (ISTP)

Feng Li, Liu Guizhen, Edge disjoint graphs in (mg+k-1,mf-k+1)-graphs, Proceedings of the international conference on Mathematical programming, Shanghai University presof the international conference on Mathematical programming, Shanghai University press (2004), 163-169. (ISTP)

Guizhen Liu, Binhai Zhu, Some problems on factorizations with constrains in bipartite graphs, Discrete Applied Math. 128 (2003), 421-434. (SCI)

Yu Jiguo, Liu Guizhen, (g,f)-factors in bipartite (mg,mf)-graphs, Mathematica Applicata 16(1) (2003), 126-129.

Guizhen Liu et al., A PTAS for minimizing total completion time of bounded batch scheduling, LNCS 2337(2002), 304-314. (SCI, ISTP)

H. Feng and Guizhen Liu, Orthogonal factorizations of graphs, J. Graph Theory 40(4) (2002), 267-278. (SCI)

Yan Liu, Guizhen Liu, The fractional matching numbers of graphs, Networks 40(3) (2002), 228-231. (SCI)

Liu Guizhen, Long Heping, Randomly orthogonal (g,f)-factorizations in graphs, Acta. Appl, Math. Sinica, English Ser. (2002). 18(3), 489-494.

Miao Lianying, Liu Guizhen, Edge covered coloring and fractional edge covered coloring, J. of Systems . Science. and complexing (2002).15(2), 187-193.

Wu Jianliang and Liu guizhen, The linear arboricity of composition graphs, J. Sys. Sci. and Com. (2002). 15(4), 372-375.

Guizhen Liu and Q. Yu, Generalization of matching extensions in graphs, Discrete Math. 213 (2001), 231,311-320. (SCI)

Liu Guizhen, Zhang Lanju, Fractional (g,f)-factors of graphs, Acta. Math. Scientia 21B(4) (2001), 541-545. (SCI)

Liu Guizhen, Dong Henian, Orthogonal (g,f)-factorizations of bipartite graphs, Acta Math. Scientia 21B(3) (2001), 316-322. (SCI)

G. Li, Guizhen Liu, A generalization of orthogonal Factorizations in graphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 17(4) (2001), 669-678. (SCI)

Yan Xiaoxia, Liu Guizhen, Edge disjoint (g,f)-factors orthogonal to r disjoint subgraphs in (mg+k,mf-k)-graphs, Mathematica Applicata, 2001,14(4) 37-41.

P. C. B. Lam, Guizhen Liu et al., Orthogonal (g,f)-factorizations in networks, Networks 35(4) (2000), 285-287. (SCI)

Liu Guizhen, On (g, f)-uniform graphs, Advance in Mathematics 29(3), (2000),285-287.

Liu Guizhen and Zhang Lanju, Maximum fractional (0, f)-factors of graphs, Mathematica Applicata,(2000),13(1),31-35.

Guizhen Liu, Q. Yu, k-factors and extendability with prescribed components, congr. Numer. (1999),139,77-88 (ISTP).

L.Miao, G.Liu, An extension of one theoremn of critical edge-chromatic graphs, Mathematica Applicata,1999,12(3), 69-71.

Guizhen Liu, Q. Yu, Toughness and perfect matchings in graphs, Ars combinatoria, (1998), 41(3), 267-272. (SCI)

G. Li and Guizhen Liu, (g,f)-factorizations orthogonal to a subgraph in graphs, Science in China SerA, (1998), 41(3), 267-272. (SCI)

L. Xie, Guizhen Liu, B. Xu, On endo-homology of complexs of graphs, Discrete Math., (1998), 188, 285-291. (SCI)

Guizhen Liu, Q. Yu, On n-edge-deletable and n-critical graphs, Bulletin of the ICA, (1998), 24, 65-72.

Liu Guizhen and Wang Jianfang, (a,b,k)-critical graphs, Advanced in Mathematics,(1998),27(6),536-540.

G.liu and J.Wang, (a,b,k)-critical graphs, Chinese Science Bulletin, (1997), 42(17), 1492-1493. (SCI)

Li Guojun and Liu Guizhen,(g,f)-factorizations Orthogonal to a subgraph in graphs, Science in China A 40(1997).

Li Guojun and Liu Guizhen, Factorization orthogonal to a subgraph in graphs, Advanced in Mathematics,(1997),26(5),464-468.

Liu Guizhen, A 2-factorization orthogonal to a star in a graph, J.Sys.Sci and Math.Scis.9:1(1996)38-42.

G. Liu and G. Yan, Orthogonal [k-1,k+1]-factorizations in graphs, J. Statistical and inference 51(1996)195-200.(SCI)

Liu Guizhen, (g,f)-factorizations orthogonal to a star in graphs, Science in China A38:7(1995)805-812.(SCI)

Xie Litong and Liu Guizhen,Combinatorics Graph Theory Algorithms and Applications,World Scientific Publishing Co.(1995)389-397.

G. Liu and Q. Yu, Star-factors of vertex-deletion graphs, Congr.Number.107(1995)155-160.

Xie Litong and Liu Guizhen,On Whitney's and Tutte's conjecture,Acta Math. Sinica 38:3(1995)289-293.

