

卡爾·雷納(英語:Carl Reiner,1922年3月20日-)是一位美國喜劇家、演員、導演與作家。雷納的職業生涯持續了將近70年。

Carlton Reiner

出生 Carlton Reiner
(1922-03-20) 1922年3月20日(103歲)
母校 Georgetown University
知名於Your Show of Shows
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Father of the Pride
配偶 Estelle Reiner (1943–2008; her death)
兒女 Rob Reiner
Lucas Reiner
Annie Reiner

在他早期的的電視喜劇生涯中,從1950年到1957年,他合作撰寫並出演了喜劇演員席德·西澤主演的《Caesar's Hour》和《Your Show of Shows》。1960年,雷納主要是在進行創作者、製片人、作家、演員相關的工作,出演《The Dick Van Dyke Show》。此外,他還是一位成功的電影導演和作家,曾經與史提夫·馬丁在1970年代有過合作,並導演出過馬丁最成功的幾部電影之一,包括1979年的《The Jerk》。




年份 電影名稱
1997 那段舊情 That Old Feeling
1993 姦情一籮筐 Fatal Instinct
1990 枕邊不細語 Sibling Rivalry
1989 Bert Rigby, You're a Fool
1987 夏日補習班 Summer School
1985 夏日公寓 Summer Rental
1984 衰鬼上錯身 All of Me
1983 換腦怪傑 The Man with Two Brains
1982 大偵探對大明星 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
1979 大笨蛋/開心大少/愚笨的人 The Jerk
1978 獨一無二 The One and Only
1977 Oh, God!
1976 "Good Heavens"
1971 "The New Dick Van Dyke Show"
1970 可憐的爸爸 Where's Poppa?
1969 The Comic
1967 Enter Laughing
1967 "Good Morning, World"


年份 電影名稱
2009 "Make 'Em Laugh: The Funny Business of America"
2009 聖誕快樂-馬達加斯加 Merry Madagascar
2007 十三羅漢/瞞天過海3/ Ocean's Thirteen
2007 Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project
2006 George Clooney: An American Cinematheque Tribute
2006 Greatest Ever Blockbuster Movies
2005 "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson"
2005 The Mark Twain Prize: Steve Martin
2005 The Comedians' Comedian
2004 十二羅漢/瞞天過海2/盜海豪情2/ Ocean's Twelve
2004 自豪的爸爸 "Father of the Pride"
2004 The Dick Van Dyke Show Revisited
2004 "Good Heavens"
2004 "The New Dick Van Dyke Show"
2004 TV Land Convention Special
2004 Funny Already: A History of Jewish Comedy
2004 Emmy's Greatest Moments
2004 On Your Marx, Get Set, Go!
2004 Remarks on Marx: A Night at the Opera
2004 TV Guide Close Up: From Comedy Club to Primetime
2004 Made You Laugh: The Funniest Moments in Comedy
2003 外星神犬/靈靈狗/我愛一嘴毛 Good Boy!
2003 TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV
2003 好漢兩個半 Two and a Half Men
2003 "Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show"
2003 Buried Treasures - Shining Stars
2003 Buried Treasures - The Impact of Sid Caesar
2003 Buried Treasures - The Legend of Sid Caesar
2003 Inside TV Land: Style and Fashion
2003 The Bronx Boys
2003 The Alan Brady Show
2002 "Life with Bonnie"
2002 'Ocean's Eleven': The Look of the Con
2001 電影人生/忘了我是誰(台)/忘我奇緣(港) The Majestic
2001 十一羅漢/瞞天過海(台)/盜海豪情(港) Ocean's Eleven
2001 Hail Sid Caesar! The Golden Age of Comedy
2001 "The Bernie Mac Show"
2001 The Fan Favorites - Love & Laughter
2001 The Fan Favorites - The Professor and Other Clowns
2001 The Fan Favorites - The Dream Team of Comedy
2000 飛鼠洛基冒險記 The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
2000 The Sid Caesar Collection: Creating the Comedy
2000 The Sid Caesar Collection: Inside the Writer's Room
2000 The Sid Caesar Collection: The Magic of Live TV
2000 Inside TV Land: The Dick Van Dyke Show
2000 AFI's 100 Years, 100 Laughs: America's Funniest Movies
2000 Globehunters
1999 "The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn"
1999 "Family Law"
1998 比佛利山超級警探 Slums of Beverly Hills
1997 "King of the Hill"
1996 The Right to Remain Silent
1996 Caesar's Writers
1996 "The Rosie O'Donnell Show"
1995 A Comedy Salute to Andy Kaufman
1994 Carol Burnett: The Special Years
1994 Comic Relief VI
1994 The Dick Van Dyke Show Remembered
1993 姦情一籮筐 Fatal Instinct
1992 "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno"
1991 George Burns' 95th Birthday Party
1991 Something a Little Less Serious
1990 拯救未來 The Spirit of '76
1989 The 41st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
1988 Mickey's 60th Birthday
1987 In the Mood
1987 夏日補習班 Summer School
1987 Carol, Carl, Whoopi and Robin
1987 Jerry Seinfeld: Stand-Up Confidential
1987 This Is Your Life
1987 "Biography" "Biography"
1986 Comic Relief
1986 "It's Garry Shandling's Show."
1985 The American Film Institute Salute to Gene Kelly
1984 The Great Standups
1983 "American Masters"
1982 大偵探對大明星 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
1981 Skokie
1981 High Hopes: The Capra Years
1981 Walt Disney: One Man's Dream
1980 Steve Martin: Comedy Is Not Pretty
1979 大笨蛋/開心大少/愚笨的人 The Jerk
1979 The Muppets Go Hollywood
1978 黃昏夕陽 The End
1978 A Tribute to Mr. Television Milton Berle
1977 Oh, God!
1976 "Good Heavens"
1975 Medical Story
1975 The 2000 Year Old Man
1974 Julie and Dick at Covent Garden
1973 10 from Your Show of Shows
1971 "The New Dick Van Dyke Show"
1969 The Comic
1969 添丁冷戰 Generation
1969 "The Movie Game"
1968 Star Spangled Salesman
1967 A Guide for the Married Man
1967 "The Carol Burnett Show"
1967 "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In"
1966 俄國人來了The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming
1966 Alice of Wonderland in Paris
1966 Don't Worry, We'll Think of a Title
1965 良緣巧遇 The Art of Love
1965 流浪記 John Goldfarb, Please Come Home
1964 "The Hollywood Palace"
1963 瘋狂世界/亡命尋寶/富貴逼人 It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
1963 泡沫之戀 The Thrill of It All
1963 "Burke's Law"
1962 "The Merv Griffin Show"
1962 "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson"
1961 Gidget Goes Hawaiian
1961 "The New Steve Allen Show"
1959 涼亭虛驚 The Gazebo
1959 銀婚夜 Happy Anniversary


年份 電影名稱
2004 The Dick Van Dyke Show Revisited
2003 The Alan Brady Show
1989 Bert Rigby, You're a Fool
1983 換腦怪傑 The Man with Two Brains
1982 大偵探對大明星 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
1975 The 2000 Year Old Man
1974 Free to Be... You & Me
1971 "The New Dick Van Dyke Show"
1969 The Comic
1967 Enter Laughing
1965 良緣巧遇 The Art of Love
1965 Salute to Stan Laurel
1963 泡沫之戀 The Thrill of It All


年份 電影名稱
2004 The Dick Van Dyke Show Revisited
2004 Remarks on Marx: A Night at the Opera
2004 The Alan Brady Show
1976 "Good Heavens"
1971 "The New Dick Van Dyke Show"
1969 The Comic
1967 Enter Laughing
1967 "Good Morning, World"


Carl Reiner Tells A Dirty Joke - CONAN on TBS