G.Liu, Orthogonal (g,f)-factorizations in graphs.discrete math.143(1995)153-158.(SCI)

Liu Guizhen, Some conditions for f-covered graphs, Acta Math.Scientia 14(1994)91-97.

Liu Guizhen, (g,f)-factors and factorizations in graphs, Acta Math. Sinica 37:2(1994)230-237.

Liu Guizhen, On solutions of Alspach problems, Chinese Science Bulletin 39:7(1994)541-544.(SCI)

Liu Guizhen, the Paths between two vertices in tree graphs, J. Sys. Sci and Math. Scis. 5:2(1992)108-110.

G. Liu, B. Alspach and K. Heinrich, Some results on orthogonal factorizations in graphs, Advance of Mathematics 21:2(1992)211-215.

S. Chen and G. Liu, Toughness of graphs and [a,b]-factors with prescribed properties, JCMCC 12(1992)215-221.

Liu Guizhen, Toughness and k-covered graphs, J. Appl. Sciences 15:3(1992)391-402.

B.Alspach, K.Heinrich and G.liu ,Orthogonal factorizations of graphs, Contemporary Design Theory:A collection of surveys, John Wiley and sons Inc(1992)13-37.

K. Heinrich, P. Hell and G. Liu, A simple existence criterion for (g,f)-factors, Discrete Math, 85(1990)313-317.(SCI)

Liu Guizhen, Proof of a conjecture on matroid base graphs, Science in China A 33: 11(1990)1329-1337.(SCI)


B.Alspach and G.Liu, Paths and cycles in Matroid base graphs, graph and Combinatorics 5:3(1989)207-211.(SCI)

G. Liu, On [a,b]-covered graphs, JCMCC 5(1989)14-22.

Liu Guizhen, Regular k-covered graphs, Acta Math, Scientia9:2(1989)39-43.(SCI)

G. Liu, A lower bound on connectivities of matroid base graphs, Discrete Math,69:1(1988)55-60.

G. Liu, On connectivities of tree graphs, J.Graph Theory,(1988)12(3),453-459.(SCI)

Zheng H. and Liu Guizhen, some properties on Paths in matroid base graphs, J. Sys. Sci. and Math. Sci. 1:2(1988)104-108.

K. Heinrich and G. Liu, A lower bound 0n the number of spanning trees with k end vertices, J. Graph Theory 12:1(1988)95-100.

G. Liu, On connectivities of base graph of some matroids, J. Sys. Sci. and Math Scis 1:1(1988)18-21.

G. Liu, On f-covered graphs, Congr. Number. 61-(1988),81-86.

Liu Guizhen, On (g,f)-covered graphs, Acta Math.Scientia,8:2(1988)181-184.(SCI)

Liu Guizhen, The connectivities of adjacent tree graphs, Acta Math, Appl.Sinica,3:4(1987)313-317.

Liu Guizhen, A theorem on the 1-factors of r-hypertrees, Advance of Mathematics, 15:4(1986)381-383.

Liu Guizhen, On the lower bound of Chartrand's problem in simple graphs, J. Appl. Sciences4:4(1986)322-325.

Liu Guizhen, Welsh's conjecture is true for simple binary matroids, Kexue Tong bao 30:9(1985)1147-1150.

Liu Guizhen, An algorithm for lexicographically generating ordered rooted trees, J. sys. Sci. and math.Scis.5(1985)15-19.

Liu Guizhen, A theorem on the 1-factors of (m,n)-trees, Acta Math.Scientia 5:3(1985)267-170.

Liu Guizhen, Matroid complexes-geometrical representations on Matroids, Acta Math, Scientia5:1(1985)35-42.

Liu Guizhen, A lower bound in solutions of chartrands problem, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica 1:1(1984)93-96.











圖的染色與因子理論, 獲2005年山東高校優秀科研成果自然科學類二等獎(第二位)





圖論,國家天元基金資助重點項目,批准號19136014, 5.8萬元,1994年-1998年,(單獨承擔子課題)。

圖論,國家自然科學基金資助重點項目,批准號19831080, 62萬元(子課題9.9萬元),1999年-2003年,(單獨承擔子課題)。


圖中有約束條件的因子問題的研究,國家教委博士點基金,批准號 97042207,3.5萬元 1998年-2000年,(第一位,承擔)。

關於正交因子分解的研究,國家教委博士點基金,批准號9242207, 1.9萬元,1992年-1995年,(承擔,第一位)。

網絡優化設計及在實際中的應用,國家教委博士點基金1.8萬元 1991-1993,參加(第二位)。


資源安全高效益開採的決等模型與軟件系統,山東省自然科學基金重點項目, 14萬元,2000-2002,參加(第二位)。

圖與網絡技術研究,山東省自然科學基金重點項目,批准號Z2000A02, 5萬元,2000-2002,(承擔,第一位)。


圖的(g,f)-染色理論研究, 國家自然科學基金,批准號10471078,23萬元 2005年-2007年,(第一位,承擔)。

圖的因子與因子分解,高等學校博士點學科專項基金,批准號20040422004, 5萬元 2005-2007, (第一位,主持)。

圖與網絡技術在計算機科學中的應用,國家自然科學基金,批准號60673047, 26萬元 2007年-2009年,(第一位,承擔)。
